In addition to being Stargate Command's C.O, Landry is also the father of the SGC's Chief Medical Officer, Dr. Carolyn Lam. Unlike his predecessors, Landry is fond of quoting famous people from history.
In addition to being Stargate Command's C.O, Landry is also the father of the SGC's Chief Medical Officer, Dr. Carolyn Lam. Unlike his predecessors, Landry is fond of quoting famous people from history.
Henry "Hank" Landry is a Major General in the United States Air Force and the Commanding officer of Stargate Command since Major General Jack O'Neill was made head of the Office of Homeworld Security. He is also the father of Dr. Carolyn Lam. He is fond of quoting famous people from history.
Landry es un General Mayor de las Fuerzas Aéreas de los Estados unidos y líder del comando Stargate. Amigo del General Jack O'Neill quien lo postuló para el cargo y padre de la doctora del comando Carolyn Lam. Es amante de ir recitando frases de novelas y gente famosa. Categoría:Personajes
In addition to being Stargate Command's C.O, Landry is also the father of the SGC's Chief Medical Officer, Dr. Carolyn Lam. Unlike his predecessors, Landry is fond of quoting famous people from history.
Henry "Hank" Landry is a Major General in the United States Air Force and the Commanding officer of Stargate Command since Major General Jack O'Neill was made head of the Office of Homeworld Security. He is also the father of Dr. Carolyn Lam. He is fond of quoting famous people from history.
Landry es un General Mayor de las Fuerzas Aéreas de los Estados unidos y líder del comando Stargate. Amigo del General Jack O'Neill quien lo postuló para el cargo y padre de la doctora del comando Carolyn Lam. Es amante de ir recitando frases de novelas y gente famosa. Categoría:Personajes