| - Kindle is the Title of a group of common Submachine Guns manufactured by Tediore. They use the incendiary-element Maliwan barrel. The Kindle is obtained randomly from any suitable loot source.
- Kindle is a female SandWing who made her first appearance as a nurse in Burn's army in Deserter. She later fled to the Scorpion Den with Six-Claws and Dune to escape the perils of Burn's Army.
- The Kindle is "a portable device that carries digital copies of books, known as 'ebooks.'" The Kindle "allows consumers to purchase, download, and read ebooks."
- This charm gives the spirit the ability to kindle life's fragile spark wherever that potential exists. Thus, spirits with this charm may cause seeds to germinate, fertilization to occur, or fruit to grow on trees. This charm also allows the spirit to kindle poewrful emotions in other beings. At their most powerful, these emotions can blot out any other emotions in the target for the duration of the charm. Power Cost: 5
- Kindle (Japanese: キャンドル, Candle) (known as Candy in the European version) is a Black Hole CO. She is Jugger and Koal's commanding officer and a member of the Bolt Guard. She has a blunt, queenlike personality and is highly vain. As a city slicker, she excels at urban warfare. She is also professional at insulting people she sees inferior to her, calling them rubes and plebeians. She is also not above threatening her underlings, such as when she threatens that she'll melt Jugger down into shell casings.
- Statistically, Kindle has 403 HP, 37 PP, 114 Attack, 29 Defense, 90 Agility, and 11 Luck. Like all other Mars Djinn that are fought, in terms of resistance, it has a Mars Resistance rating of 193, Venus and Jupiter Resistance ratings of 100 each, and a Mercury Resistance rating of 25, and in regards to its abilities it uses its available Mars-based attacks with a Mars power rating of 125. Kindle can use the following battle commands:
- In the year 2306 AD, hardly any plant-life remains on the Earth. Humans continue using fire as a source of warmth and energy. Fear of global warming had since been destroyed due to the numerous technological advances that had been made throughout time. However, a terrorist organization known as the Green Revival, still believing that global warming is a threat, begin an assault on various major cities in the world. Rather than using weaponry as their form of offense, instead they use their bioweapons; genetically modified plants, that are capable of stealing the life energy from somebody.