| - Crowe: It's your next mission. A group has stranded in the Barious desert, you'll go there and get them out. Kurt: Please wait. Before the mission, isn't there some sort of punishment? Crowe: I would have assumed it was going to be the case. But it seems that nothing's going to happen. Crowe: The orders for your next mission has arrived before your punishment, probably means now's not the time isn't it. Kurt: But why choose us when we're barely a fighting force with the loss of our tank? Crowe: The replacement for 6 has been found. The documents for transferral have all been sent over to your room. Crowe: Just so you know, it's someone you guys have already met before. Well, do get along. Kurt: Yes sir. Crowe: I know you'll come up with your own conclusions on this new transferee. Kurt: ..? Crowe: (That's as much as I can say.) Carisa: It's me again whom you've met so many times before, taking the stage! Carisa: I'm the tank pilot, Carisa Contzen. Number's 63 I think? 3: Of all people, it's you. Carisa: Of all places, the Nameless! That's really supposed to be my line. 21: How did you end up in our squad? Carisa: You want to know? It's going to become a heartwarming story. Carisa: ..you'll grow so heated with passion, and explode in fiery anger. Heh heh. Amy: I think I kind of can imagine what happened.. Carisa: It's those gas rounds. The responsibility for that was pushed towards logistics. Giulio: Is that what command is saying? Carisa: That's right. They said no inspection was necessary on those rounds, so just give them out. I just did what I was told and now they are saying it's my fault for not inspecting them. Carisa: Thanks to that, I'm being sent joyously to be a part of the happy family of the Nameless. Carisa: Those people at command should just fall into hell.. Uh nope, I won't be satisfied unless I drop kick them. Amy: Please don't say such scary things with a smile on your face.. Alfons: Whatever it is, what is going on at command? I cannot believe this to be a fair punishment. Valerie: This is unsettling.. They weren't exactly praiseworthy in the first place. 45: It is confusing isn't it. I just hope there is no negative impact on the rest of the Gallian army. 56: As I thought, Gusurg's decision to leave was the right one.. 3: There's no right or wrong. There's only do this mission or be executed, only survival or death. 56: We take up risks that no one else would, it's do them or die.. All choices point the same way. Riela: Nothing's changed. So let's do our best like before and try to get by. Imca: That is not incorrect. Annika: Hmm, with Gusurg gone it seems something's missing around here. Leila: Forget about the people who aren't here. No sense thinking about it. Carisa: That's right, I can't fill 6's shoes though. I would just like to say I have no intention at all of dying in a place like this so let's try and get along nicely. 21: By the way, you can handle the controls of the tank can you? Carisa: The only thing I can't handle is luck, or repairs of the vehicle maybe? Riela: Have you fought in a real battle before? Carisa: Of course! There's a gap in my resume though. 3: You've been in logistics before this war started haven't you? So that means.. 45: So your experience comes from participating in the First Europan War..? Carisa: Yes, I'm plenty experienced aren't I? 21: How old are you?! Carisa: I stopped counting after 20. Riela: (She's older than I am..) Giulio: Whatever the case, I'm glad we have a tank in the squad again. Alfons: I welcome you, Carisa. Carisa: It's not just the tank, I handle equipment as well. Let's get along nicely in the future. Information about a squad stranded in the Barious desert has just reached our hands and they are at this point. The retrieval of that squad is our mission this time. We will meet our allies in the point arranged and leave the desert as soon as we can. The likelihood of a pursuit in the middle of the desert by Imperial forces are low but it is unwise to let down our guard. We will cover our convoy and make our exit from the battlefield. We cannot continue the trend of failing our missions. All men, use care and attention in your movements.