| - "Until" only has one l, not two (Project page, Spoiler Policy) and "speech" does not contain an a (Project page, Personal Opinions). Should there be a typo section? Okay, punishment number three doesn't need to be there. It's just ridiculous, and it will make people think we're just immature kids trying to run a wiki. I'd advise changing it. -Daiku 02:40, 31 December 2006 (UTC) Well,actually,if you look at this page's history tab,KFan II wrote that.Legodude760 06:32, 31 December 2006 (UTC) You could probably do with changing your spoiler policy, guys... --BS01 Swert Talk
| - "Until" only has one l, not two (Project page, Spoiler Policy) and "speech" does not contain an a (Project page, Personal Opinions). Should there be a typo section? Okay, punishment number three doesn't need to be there. It's just ridiculous, and it will make people think we're just immature kids trying to run a wiki. I'd advise changing it. -Daiku 02:40, 31 December 2006 (UTC) Well,actually,if you look at this page's history tab,KFan II wrote that.Legodude760 06:32, 31 December 2006 (UTC) You could probably do with changing your spoiler policy, guys... --BS01 Swert Talk You mean you want us to copy your wiki's spoiler policy? ToaAuserv?...BPAdmin 02:09, 4 June 2008 (UTC) Did I say that? Just add a small date (even a week) so it doesn't hurt book sales. That's all. --BS01 Swert Talk I agree. If you want BIONICLE and therefore your wiki to survive through the years, you're going to have to avoid doing things that ultimately hurt LEGO's sales. And what exactly is wrong with copying BS01's policy anyway? If it works (and it does), why not base at least part of yours off of it? Not having anything to do with it simply because it originated in BS01 is foolish and illogical (not saying that's what you're doing though). -- Grav Well, we were once criticized by Bionicleman for copying your idea to give our tabs Bionicle-based names. So we aren't going to be quick to copy your ideas in the future. For the record, I think our wiki would survive just fine without a spoiler ban (if Bionicle wouldn't, though I don't think it has a huge effect on sales), but if BZP will ban us for it, I don't think it's worth it to be stubborn. We'll probably end up adding a short spoiler ban. ToaAuserv?...BPAdmin 21:06, 4 June 2008 (UTC)