| - Zuhkara wants to send you after Ghost Widow's soul traps? Very well. You may do as she asks. But be wary: I can grant you permission, but I cannot forestall Ghost Widow's wrath.
- You managed to steal this new soul trap from Ghost Widow's organization. Zuhkara has plans for it.
- One of the hostages you rescued told you:
'I heard the guy you're looking for is walking around in the body of someone real important. A king or a prince, or something.'
- One of the Circle mages you defeated snarled:
'You think you know everything. Hah! You know nothing! You will be vanquished, and the Circle will rule forever!'
- Fortunata: We'll just have to keep it from her, then.
- This book, stolen from Longbow, details the Circle's rituals. The black cover is slick and sticky to the touch.
- You recovered this soul trap from the Circle of Thorns, who had taken over the lab where the designs were finalized.
- Air Thorn Caster: We can never let Arachnos recover this technology.
- Discovery: No! The Soul Trap! We are doomed!
- After defeating Selestar, you took his cloak as Mage Killer Zuhkara requested. Along the way, you've learned a few interesting things about your contact. It seems she was once involved with the Circle mage. Perhaps this explains her hatred of all things magical. More importantly, it's a fact you may be able to blackmail her with in the future.
- Fortunata: Nonsense. She'd be a fool to try.
- Fortunata: You're dead, !
- Inside this soul trap is Lilitu's soul.
- This scroll bears a set of coordinates.
- This scroll has a long list of names.
- Fortunata: Oh, no! She sent !
Fortunata: If Zuhkara gets her hands on the soul trap, there'll be trouble.
- Air Thorn Caster: You will be destroyed!
Guide: ''You will not take the soul traps!
- One of the Circle mages you interrogated said:
'All right! I don't know where Senestrus will be, but I know of a base that is preparing sacrifices to ensure his safety. You could learn more there.'
- This scroll is full of strange symbols. Perhaps Zuhkara can translate it.
- When you defeated the mage Penartes, he told you:
'Your vile soul traps have nearly destroyed us. To stop you we would have done anything--even summon Lilitu. You cannot stop her. She is here, and she thirsts for your blood!'
- One of the Circle mages you defeated told you:
'Your pathetic Zuhkara is right. Senestrus is coming to Grandville, and this very day. But you will never find him in his new body!'
- This book, stolen from Longbow, details the Circle's rituals. It is written in a strange language, which Zuhkara may know how to translate.
- This book, stolen from Longbow, details the Circle's rituals. It is titled, 'On Sacrifyces: Their Uses and Their Various Consquences.'
- This list of the most powerful Mu descendants will certainly come in handy. No doubt Arachnos will want to see it.
- Air Thorn Caster: We will destroy all who come for it!