| - Contrasting with the Genius Ditz, who, while usually foolish and moronic, has flashes of insight or hidden talents, we have the Ditzy Genius who, while very intelligent and talented, has absolutely nothing in the way of common sense, logic, wit or tact. This can occasionally be shown as naivete to the point of stupidity, and/or nigh-Suicidal Overconfidence / inability to see the danger in what they're doing. In any case, these characters end up landing themselves in trouble more often than not. Examples of Ditzy Genius include:
| - Contrasting with the Genius Ditz, who, while usually foolish and moronic, has flashes of insight or hidden talents, we have the Ditzy Genius who, while very intelligent and talented, has absolutely nothing in the way of common sense, logic, wit or tact. This can occasionally be shown as naivete to the point of stupidity, and/or nigh-Suicidal Overconfidence / inability to see the danger in what they're doing. In any case, these characters end up landing themselves in trouble more often than not. The primary difference between a Ditzy Genius and a Genius Ditz is that a Ditzy Genius has high general intelligence but is highly inept at something more mundane than their intellectual interests (social skills, for example) or lacks common sense, whereas the Genius Ditz usually seems dumb or clueless but is in fact highly proficient in at least one fairly specialised skill or field of knowledge. Contrast also Book Dumb, which is a character smart in mundane life but abysmal in everything academic. Sometimes this is a deliberate characterization decision made to give a highly intelligent character a Fatal Flaw, or make them come across as weird, or any number of other reasons. Other times it happens entirely by accident because the writers keep tossing the Idiot Ball to a character who's (perhaps only because we're told as much) supposed to be academically brilliant. See also Cloudcuckoolander or Brilliant but Lazy, especially in cases where the character's intelligence is largely informed. One of the standard Hollywood interpretations of a Nerd, the other two being the Hollywood Nerd and the Extraverted Nerd. Very closely related to Smarter Than You Look. Also compare Absent-Minded Professor, who isn't foolish so much as forgetful. See also No Social Skills and Sacrificed Basic Skill for Awesome Training. Examples of Ditzy Genius include: