| - Wilderness Battlegrounds North(#11596Rnt) - Cybertron Underground The phosphorescent blue landscape here dips into a deep, inhospitable valley dotted with corrosive pools of gallium oxide. In addition to the pools and scattered pieces live ordinance waiting to be stepped on, packs of subterranean wirewolves scavenging the dead and hunting loners add to the challenges of moving through the region unscathed. Endless battles between Darkreach and Markon have turned this already bleak landscape into a veritable hell. In the center of the valley, a fortified lone tower stands as the key to holding the area... Does this valley even have a name? It probably does. But most of the locals on both sides mainly refer to it with words that roughly translate to 'inhospitable hell'. Which is exactly why we are here. The landscape was toxic, the creatures inhabiting it vile and violent. Many Darkreach 'becoming a warrior' trials lead aspiring mechs out here to hunt... and few came back. At least in one piece. Glowing lights and laser fire spotted the valley as small hunting parties of Darkreacher's stalked packs of wirewolves that could be tamed as guard dogs and attack animals. Others were sloshing through the toxic pools, trying to wrestle down amphibious looking creatures or giant metallic snakes so poison can be collected from them. Or trying to throw them into cages to be hauled away and experimented on. Anything and everything that could possibly turned into a weapon against Markon and the Autobots was being considered, and most of the locals were pursuing it with an almost gleeful fervor. In the middle of it all, watching over some of the toxin collectors, is where Razorclaw sat. As typical for the Predacon commander he was still enough it could be considered sleeping. But those steely eyes were watching, ears occasionally twitching with subtle attention. Everything was moving along nicely. So far. So far never lasts for long though... Air Raid shifts and twists into his black F-15E Strike Eagle mode. Police Lamborgini Gallardo is all about the inhospitable hell and the corrosive chemicals! Taking a breaking from randomized drug tests of unsuspectign Decepticons, Contrail is on a mission! To... conquer this inhospitable hell. Someone remind her WHY they want it, again? She drives around the pools and avoid the live ordinance, trying to scout out the area ahead. Arachnae has been pulled to this pit, this place with the miasma of hell to.. perform random drug tests. Well, it is within her skill set, that's certain. And it's getting her some 'outside' time. Still, there's a wrinkled expression of distaste scrawled across her countenance as she trails after Contrail, general disgust in her tone, "..." KRA-THOOM! One of those weird Cybertronian structures, that passes for trees, groans with a mighty shudder. The cause of this unnecessary damage is Headstrong, the Predacon rhino. Acid seeps into the tree's side, hissing, as the mech quickly transforms, then stomps over to the weird, spirally branches. He stares down at what lay in there for a moment, then picks up a Petrodactyl by the neck. "Hah. Gotcha." Headstrong mutters to himself as he drags the squawking, shrieking mess over to one of the cages, "In you go!" With a humph of sheer annoyance, he moves on to his next quarry. THREE HOURS AGO. One of the Predacon flunkies, unaffectionately nicknamed 'Predagopher', supervises construction of the cages in the area, "Yesyesyes, that's right sirs, anything you want to collect, we'll trap and hold here. The spirelizards, the acidgators, all of them are useful...well, barring the Petrodactyls of course." Headstrong folds his arms over his chest, "Oh yeah? Well maybe I *WANT* to catch a Petrodactyl, ever think of that?" The Predagopher bows and scrapes, "Of course, of course, I merely mentioned it because your altmode and all..." Headstrong steps forward interrupting him, "Shut up! Ain't none of you gonna tell me what to do, and I SAID that I am going to catch one of those, IN MY ALT MODE." A FEW MINUTES AGO. Headstrong charges at the very last standing spire in the area, where the lone Petrodactyl left has sought refuge, Headstrong has done nothing else of value during this entire excursion. Blast Off stands not far from Razorclaw. The Combaticon Commander of Aerospace is not getting his hands (or feet) dirty picking through toxic pools for assorted crawling creatures or other questionable things. (You kidding?) He's here to transport some of the items back to base when they are done collecting it. None of this makes him particularly happy, though. Nor does being underground make him particlarly pleased, either. Though it's not too bad- it's big enough to fly down here, which reduces any potential claustrophobic feelings. However, he does pass the time helping in one way- from his perch on a piece of high, dry ground, he scans the area, sniping the creepy-crawlies for the others to nab. The same reason Cons might be in the area is precisely why the Autobots are in the area. Shuttling like a shuttle ought to shuttle (and not Blast Off), Sky Lynx is cruising the area on routine patrol. Decepticons have upped their game in Markon, and in trying to support their allies, Lynx himself has taken it a personal mission to oversee the area and ensure that nothing untoward happens to their Comradely Companions. "I would not anticipate there to be heavy movements in this area, but I could be wrong. The Decepticons have never been above sloughing through the muck and mire. In fact, I could say with a fair degree of certainty that many of them enjoy the prospect." Who is he speaking to? Well, all of those unfortunate passengers. "In fact, I could even say that this very well reminds me of a planet of small yet large-eared green men that spoke funny. Spent all of their days in a swampy marsh trying to discuss the finer points of pholosoph-" He pauses as he soars overhead. "Hold up... I believe I've spotted something worth investigating. Turning about to get another look." F-15E Strike Eagle trails after Sky Lynx, a good distance away because it's a bad day when you have to choke on Sky Lynx's jetwash. He's been hankering for some righteous revenge for a long while, but isn't about to divebomb anything without approval this time around. He does, however, perk up when Sky Lynx spots something, and banks to follow. Prowl is one of those unfortunate passengers who has been forced to let his audio receptors endure the agony of listening to Sky Lynx's arrogant ramblings. He sits in front of a sensor array, monitoring the various frequencies for anything out of the ordinary. His suspicions are that the Decepticons will be scouring every corner of this region for resources against Markon, despite its inhospitable environment. No surprise there, Prowl is right. A few familiar energy signatures appear on the sensor arrays. Thank Primus they get Sky Lynx to stop all that rustwash about absolutely nothing of relevance. "Lynx, if you could bring us in closer, we might be able to get a better signal profile. I suspect the Decepticons are searching for resources to use against the Markon establishments." Robot T-Rex! is not so much on his own at the moment, enjoying the cool comforts of having Sky Lynx do all the flying for him. As Sky Lynx rambles on about refined energy tea and teak floorboards and martians, Grimlocks' eyes have glazed over a long time ago. At the mention of something actually happening, Grimlock peers out of the Sky Lynx's front windows. He can see those pillars topple over, but nothing closer at the moment until Sky Lynx flies back for another look. "Me Grimlock say those things topple over. Don't think it happen on its own. We go back for another look." At first it's only an ear that twitchs. But it's twitch is to the sound of engines flying over the area. And a glance to the side reassures him that Blast Off is still nearby, so it has got to be... Yep. There's the 'not for long' just as he expected. Sky Lynx's exquisit shuttle form is impossible to miss, a glistening form of white against the grimy, gritty environment around them. "And thus the inevitable interruption is inbound..." rumbles the beast, nostril ducks flaring in a snort as he lefts himself to his paws. Then thooming roar that escapes his maw next should get the attention of anyone within hearing distance. It certainly gets the Darkreach Primitives' attention and sends some of the smaller wildlife scattering for cover. "The Autobots approach! Stand and defend yourselves, our endeavours must not be hindered here. DECEPTICONS, TRANSFORM AND RISE UP!" Razorclaw does so himself, standing up into robot mode. As he rises to his full height the dual cannons upon his shoulders angle up and open fire at the two incoming fliers with a scattering volley of small explosive shells. Razorclaw rises up into his formidable robot mode. Combat: Razorclaw misses Exquisite Space Shuttle - Sky Lynx with his Twin Concussion Blasters Area attack! [Pulled -3] Combat: Razorclaw strikes F-15E Strike Eagle with his Twin Concussion Blasters Area attack! [Pulled -3] Police Lamborgini Gallardo explains, "Arachnae, if something goes wrong... you are equipped with weapons? Quite a few of them, if memory serves. You might not know what all of your weapons are, just... don't be surprised. Just kill Autobots with them." The car launches up off a ramp, transforms, and takes to the air, studying Sky Lynx for weaknesses. Weakness: Crummy Beast Hunter toy. She relays that information to Razorclaw. Flipping into a modified F-35B Lightning II, the sky is not the limit. Combat: F-35 Lightning II sets her defense level to Protected. Combat: Contrail analyzes Sky Lynx for weaknesses Razorclaw can exploit. Robot Rhino scowls as he looks around, nonchalantly not helping with any of the mechanimal loading. He notes an acidgator still sunning itself on a rock, and was juuuuust about to make up his mind to go wrassle it into submission just because he can, when Razorclaw bellows out his command. Headstrong turns his head to follow the blaster fire, revealing... "Sky Lynx!" He draws his own weapon, a long tube like rifle, "I don't need YOU tellin me to shoot, I know already!" Headstrong steps back for a better angle at Sky Lynx, firing several ball-like rounds of energy flak into the air as he takes a more defensable position near Razorclaw. Robot Rhino transforms into his Headstrong mode. Combat: Headstrong misses Exquisite Space Shuttle - Sky Lynx with his Plasma Sphere Shooter attack! [Pulled -4] Arachnae pulls up sharply as things begin to go amiss, "WH..." Optics brighten in some mild form of panic, "Wait-a-minute?!" Watching Contrail leap up, transform and fly upwards, "What do you mean, if something goes wrong, we're being shot at, thats *wrong* enough..." The vermillion femme decides that discretion is the better portion of staying alive and dives for cover, "Slagging glitch for cortexes warriors and their incessant penchant for breaking things..." She hunkers down, optics glowing green, fumbling about for something to defend herself with and comes up with, a spanner. "Great.... I'll just dazzle them with my wonderful wrenching abilities..." Combat: Arachnae sets her defense level to Protected. Blast Off hears the oncoming shuttle, too. Being a shuttle himself, he's naturally attuned to the sound- and recognizes the source before he even sees who is making it. Ah... a beacon of sophistication approaches in an otherwise rank, dank pit of waste. Well... *another* beacon besides himself, of course. A shame Blast Off will have to destroy him now... The Combaticon leaps up into the air, transforming, and flies out to "greet" the Autobots. "Sky Lynx.... long time no see. While the presence of a fellow shuttle greatly improves the class of a rank place such as this, I am afraid I shall still have to send you away... We have work to do, after all...." Blast Off notices Air Raid as well, and sighs in some annoyance. "Air Raid, don't you have places to be? Like, oh, I don't know, lying DEAD in the deserts of the Southwest United States somewhere?" The shuttle comes in for a strafing attack on the two visible Bots, but remains cautious. He doesn't know who might be IN Sky Lynx's cargo right now. Last time- *Grimlock* came charging out at him. Of course, what are the odds that would happen again, right? Ha ha ha.... Combat: Blast Off sets his defense level to Guarded. Combat: Blast Off strikes Exquisite Space Shuttle - Sky Lynx with his Greetings Lynx-and why aren't you dead Air Raid? (Full-Auto) Area attack! Combat: Blast Off strikes F-15E Strike Eagle with his Greetings Lynx-and why aren't you dead Air Raid? (Full-Auto) Area attack! Exquisite Space Shuttle - Sky Lynx breaks hard to port as Razorclaw opens fire. "Well, that confirms that..." He opens the bay doors. "Everyone out who's ready to go out. This will be the last stop before engagement, parachutes are available-" he jerks hard to starboard as Headstrong opens fire, only to get tagged by Blast Off. "-in the passenger bay. As always, wait for the green light to jump." Inside the bay, the light remains read until he's had a chance to stabilize his flight-path, turning green the moment there's a viable jump vector for everyone aboard. "Go now!" He checks the bay, strafing the area below to stir up the opposition and provide a bit of cover for Prowl and Grimlock alike. ... Also Air Raid. Combat: Exquisite Space Shuttle - Sky Lynx sets his defense level to Aggressive. Combat: Exquisite Space Shuttle - Sky Lynx strikes Razorclaw with his You've got my attention prepare to d-d-d-d-DUEL! hashtag:BlueEyesWhiteShuttleDragon (Full-Auto) Area attack! Combat: Exquisite Space Shuttle - Sky Lynx strikes Headstrong with his You've got my attention prepare to d-d-d-d-DUEL! hashtag:BlueEyesWhiteShuttleDragon (Full-Auto) Area attack! The sweet embrace of burning pain. Air Raid yelps as the sudden blast of a concussion payload sends him twisting through the air. He burns atmosphere trying to stabilize himself, and quickly zeroes in on the source. Argh, lion. But upon closer inspection there's precisely one Contrail and one Blast Off, which draw the most aggro from Raid, naturally. The HALF-BREED will have to wait, as the crippling sensation of falling through the atmosphere and becoming a crater is still fresh in his mind. Also, Blast Off promptly brings it up. "Sorry to disappoint! I'm hard to KILL!" He's not about to use fat fat Sky Lynx for cover, that's degrading. Combat: F-15E Strike Eagle sets his defense level to Fearless. Combat: F-15E Strike Eagle misses Blast Off with his AIM-9X Missile attack! Who knew Prowl and Grimlock shared a brainwave or two. Grimlock shudders a bit as Sky Lynx pitches and rolls. Teeth clenched around a handle bar before the shuttle bay doors open, letting loose the Autobot menace known as Grimlock. Mind you, he's a way up in the air flying dinosaur. Dinosaurs aren't supposed to fly, silly Dinobot! In any case, Grimlock pivots, using his tail to position himself towards the other shuttle, instantly recognizing Blast Off as he chuckles. "ME GRIMLOCK say Blast Off look better since last time! ME fix that!" A large gout of flame announces his presense to Blast Off, if a plummeting dino didn't already give that impression. Combat: Robot T-Rex! sets his defense level to Guarded. Combat: Robot T-Rex! misses Blast Off with his Fire Breath attack! Prowl waits for the greenlight on the descent vector, then grabs a parachute before jumping out of the cargo bay doors. The chute deploys, and he makes a smooth landing near one of those columns Headstrong recently toppled. Transforming, he takes a moment to analyze the battlefield before him. Its environmental hazards, its terrain, and its current known combatants. Last time, Grimlock crushed Blast Off. Therefore, the Dinobot is particularly effective against the Combaticon shuttle. Prowl shifts forms, folding down into a black and white Nissan 350Z Police Cruiser. Combat: Nissan 350Z Police Cruiser sets his defense level to Protected. Combat: Prowl analyzes Blast Off for weaknesses Grimlock can exploit. F-35 Lightning II transforms again, hovering as a robot, and she draws on Sky Lynx, attempting to bloort him with terrible acid! She calls out, "Ah, what a place for a *beast* - oh, wait, I was talking about Prowl!" Yeah, this is going to get her skidplate beat. In a transformation that is harder than it looks, Contrail rises up into robot mode. Combat: Contrail strikes Exquisite Space Shuttle - Sky Lynx with her Acid Strike attack! Headstrong grunts as his shots go wide of the dino...dino...thing? Sky Lynx' return fire glances off of him much to his annoyance. Headstrong quickly transforms down into his rhino mode, pawing at the ground. When Grimlock moves to enter the picture, a mid-air T-Rex, of all things. Headstrong makes the call, << I'm taking Grimlock out of the picture. >> The rhinoceros, perhaps because he instinctively sees a T-Rex as some sort of ancient predator, charges! Headstrong rushes forward, his horn low, already hissing with acid in preparation of ending Grimlock's reign of terror! Razorclaw takes note as Sky Lynx all but Blast Off's shots in order to disgorge his payload. Including a Dinobot and an undead cop. The tactical peculiarities of this fight surmount by the moment. None the less the Predacon Commander stands his ground even as copious splays of bullets are showered upon him and the ground he stands upon, the ones not striking his form throwing up plumes of acrid dust that hangs in the air. Only to part away as he erupts from within, once more in his leonine form. Vaulting across the valley and leaping up to one of the metal-stone walls, namesake claws digging in with little trouble for him to practically run across the verticle surface, closing in on Sky Lynx's projected path as he's coming around for the next pass. "You cannot hide in the skies from -this- hunter Sky Lynx!" Powerful legs kick to propel him off the wall, and towards Sky Lynx to try and dig his claws into one of those wings! Headstrong transforms into his Robot Rhino mode. Combat: Robot Rhino strikes Robot T-Rex! with his Horn Puncture attack! [Pulled -3] Razorclaw lunges forward to land as a massive, mightly lion. Let the hunt begin! Combat: Battle Lion sets his defense level to Fearless. Combat: Battle Lion misses Exquisite Space Shuttle - Sky Lynx with his Off The Wall Pounce attack! [Pulled -3] Blast Off replies to Raid with a small sigh of annoyance, "Well... I shall have to try harder to kill you, then..." Banking to the right, he avoids a volley from the Aerialbot, then swings around for another shot... but suddenly...Oh slag, you've got to be kidding me. Here comes Grimlock, again, after all- right out of Sky Lynx's cargo bay. The Combaticon is going to really start to develop a psychological complex about this, just you watch. But he was already a bit concerned that would happen... and his suspicions help carry him far away from the flames. A few touch upon his surface, but the heat shields there prevent any damage. That does it. The shuttle is tired of that extra-crispy feeling he often seems to get with the Dinobot around. He wants a fight? The Combaticon can give him one. "I have no plans on taking a Dinobot's fashion advice, Grimlock.... but let me rearrange YOUR look..." and he fires a bombardment burst at Grimlock! With a disdainful shrug, Blast Off transforms into a space shuttle. Combat: Space Shuttle strikes Robot T-Rex! with his This shade of SCORCHED BLACK ought to look great on you..... attack! [Pulled -5] Arachnae egads to herself, it's getting even worse! Optics remain wide as shots are fired, beasts drop from the skies above, thrash about and cause chaos. She fumbles into subspace and pulls out her medkit, palming an injector in case anything gets too close. Still, all of this violence, these are her compatriots after all, she feels the need to do *something*. Visor gleams as she pulls up her HUD, blinks a bit dumbly, then moves to dart to another position, wings angling over her shoulders slightly and partially fanning out as the tips begin to glow. She hasn't a target selected so she's going to remain skulking as best as she can. Acid sizzles against the (awesome) shuttle's hull, but he lets Contrail slip by unaddressed. Truly, the concern on this particular commander's mind is the Predaking-capable duo that is Headstrong and Razorclaw. As the latter takes an opportunity to jump his way, the Autobot Commander transforms and grins inwardly. "HA! Is that the best you can do? Shockwave's pet-project Predaking did better than you are, and even then I toppled that one with laudable ease! You will prove to be nothing more than a joke and a shell of what you ought to be." Transforming mid-flight, he rolls and brings his tail around to literally slap the Predacon commander out of the skies and back towards the rhinoriffic excuse that is Headstrong. "Come on, then! I'll wager the two of you couldn't even get me to break a sweat!" Wait, do mechs sweat? Who cares. He lands in the swamps, sending up a plume of the disgusting marsh and slams his tail against the ground in challenge. "Have at thee, I say." Sky Lynx transforms into the wondrously phenomenal form of a Sky Lynx! Combat: Sky Lynx strikes Robot Rhino with his This is how you Primitive you little inferiors you. TAILPUNCH! Area attack! [Pulled -4] Combat: Sky Lynx strikes Battle Lion with his This is how you Primitive you little inferiors you. TAILPUNCH! Area attack! [Pulled -4] Prowl begins to circle the perimeter of the region, scanning and feeding data to his comrades. Razorclaw, Contrail, and Headstrong have made targets of themselves, but there's one more signature on the field who hasn't made any moves. Hmm, a medic, perhaps. The strategist transforms and levels a shoulder-mounted missile at Arachnae. Because you always take out their healer first. It doesn't take Prime's chief military analyst to figure that one out. The police cruiser rapidly unfolds, revealing Prowl's biped form. Combat: Prowl sets his defense level to Aggressive. Combat: Prowl strikes Arachnae with his Kill the healer! attack! Robot T-Rex! twirls through the air, landing with a ground shaking thud, feet neatly buried up to his ankles in rusty soil. His fire breath went wide of Blast Off and he takes a shot in return from the same, as it singes Grimlock from the head down. Letting out a deep snarl, Grimlock covers his head to no avail, those tiny arms, zey do nuhsing! His head down, Grimlock doesn't even register the Predacon on his radar, ending up bowled tail over tea kettle by the charge from the Rhinobot. "ME say ouch! No like fricasse. Me Grimlock prefer kabob!" Launching himself from prone, Grimlock shifts in mid-air, a handy Rocket Launcher in hand to return fire before he points to the Rhino. "ME deal with you next...you!" A master orater, Grimlock is. "Me say Autobots don't know what Deceptibums doing here, shoot them anyways!" Grimlock stomps his metal dino feet and roars as his body twists, tail splitting to become legs and arms and head emerging along with the familiar transmogrification sound. Combat: Grimlock sets his defense level to Protected. Combat: Grimlock inspires F-15E Strike Eagle , Sky Lynx, and Prowl with majestic and lofty words! F-15E Strike Eagle belts out a string of curses when he misses. "Heat-seeking! HEAT-SEEKING!" he yells at his missiles as he swoops back around, surveying more targets. Everyone here is freakin' speedy! Well maybe not the rhino. But big fat Sky Lynx is on him. "Nrrgh..." Grimlock manages to spurr him into attacking Contrail at least. Twin vulcan cannons start to spin as he dives straight for the conehead, lead pelting the ground and splashing the gallium oxide pools. Combat: F-15E Strike Eagle misses Contrail with his M61 Vulcan attack! Robot Rhino snarls as he is right in the thick of it with Grimlock and Sky Lynx together! The solid thunk of metal on metal from Sky Lynx' tail knocks Headstrong back, but his armor absorbed most of it. "Hraah!" He bellows, "Never a match for Predacons! I'll take you both on!" Acid sizzles from where he gored Grimlock moments ago, luring Headstrong to target him again. He backs up just enough to avoid getting flanked from the pair, then charges Grimlock again, his horn eager to rip into that armor. "Raaah! YOU GRIMLOCK get dealt with now, the only thing we're doing is sending you to the scrapyard...PERMANENTLY!" Combat: Robot Rhino strikes Grimlock with his Horn Puncture attack! [Pulled -4] Razorclaw was right on the mark it would seem, but Sky Lynx's transformation and following tail swat succeeds in swatting him away before he can correct for the change. The lion tumbles to the ground, not quite on his feet as there's a bounce and roll in there first, regardless if he actually hit Headstrong or not. Either way he gets up afterwards, shaking himself off. Okay, Dinobots were one thing. Giant Autobot Dragons are another entirely. This is the point where several of the Darkreach Primitives are more inclined to grab what they could gather and start hotfooting it back towards Darkreach. Not out of cowardice... Well, okay, maybe some cowardice. But it's more out of fear of what Hun-Grr or Razorclaw will do to them if they fail to procure what is needed for later, than of the Autobot assault in itself. "Tch. Shame you chose the wrong side, Sky Lynx. You could of been a formidable ally, rather than merely a bothersome foe. But he has transformed and landed, which may be what Razorclaw wanted all along. A short dash gives him enough of a boost to leap off the ground, and flip mid-air as he transformers. A flip that also smoothly joins with drawing his sonic sword, the blade humming through the air as he brings it slashing down towards Sky Lynx. Contrail sees that Prowl is aggressing her < S>old friend< S> amnesiac medic who has forgotten how her weapons work! Stupid strategist, analyzing the battlefield and drawing conclusions! Trying to draw Prowl away from Arachnae, Contrail tranforms into her car mode to try to shoot up Prowl, machine guns popping out an independently swivelling around. Prowl, Sky Lynx... Air Raid up there, Grimlock being ridiculously heroic... she shoots at everyone with her little machine gun bullets. Razorclaw rises up into his formidable robot mode. Turning into a police car, Contrail fights crime! Wait, that's not right. Contrail causes crime. Combat: Police Lamborgini Gallardo strikes Prowl with her FN Minimi 5.56mm Light Machine Guns Area attack! Combat: Police Lamborgini Gallardo (Contrail) used "FN Minimi 5.56mm Light Machine Guns": A Level 2 AREA-RANGED attack. Combat: Police Lamborgini Gallardo strikes Sky Lynx with her FN Minimi 5.56mm Light Machine Guns Area attack! Combat: Police Lamborgini Gallardo strikes F-15E Strike Eagle with her FN Minimi 5.56mm Light Machine Guns Area attack! Combat: Police Lamborgini Gallardo strikes Grimlock with her FN Minimi 5.56mm Light Machine Guns Area attack! Combat: Razorclaw misses Sky Lynx with his Sonic Broadsword attack! Space Shuttle hits Grimlock, dodges any more missiles that might be coming his way, then circles back around to face Air Raid again. "Now... to finish what I started with YOU...." The Combaticon sounds rather icy, and he is indeed feeling rather icy as he recalls their last encounter and the words exchanged. "You have a big mouth, Aerialbot.... and it is time I shut it up... permanently." He sweeps in for a short bombardment burst at the Autobot. "You should have just died there... are you just too stupid to know when to quit?" Combat: Space Shuttle strikes F-15E Strike Eagle with his Too Stupid to Die Perhaps? -Arrogant Ego Bombardment- a-GO! attack! [Pulled -6] Arachnae was skulking, minding her own business, fretting over the situation and generally not at all wanting to be in this vicinity of combat whatsoever. With wings spanning behind her, she'd made it form one point to another, the fray above eliciting winces from her, a hand going to her helm, "Fragging.. It's.. this is loud..." confused and very muchly ill-at-ease, the femme half turns, and lets out a "AHHH! I'm being shot at!" Backpedaling, falling over and into a pillar tree with wings entangling, "AHHH Fr--" Ka-boom, Prowl's a smart mech, tactical, it does made sense to take out the support and that missile made a lovely explosion, the absolute look of panic on Arachnae's face a priceless thing. The blooming smoke wraps about the pillar, obscuring the vermillion form in fiery justice. If one would be close enough, they might then hear a click, a crackle, a soft "Initializing aggressive protocols, override primary, engage tertiary sequences. Re-cryption of engram program halted." Out of the smokey plume vaults a singularly enraged figure, brandishing.. a spanner in one hand and in the other, a ball of crackling electricity, of which wraps about her hand in it's glowing delight. "My apologies." emits the femme in a flat tone, "But I think you may have elicited an unexpected series of events." Optics gold. "Do excuse me please for the violence." Drawing her hand back, she 'throws' the ball at Prowl. Combat: Arachnae sets her defense level to Aggressive. Combat: Arachnae strikes Prowl with her Blue ball of electric goodness attack! Combat: Arachnae (Arachnae) used "electricity": A Level 4 RANGED attack. Combat: Your attack continues to damage Arachnae Prowl transforms again once he's seen that missile explode into its intended target and set it aflame. That should give the medic something to think about for a while. He contines this battlefield perimeter patrol, attempting to flank the enemy. Contrail's machine guns pepper the area, scorching his bumper a bit but otherwise not causing damage of any real consequence. The ball lightning thing sends the police cruiser careening out of control, though. Still, Prowl's a tough one. It doesn't faze him too much, and he's satisfied with the work of his incendiary missile for now. Hmm...it seems Air Raid is having trouble hitting things this particular cycle. Though that doesn't as a surprise. Does anything come as a surprise to Prowl? Good question. <> Taking up a defensive position does Grimlock absolutely no good. Taking a hail of bullets from a racing car? The bullets manage to riddle through what's left of his armor, the acid pools eating through what's left of his outer plating and Headstrong comes along to tear what little is left after that, the horn gore attack glancing off his main body structure, sending Grimlock skidding back even further, feet sizzling now due to the rusty acid pools licking up his frame. Grimlock decides to return the favour and see if he can't help Headstrong shed some of his armour as well, plucking out a Smiley faced Rocket Crossbow?? He looks confused for a sec, not a new look for Grimlock before he blames the gumby doctor for messing with his loadout. Ah well, never one to look a gift-projectile in the mouth, Grimlock leaps up into the air, back and away from the Rhino and fires, leaving his defensive stance to take a more aggressive approach. "Me Grimlock send bigger Con's than you to be one with Spark, pointy nose! Now smile for the crossbow!" Combat: Grimlock sets his defense level to Aggressive. Combat: Prowl takes extra time to assist F-15E Strike Eagle 's next attack. Combat: Grimlock strikes Robot Rhino with the Crosshairs-forged Grimlock's Smiley Rocket Crossbow attack! Sky Lynx brushes aside a warning that alerts him to some corrosive element seeping through his system. Most likely courtesy Contrail... and all the more when the miniguns strafe through the area. A hint of pride can show when the mainstay force starts to retreat, and... he honestly can't blame them. Were he not a Sky Lynx, he would run at the sight of Sky Lynx as well. His attention is fully on Razorclaw, even as Headstrong is... headstrong about going after Grimlock. Ugh. Well, he tried. Perhaps in a bit... He has a leader to dethrone. "A formidable ally, you say? Come now, don't make me laugh! I would never associate with the likes of you. Quite the contrary! What's more, I assure you of this much: If you believe me to be nothing more than bothersome," he raises himself up out of the way of Razorclaw's dashing slashing attack, "then let me educate you on what I truly am." He drops back down and snaps his teeth at the Predacon proper. Combat: Sky Lynx strikes Razorclaw with his I've got a mouthful to say... and of Predacon chassis apparently. CHOMP! attack! F-15E Strike Eagle is ridiculously inspired dammit, he's not going to relent. Contrail lights up his side with her crazy magic bullets and Blast Off comes back around to nail him with what seems like Pitfire. He winces as he rolls through the air, and scrambles to climb, wings... slightly on fire. <> That's his excuse and he's stickin' to it. He can't think of any decent taunts for Blast Off, at least none that the shuttle would appreciate! Maybe something about mouths and egos and... Argh, EFFIT! "HOW ABOUT YOU DIE!" he exclaims, slinging his cluster bombs erraywharrrr! Well, he may have paused to try to aim /one/ bomb with Prowl's help. Combat: F-15E Strike Eagle strikes Arachnae with his CBU-87 Cluster Bomb Area attack! Combat: Air Raid uses up a charge on his EAGLE TALONS booster pack! Combat: F-15E Strike Eagle strikes Police Lamborgini Gallardo with his CBU-87 Cluster Bomb Area attack! Combat: F-15E Strike Eagle strikes Sky Lynx with his CBU-87 Cluster Bomb Area attack! Combat: F-15E Strike Eagle strikes Razorclaw with his CBU-87 Cluster Bomb Area attack! Combat: F-15E Strike Eagle strikes Space Shuttle with his CBU-87 Cluster Bomb Area attack! Combat: F-15E Strike Eagle strikes Robot Rhino with his CBU-87 Cluster Bomb Area attack! On the plus side, Prowl just did strategist things, rather than attacking Arachnae. On the down side, Air Raid just blew up the world, it seems like to Contrail. The police car explodes, flipping into the air, and she bounces three times before landing on her hood. The Lamborghini wobbles back and forth and then bellows, "DECEPTICONS! This land reeks of corrosion - like the moral corrosion that grips Cybertron! The Autobots wear us down with their WEAKNESS and DRIPPINESS. We must stand fast! And maybe use the chemical showers. But we cannot let them corrupt our way of life. We are warriors! To war!" A strange crossbow bolt strikes Headstrong, shattering part of his armor, but again he shakes it off. He's just too stubborn to die! Air Raid's massive carpet bombing was a bit rougher to shake off. He snorts heavily, still eying Grimlock. "Rip you to pieces, Autobot! Rip and smash, Rip and smash!" He lunges forward again, a short advance forward, using his massive head to...well, rip and smash into Grimlock's torso. "You're weak, Grimlock. I don't fear you! The Predacons don't fear you, you're just prey." He stabs with the horn again, trying to take ground from the Dinobot, "Prey! Nothing more!" Combat: Police Lamborgini Gallardo inspires Arachnae, Razorclaw, Robot Rhino , and Space Shuttle with moving and patriotic words! Combat: Robot Rhino strikes Grimlock with his Gouging Horn attack! Sometimes strategy requires a certain ammount of sacrifice. As brave and powerful as he may be, Razorclaw knows damn well he cannot defeat a foe like Sky Lynx alone. He can, however, keep his attention focused on him. Come, you big winged cat thing, keep your attention on the leader. Severe the head of the snake, as they say. The swing misses, and Sky Lynx clamps down on him. And then Razorclaw grabs onto the giant Autobot, pulling back against him... Not to get out of his mouth, but to keep Sky Lynx focused on struggling to hold him down. Long enough for Air Raid's bombardment to blast both of them. By this time he's starting to feel it, but he's not about to relent that easily. Your own soldiers are shooting you. Your arrogance must -really- be that annoying." His shoulder launchers take aim at Sky Lynx's big ugly face in front of him and opens fire. Combat: Razorclaw misses Sky Lynx with his Point-Blank Concussion Blasters attack! Space Shuttle pulls away after bombarding Air Raid, but isn't quite quick enough this time... not with Prowl assisting Raid's aim. "Agh!" The shuttle's fuselage gets ripped by the explosion, and his already rather flimsy armor is esecially ill-equipped to deal with damage of that type. Ceramic tiles from his heat shields shatter and fall into the toxic pools below. But Contrail's words inspire- he IS a Combaticon, he can take them ALL to school on how COMBAT is done, after all!!! Shaken but not broken, the shuttle arcs around, looking for his next target. One target is not far from Arachnae. Arachnae said something on Decepticon channel about initializing an attack- looks like it was probably retaliation against Prowl? If Prowl takes out the medic, that would be... bad. Especially for a glass cannon such as the Combaticon shuttle. He comes in for a short bombardment aimed at the Autobot stategist. "What, too cowardly to go for a real warrior, Prowl? Chasing medics now, are we? I suppose that's all you think you can handle...." Combat: Space Shuttle strikes Prowl with his Don't Kill the Medic The Odds Are I'll Need Her attack! [Pulled -5] Combat: Space Shuttle (Blast Off) used "Orbital Bombardment Laser": A Level 3 RANGED attack. Arachnae stumbles back after she lobs that electricity, systems reporting damages ongoing from having been and possibly still being on fire in some places. "Fr..ag me.." A hiccuping intake of air, optics flickering gold or green, angle dependent. Same optics narrow and she grips that spanner like it's lifeline. Then in comes the pain rain. Theres a moment where she looks puzzled before a shake of her head and an honest attempt to get out of the way but the myriad clusters of booms just forces her to pinball her way into a crater in which she lies a moment. Words pass over and through her and she hauls herself to her feet, "Me'ven?!?" Narrowing optics with color finally settling on gold, she launches herself into the air, wings wrapping about her frame as she transforms, engines firing up with a heavy *throoomph*, spinning wing over wing to go after the most recent source of pain. A series of ports open at the fore of the craft, spitting forth a series of fletchettes at Air Raid. "You osi'yaim! Why won't you mechs leave me *alone!*" Arachnae transforms into her Voidcraft mode. Combat: Voidcraft strikes F-15E Strike Eagle with her Fletchette Rounds attack! Combat: Your attack continues to damage Voidcraft Sky Lynx can't talk with a mouthful, and he rears up to whip his head and throw Razorclaw so he can respond properly. Of course, luck has it that right as he whips that massive maw around, there's rockets going some...other way that isn't in his face. He blinks. Well, no time to really focus on that bit of randomness. "Hah! You look as though you've forgotten how to aim! Did Shockwave mess that up when he reassembled you? Remind me to thank him later." The remark about Air Raid doesn't rile him either. "Unlike most others, I can take a little scrape here and there. If it means ridding this ground of the likes of you, then so be it. Besides, it didn't hurt in the slightest for me... how about for you?" He glances up at Air Raid and the aerial engagement taking place overhead, transforming.... Or, rather, separating. The Dinobird takes to the skies to unleash a gout of flame while his other half charges after Razorclaw to barrel into the Predacon. "Come now, I could always use a cherry game of cat-and-mouse." He lowers his head to keep the pressure on. Sky Lynx transforms, his body separating into two. The top half retains his bird-like trademark shape, but his lower half sprouts a head and takes to the ground in Lynx form. Combat: Dinobird & Lynx sets his defense level to Fearless. Combat: Dinobird & Lynx misses Space Shuttle with his Let's see you try to occupy two of me Razorclaw! Area attack! Combat: Dinobird & Lynx misses Police Lamborgini Gallardo with his Let's see you try to occupy two of me Razorclaw! Area attack! Combat: Dinobird & Lynx strikes Razorclaw with his Let's see you try to occupy two of me Razorclaw! Area attack! Another strike from Headstrong, sending Grimlock back once more, that horn of his leaving a nice gouge in his chest. What's left of Grimlock's armor singed and cracked, protecting those vital insides of his, preventing any really serious internal injury. The same can't be said for Headstrong though, as Grimlock's Energy Sword hums to life. His expression blank save for the fiery red optic band of his. "Me Grimlock KING of the Dinobots! You puny earth animal! You weak, Me Grimlock strong!" He roars out, waving the sword haphazardly before he rushes forward towards Headstrong and jukes at the last minute, aiming to take a swing at the wide expanse of Headstrong's side. "Like side of barn!" Combat: Grimlock strikes Robot Rhino with his Energo-Sword attack! [Pulled -2] F-15E Strike Eagle fails to stifle abject delight when he sees the ground below him erupt in plumes of flame that singe his paint. "Hahaha! EAT IT!" Then a red aircraft he doesn't recognize slices him up with fletchettes, and rips his armor open. "SLAG that smarts!" His HUD flashes red and he grumbles loudly. << I'ma' fall into the ant hill if I don't bail guys, sorry.>> Combat: F-15E Strike Eagle sets his defense level to Guarded. Combat: F-15E Strike Eagle begins retreating, leaving himself vulnerable to parting shots from Voidcraft and Space Shuttle Divebomb transforms into his Mecha-Eagle mode. No, the medic is totally not all he can handle. It's just that taking the medic down first is top priority. Shouldn't Blast Off understand that? Oh, wait--Onslaught is the strategist of the group. He must be the one who has the smarts and who knows how to plan. The shuttle's alt mode weapons knock him in the back, causing him to stumble forward, but he just turns that stumble into a transformation, reverting to his police cruiser form. His optics scan for that medic...heh. She's still on fire and reeling from Air Raid's cluster bombs. <> And the tactical data is away. Prowl shifts forms, folding down into a black and white Nissan 350Z Police Cruiser. Combat: Nissan 350Z Police Cruiser sets his defense level to Protected. Combat: Prowl analyzes Arachnae for weaknesses Grimlock can exploit. Robot Rhino opens his mouth wide, a defiant growl in his tone. He takes a deep slice from Grimlock's blade, right above the shoulder, but the Predacon doesn't back down. "King? Hah, Puny? HAH! You want to see whose weak, Grimlock, arrogant, stupid Dinobot? You forget our power, our strength!" He draws back towards Razorclaw, but his actions are not that of a retreat, but of something much...much worse. Mecha-Eagle glides in from another part of the valley far to the south with Tantrum and Rampage flying in behind him. The oversized mechanical eagle can barely contain the glee in the flaps of his wings as he flies at his best speeds to site of conflict, << Heh heh heh, so many Autobots for me to choose from when I get there. I can't wait to hear them scre---- EEEEK! >> Divebomb might have above average courage, but even this energon-thirsty Predacon flinches when his optics gets a glimpse of Grimlock... then it settles onto Sky Lynx, << Wuuuh, right... like I was going to say... there will be screaming--- guh?! >> He finally spots Prowl as well and freaks out, << Hey what is this? Isn't Prowl supposed to be dead? The 'bots didn't think the king dino and that oversized shuttle with wings and teeth is enough? >> Divebomb touches down onto the ground and readies himself, << Well I'm here, boss! Ready for the call! >> Police Lamborgini Gallardo manages to evade Sky Lynx by transforming and tumbling away. She comes up on one knee and pulls out her bomb kit. Contrail sees the other Decepticons falling back. Now is the time, she thinks! The other Decepticons are clear, so just... throw it and run. "For the Empire!" In a transformation that is harder than it looks, Contrail rises up into robot mode. Combat: Contrail sets her defense level to Fearless. Combat: Contrail has created a bomb: "I Want to Conquer This Horrible Corrosive Wasteland"! Combat: Contrail strikes Nissan 350Z Police Cruiser with I Want to Conquer This Horrible Corrosive Wasteland's Huge Explosion #10127 Area attack! Combat: Contrail's I Want to Conquer This Horrible Corrosive Wasteland is destroyed! Combat: Contrail (Contrail) used "Huge Explosion #10127": A Level 6 AREA-RANGED attack. Combat: Contrail strikes Dinobird & Lynx with I Want to Conquer This Horrible Corrosive Wasteland's Huge Explosion #10127 Area attack! Combat: Contrail strikes Grimlock with I Want to Conquer This Horrible Corrosive Wasteland's Huge Explosion #10127 Area attack! Razorclaw hits the ground hard when Sky Lynx lets go of him to avoid the blast to the face. Or he's telling himself that's why he let go. His legs buckle partially under the impact, but the Predacon doesn't drop to the ground. Too tenacious for that. Even if the holes Sky Lynx bit in him are sparking. Accursed Shockwave and his stupid experiments, apparently not all of his systems were properly syncronized when the Predacons were reassembled. Or he sat around too long again. Prehaps a bit of both. He barely gets a chance to stand up fully before the landbound half of Sky Lynx slams into him, sending the mech crashing and skidding across the noxious terrain. A couple of the lingering Primitives risk the fray to come over and help him up. Though as soon as he's on his feet Razorclaw shoves one out of the way. "Fools, get the chemical vats and get out of here! Not done with this curr yet." The commander turns back to the fight, gripping his sword with both hands despite his injuries, more than ready to take another round or two. Though maybe he won't have to alone, as the rest of his team arrives. That alone is invigorating. Even if it wouldn't be at full capacity, it was still a show of force. A show of might, of defiance despite all odds. Of the Decepticon way of strength and dominance. Everything their allies in Darkreach respected. It would be enough. "It is time for the hunt to end... and the massacre to begin. Predacons," Razorclaw drops down into his own animal mode, and then leaps into the air to begine. "MERGE! INTO! PREDAKING!" That's when five robots become one. Five hunters become one killing machine. Even moreso than most gestalts, as the unison of five feral, lethal minds in smooth and seamless, brought together all by their love of the hunt and the kill. Five units transform to unite into one, fists and feet locking into place as they combine together, Divebomb's wings flaring from the back and head locking into place to seal the deal. Despite the damages to his components the behemoth that slams feet to the ground still stands with resolution, and despite his humanoid build the challenging bellow that comes from the warmachine is nothing more than a gutteral challenging roar. Space Shuttle blasts Prowl, then sees a barrage of flame coming his way from Sky Lynx. Flame is a really popular theme tonight, isn't it? The shuttle flips to the side to use the heat shields in the underside of his fuselage to protect himself. "Tsk, Sky Lynx! You *know* your shooting skills cannot match my mastery of the air, right? I could fly circles around you all day, I'm afraid." Air Raid begins to retreat, and the Combaticon ponders going after him... "Coward, where are YOU going? Have you actually learned to retreat from your superiors *before* you die?" Perhaps there is some cerebro-cortex activity inside that Aerialbot's head, after all.... But the Predacons starting to form together distracts the shuttle, and he also spots Contrail about to throw a bomb, so he decides to get out of the way instead of pursuing Air Raid. Once THAT's out of the way, he flies back to strike another target. Sky Lynx easily becomes his focus again, and he sends a bombardment the other shuttle's way. "Terribly sorry, "old chap"... but you know how it goes..." Combat: Space Shuttle misses Dinobird & Lynx with his Shuttle to Shuttle attack! [Pulled -4] Voidcraft wingovers, flipping several times after deploying the fletchettes, engines dimming only slightly as the very fact that this is underground prevents a full out charge. And no, she doesn't play cat 'n mouse with the apparently fleeting F-15E that is Air Raid. For one reason or another. Most likely because Prowl gave her a gift that keeps on givin' and she's about done with it all. Tolerance levels are low as she arcs back towards the center of the chaos, despising it all. But low, there's another creature in the air that's apparently not one of the one's she's here with giving the fact that all manner of things have been shot or thrown at it. A quick check of the systems, noting a single fact before flight members pivot and realign themselves with points aft instead of fore and engines kick in with a scream, rocketing the amalgamated craft directly at the dino-bird, "Excuse me, please go away!" Combat: Voidcraft strikes Dinobird & Lynx with her Shove the bad bots away attack! [Pulled -2] Combat: You notice your attack on Voidcraft wearing off. Well, that was unexpected. Grimlock's still not sure why Wheeljack didn't build in that ability for the Dinobots. Still, he's somewhat impressed, jumping back out of the Combiner's reach for the moment as his rocket launcher comes online again in a free gauntlet. "Me Grimlock somewhat impressed. Now Rhino go from being medicine ingredients to foot. No wonder you stink." Scanning the battlefield and heeding Sky Lynx's advice for the moment, Grimlock searches for that other shuttle and thanks to Prowl, still has targetting data on the shuttle. That doesn't mean he's done with BurgerKing yet. After Grimlock fires off a salvo from his rocket launcher, Grimlock howl's his own challenge, aiming to help take the Gestalt down a peg with a move he's been saving for just such an occasion. Air Raid gives you a winning smile and TWO THUMBS UP for your EPIC ROLE-PLAY. "Don't stop being AWESOME! And remember, FEAR NOTHING!" And he also gives you a +nom. Don't spend it all in one place. Combat: Grimlock strikes Space Shuttle with his Galaxial Rocket Launcher attack! Grimlock jumps into the air, metal flashing and folding and twisting to sprout claws and teeth and tail, landing with a ground-shaking thud as the savage Tyrant Lizard emerges. Dinobird & Lynx is taking a fair bit of a beating broken in parts and the Lynx-half jumps to re-merge with his other form, engines roaring to life as he starts to circle Predaking. Well, this is certainly a new development. Orders are issued and he kicks things into gear to draw the massive gestalt away from the rest of the conflict, if only to give himself room to maneuver. "Come on, then! Do you honestly think you can take me out in my own domain? Your previous incarnation had a difficult enough time as it was! I doubt you could be any more of a nuisance." Sky Lynx transforms into an exquisitely designed transport shuttle. Combat: Exquisite Space Shuttle - Sky Lynx sets his defense level to Protected. Combat: Exquisite Space Shuttle - Sky Lynx takes extra time to steady himself. [Pass] Great, so now Predaking shows up. Hmph...with the presence of Headstrong and Razorclaw, it wasn't something Prowl hadn't expected. And of course Sky Lynx is going to insist upon having the cominber all to himself. Tactically, it's possible for the overconfident shuttle to overcome Predaking with a bit of assistance in this particular situation--if he plays his shanix right. But Blast Off and Contrail need to be dealt with in order to give Lynx a chance. Scanning the field again, it seems the Combaticon is currently the most vulnerable, having just been on the receiving end of Grimlock's fury. Seeing the damage Air Raid's bombs had done earlier, the strategist predicts that the shuttle's heat shields are particularly sensitive to explosives. Thus, a missile would be best suited to this specific situation. The police cruiser rapidly unfolds, revealing Prowl's biped form. Combat: Prowl sets his defense level to Aggressive. Combat: Prowl strikes Space Shuttle with his Just For You attack! Space Shuttle is too busy insulting Sky Lynx to notice that Grimlock has taken aim on him from across the battlefield, and the Dinobot's rocket tears into the Combaticon shuttle. "GAHHH..." It causes major damage, breaking several structural struts and coming close to blowing off a wing. Weakened, the shuttle nearly careens into one of those toxic pools he's been so carefully avoiding all this time. Barely pulling away in time, he flies right into Prowl's missile. While not as damaging as Grimlock's attack, it further destroys parts of his fuselage and shatters yet more heat shields. There are red flashing warnings all over the shuttle's HUD now, and he can't continue like this at all. He can barely fly, either. Well, He KNEW he needed to keep that medic around for a reason.... He radios to Arachnae, <> and flies in, trailing black smoke behind him, to land near the medic for repairs. It's get repair... or retreat. He transforms so as to be in his better protected root mode and lets her get to work. Combat: Space Shuttle sets his defense level to Protected. Blast Off shifts into his battle-ready robot mode. Combat: Blast Off takes extra time to steady himself. [Pass] Predaking tightens the grip on his massive sword even as Sky Lynx taunts him while taking to his vehicle mode in the sky instead of staying to hunt in his superior beastial form. Grimlock and Prowl both turn their attention on Blast Off. The Decepticons remaining are wise to give the towering titan his birth as feet lift to move, the hulking combiner more agile that his behemoth form might suggest. Even with the damaged systems Predaking's movements are fluid, unrestrained and uninhibited, driven only by the monster seeking his prey. Sky Lynx may succeed in luring him farther across the valley, but it may not be as good as he intended. Predaking stomps through in thundering steps, caring not if any of the other Autobots end up under foot as he charges after the transforming Sky Lynx. If they don't get out of the way it is of no concern or care to him. Sky Lynx can't hide from the monster of such height simply by flying. He's going have to more than that as Predaking storms towards him and brings his sword in a mighty arcing swing towards the huge Autobot. "THIS IS OUR LAND. OUR HUNTING GROUND. BEGONE OR BECOME ANOTHER GRAVE UPON IT!" Combat: Predaking sets his defense level to Fearless. Combat: Predaking misses Exquisite Space Shuttle - Sky Lynx with his Savage Instinct Area attack! [Pulled -3] Combat: Predaking strikes Robot T-Rex! with his Savage Instinct Area attack! [Pulled -3] Voidcraft's shove off, via ramming speed did exactly what the HUD said it would, namely it didn't crumple her fame like so much tissue paper. "Interesting.." And the sweet, sweet relief of temperatures returning to moral along her frame elicits a "Oooh, better." The craft powers up, tilts over and begins to descend again, sweeping for a target before power-diving, spiraling towards a target! Engines cut out, the fuselage splits underneath and Arachnae transforms, landing with a soft -thhwump- on a knee near Blast Off, wings arching behind her to cast shadows. "Finally. Something I *know* I am good at." Talons splay out as she pulls her kit out, dropping it to the ground and kicking it open, "Hang on, ner vod..." The kit reacts by splaying trays outwards in a whirling of panels and beeps. "I'll get you back in the air." A wing flexes, she reaches back and pulls a spar out of it, the other hand grabs a riveter and she goes to work, stabilizing Blast Offs structure. Voidcraft transforms into her Arachnae mode. Combat: Arachnae sets her defense level to Protected. Combat: Arachnae quickly patches up some of Blast Off's minor injuries. Contrail withdraws her whip, which... may ping a memory for Arachnae. Two tails. Electrified. Working around Predaking is difficult. She has to make sure that she avoids him, especially his feet, because the cruel titan won't care if she gets stepped on. She scopes out the scene, trying to cast out her line after the Autobots. Combat: Contrail misses Exquisite Space Shuttle - Sky Lynx with her Whiplash Whirlwind Area attack! Combat: Contrail strikes Prowl with her Whiplash Whirlwind Area attack! Combat: Contrail (Contrail) used "Whiplash Whirlwind": A Level 5 AREA-MELEE attack. Combat: Contrail strikes Robot T-Rex! with her Whiplash Whirlwind Area attack! Hrgnn...Prowl's structure is starting to crumble internally. He's not going to be able to keep this up much longer, not with Contrail, Blast Off, AND that fragging medic still in play. At least one of them needs to go down. << Slag it, Grimlock. I told you to finish off the medic.>> Because she's undoing all his hard work. He feeds more data to the Dinobot commander, this time an analysis on Contrail's armor. << So finish them off.>> Prowl shifts forms, folding down into a black and white Nissan 350Z Police Cruiser. Combat: Nissan 350Z Police Cruiser sets his defense level to Protected. Combat: Prowl analyzes Contrail for weaknesses Grimlock can exploit. Grimlock would make a foot in mouth joke but he's currently punted several metres through the acidic muck and mire mixed with the gallium, further singing his armor. Visible gaps and bare electronics displayed now, the massive foot of Predaking tearing Grimlock's torso open visibily. Teeth and claws and feet all drag him to a halt now before he stops, recieving a transmission from Prowl. He simply snarls, "Me understand!" Now though, with Blast Off, Contrail and Arachnae all standing relatively close to each other, Grimlock seems to return the favour as the Dinobot commander suddenly charges forward, leaping at all those Cons on the ground, including Predaking, on the way by, attempting to return the favour. Several tons of angry, rampaging T-Rex head towards the trio of Cons as well, Teeth, claws and feet snarling and gnashing and roaring... Combat: Robot T-Rex! misses Blast Off with his Dino Rampage Area attack! Combat: Robot T-Rex! strikes Contrail with his Dino Rampage Area attack! Combat: Robot T-Rex! misses Arachnae with his Dino Rampage Area attack! Combat: Robot T-Rex! strikes Predaking with his Dino Rampage Area attack! Exquisite Space Shuttle - Sky Lynx swerves, leaving a trial of burnt atmosphere in his wake as Predaking misses. "Hah! See? What did I say... Missing again! I am thoroughly unimpressed." He pulls an aileron roll and climbs for some altitude before charging straight at the massive behemoth, transforming and throwing his weight into the combiner. "Now, let's see how well you play with others." Claws and teeth alike are used to rip into the massive monstrosity, his own frame giving off a soft hiss as pistons and gears are pushed into overdrive. Sky Lynx transforms into the wondrously phenomenal form of a Sky Lynx! Combat: Sky Lynx strikes Predaking with his Jolly good let me show you how it's done now though. attack! Blast Off is patched up by Arachnae. It is a quick field repair, and not a full one, but it helps at least. The gaping holes aren't quite so *gaping* now, and the wing is stabilized for now. Plus, he's not leaking energon and trailing smoke everywhere. But it all still hurts, and any more hits may undo Arachnae's work. He nods to her. "Thank you." But he doesn't have much time to rest- suddenly there's a growl and the sound of stomping Dino feet. Blast Off has been trampled by Grimlock before, he doesn't care to repeat the experience. Not into up-close-and-personal, after all. The shuttleformer scrambles back, despite the pain that causes him. He hisses a warning to Arachnae, "Incoming..." (Might as well keep the medic who keeps him alive, alive, right?)... just in case she didn't see him coming already. As he does so, he takes out his ionic blaster and shoots at Grimlock as he speeds by. Combat: Blast Off strikes Robot T-Rex! with his Go extinct already wouldja? attack! [Pulled -1] Combat: Your attack continues to damage Blast Off Predaking growls deeply as Sky Lynx decends upon him with claws and teeth, but fortunately no tail around the head yet. Yet. Chunks of black and gold armor scatter about as claws rip into it with enough force for Predaking to take a few steps back to maintain his balance of the large Autobot driving into him. Grimlock's stomping about, much to the Dinobots chargin most likely, isn't even noticed by the titanic mech. Considering what he's got to deal with directly in front of him. Melee isn't working at the moment. Even Predaking can realize this. He grapples with Sky Lynx, but it is only to pull free of his shearing appendages and push the two of them apart. And then his arm comes up, bringing to bear the massive x-ray cannon mounted upon it. Lethal high radiation fury is unleashed in a blinding display with little more than a though, and but only one thundering word. "Die." Combat: Predaking misses Sky Lynx with his X-Ray PredaCannon attack! Contrail recieves a summons that she simply cannot refuse, which is annoying. It won't do any good to protest that she is in the middle of combat. And that is when Grimlock plasters her across the landscape. The Triple-Changer scrapes herself up, finds her dignity, takes wing, and flies off. Turning into a police car, Contrail fights crime! Wait, that's not right. Contrail causes crime. Flipping into a modified F-35B Lightning II, the sky is not the limit. Combat: F-35 Lightning II sets her defense level to Protected. Combat: F-35 Lightning II begins retreating, outrunning all pursuit. Arachnae's attention is focused on making these repairs stick, even if they're the quick and dirty variety. Talons are used along with the riveter to get the length of metal in place and locked down. Optics gleam gold and she murmurs a distracted, "Duty to the empire and all that. You're welcome, ner vod. Despite her focused attention, the rampaging dino is not to be missed. In fact, she's so keyed up that the vibrations channeled through the ground are enough to send her diving for the ground, spinning about with riveter aimed like a pistol. "*&^#539!" Brief glance to her patient, then around, "I've got to get out of here before I get broken. Nice to repair you, hope we meet again!" That said, she launches into the air, transforming once more and hightailing it out of here. Arachnae transforms into her Voidcraft mode. Combat: Voidcraft begins retreating, leaving herself vulnerable to parting shots from F-35 Lightning II A single orange ship roars over Markon, towards the Northern Valleys. Picking up velocity as it breaks upon the scene, it bears down on Predaking, showing no signs of slowing down. In fact, it shows every sign of slamming into Predaking's chest. Just before connecting, a single figure leaps out of the loading bay, falling backwards before tucking his knees into a backflip before landing in the middle of the battle in a three point stance. Rodimus Prime holds the pose as the ship explodes, before finally rising to his full height. "Autobots...it's time to turn the tide." Combat: Rodimus Prime sets his defense level to Fearless. Sky Lynx is effectively separated from Predaking's mangled chassis and rolls as the blast from the gestalt sizzles by him, causing paint and polish alike to bubble, but no harm is done. Not that Lynx notices...he's gone into a full-fledged combat mindset, with the monstrosity that is Predaking being his focal point. Tail to the head, you say? Well, since it was mentioned... Engines flare to life and he barrels in towards the monster, more to get behind him, his tail dragging up the rear to whip around the Gestalt's head and throw him off balance. "HAH! And this is why I remain superior and you were recycled by Shockwave for a failed experiment, Predacons! If this is what I have to look forward to, then I shall certainly take great pleasure in rendering you as obsolete as possible!" Combat: Rodimus Prime strikes Predaking with his End of the Road... attack! Combat: Predaking is broken up by the attack! <> the Lynx offers up. <> Combat: Sky Lynx strikes Razorclaw with his Neener Neener I've got your head! (Grab) attack! Prowl watches as Contrail and whoever that medic was turn tail and run like cowards. Heh, no surprise there. Fortunately enough for them, they retreated just in time, as Rodimus himself arrives on the scene to end Predaking's reign. <> He transforms and heads back toward Sky Lynx's lower bay doors, jumping back inside. Hmm...he eyes the controls. Why not leave the Predacons with a bit of a parting gift? The police cruiser rapidly unfolds, revealing Prowl's biped form. Combat: Prowl sets his defense level to Fearless. Robot T-Rex! is in the red almost all across the board, Energy, Velocity. His targetting systems blaring at him as well. His armor almost none existant, Grimlock can only stop and crouch down, leaking vital oil and bluish energon fluid as well. Standing this close to Blast Off, he may get a sense of the Terrible Thunder Lizard Grimlock is, after all, razor sharp teeth, his foot claws massive, rending the ground as he trods, even his little arms ending is sinister claws. Grimlock just gives Blast Off a look before he turns to see Rodimus Prime show up. Showing a rare-offered bit of compassion, Grimlock smiles a sinister smile. "Me Grimlock say it good time to go little shuttle bot, Prime here to save the day and your Beast friend all fallen apart..." And he doesn't attack Blast Off. Combat: Robot T-Rex! sets his defense level to Protected. Combat: Robot T-Rex! takes extra time to steady himself. [Pass] Combat: Prowl takes extra time to steady himself. [Pass] Combat: Regained 9 energon. If there is one thing any hunter hates, it's interference with the hunt. Once again the two great giants grapple, this time with that damn tail. But it's all a setup, as out of nowhere Rodimus slams a shuttle into Predaking's torso. With the shape the Predacons where in when they merged, the overwelming explosion is enough to shock the gestalt systems into shutdown. With a final angry groan the giant breaks apart, four of the Predacons tumbling to the ground. Razorclaw is still caught up in Sky Lynx's tail since that's the part he was holding onto when the giant was shattered apart. "Decepticons, fall back to Darkreach!" Squirming around, Razorclaw manages to get his limbs free, allowing him to transform. And then tries, probably futilly as this night has gone, to tear multiple sharp claws into Sky Lynx's tail to make the damn Autobot let go of him. Razorclaw lunges forward to land as a massive, mightly lion. Let the hunt begin! Combat: Battle Lion misses Sky Lynx with his Let Go Of Me You Damn Dirty Dinobird attack! [Pulled -1] Mecha-Eagle was doing pretty darn well, or at least he thought he was doing pretty darn well. He really can't remember all that well, his mind is still wobbling back and forth. Getting violently demerged by a wayward disposable shuttle can do that to a mech. The Predacon flier is sent tumbling down towards the ground, he lands face first into earth before his back slumps down below, "Oooof!" Divebomb stays in that position, motionless, for a moment before transforming back into a robot. Smudges of dirt falls off from Divebomb's helmed head as he rubs it, "Did anyone get the license plate number on that shuttle that nearly road killed us?" A large shadow looms over Divebomb, causing the Predacon to look up and gulp. It's Sky Lynx! Well it looks like Divebomb isn't going to get torn apart, yet, but the big bird, cat thingie is going to town on Razorclaw's head and it's a sure bet that he's going to be next if he doesn't do something about it! And do something, Divebomb does! He turns around and flees! What? Did you think he was going to go save his boss' aft? Who do you think he is? A damn dirty Autobot?! "Right you are, boss! Don't have to tell me twice!" Combat: Mecha-Eagle begins retreating, leaving himself vulnerable to parting shots from F-35 Lightning II Blast Off hits Grimlock, but it turns out there is still some residual aftereffects from Prowl's earlier hit, and the stress on his servos causes a few new energon leaks. He winces as his systems start flashing red at him again, gripping at his side in pain, then looks up to see Grimlock eying him. The Combaticon freezes as the Dinobot smiles at him. But... he doesn't attack, and Blast Off can't help but think it might be wise to heed his "advice".... at least this time. He won't survive another big hit. Razorclaw then calls for a retreat, and several of the other Cons have retreated as well..... yes, it's time to go. He'll have to show off his aerial superiority to Sky Lynx another time. He gives Grimlock one last, somewhat wary look, then transforms into a shuttle and flies off towards safety. With a disdainful shrug, Blast Off transforms into a space shuttle. Combat: Space Shuttle begins retreating, leaving himself vulnerable to parting shots from F-35 Lightning II Sky Lynx has the madly pawing Razorclaw by the throat. Literally. In his tail. "Prowl! Take your best shot. I'll deal with this little piece of scrap-metal." He rolls into a front-flip in mid-air, most likely to the g-induced dismay of Prowl...and transforms mid-roll. From there, it's a swap to an aileron roll, letting the inertia throw Razorclaw in the air so he can batter him with a wing to send him flying after the other retreating Predacons. End with flair, as they say. "Here! You may have your precious leader back!" He rockets in his shuttle-mode, ready for passenger onloads as required. "See any remaining that require some dealing with, Prowl? Controls are yours, I need to put some systems on standby to conserve energy for the trip home." Sky Lynx transforms into an exquisitely designed transport shuttle. Combat: Exquisite Space Shuttle - Sky Lynx strikes Battle Lion with his Blast Off you forgot your passenger you fail shuttle you! (Ram) attack! Rodimus Prime watches the Decepticons starting to bail, satisfied. He can't help but smile as Lynx tosses Razorclaw after Blast Off. "Double fault. Game, set and match, Sky Lynx." He walks towards Grimlock. "How's everyone holding up?" Prowl is tossed around a bit inside of Sky Lynx, but quickly regains his bearings. Seizing the weapons controls, he aims the acetylene blaster at Razorclaw, aiming to really finish him off. Now this should give them something to think about. Yes, let them have their leader back. In pieces. Combat: Booster Pack Running Start is activated! It will use up a charge the next chance it gets! Grimlock stomps his metal dino feet and roars as his body twists, tail splitting to become legs and arms and head emerging along with the familiar transmogrification sound. Combat: Prowl strikes Battle Lion with his Wire-Guided Missile attack! Combat: Prowl uses up a charge on his Running Start booster pack! Combat: Automatically deactivating booster pack Running Start Grimlock stands as Blast Off takes off, sparks flying and energon leaking, but nothing that a few days in a repair bay and energon bath won't fix. "Me Grimlock be ok Prime, good to see you. Directions go to crap when you not around." He would smile if he had a mouth in this mode, a rocket launcher in hand, waiting to see if the other Predacons have any other ideas besides simply running away. Battle Lion gets wing-tennised after the other Decepticons. He really, -really- does not like dragonic forms. Especially not after being forcably part of one. Damn you and your science experiments, Shockwave. And a hot farwell to go with it as Prowl sends some additional firepower his way. To his credit despite being thrown and blasted Razorclaw has enough capacity to twist himself around and grab onto the far wall of the valley with his claws, causing an audio-splitting screech and several sparks flying as he uses it to sink to the ground like a cat shredding the curtains instead of adding an embarassing crash landing to the over all bad night. The Predacon Commander knows when this fight has been ended though, and only turns to follow after the others. Combat: Battle Lion sets his defense level to Protected. Combat: Battle Lion begins retreating, leaving himself vulnerable to parting shots from Exquisite Space Shuttle - Sky Lynx, Space Shuttle , Mecha-Eagle , and F-35 Lightning II Exquisite Space Shuttle - Sky Lynx is drained... but that's why he gave his controls over to Prowl, allowing him a chance to power down other systems that are not required for immediate functions. "I can say I am doing well, Rodimus Prime. It is fantastic to see you!" Obviously, his vocal processors are on the 'vital for functionality' list. "I must say, it concerns me that Predaking has resurfaced, however watching him and the Predacons in battle has proven to be disappointing, at best, and I cannot anticipate too much trouble from them at this time." Exquisite Space Shuttle - Sky Lynx lands. Okay, so...maybe Prowl doesn't have all of the controls he thought he might. At least not readily... Don't blame Lynx! He's used to doing what he wants, when he wants, and... it's that 500-ton gorilla mentality. Only he's a Lynx. Transforming, he settles himself down and looks over the aftermath. "Well, that was certainly an interesting fight. And, indeed, I worry that Predaking might march on Markon. But if he is easily countered as we saw, then I do hold some notion of ease in the knowledge that our allies in Markon could mount a sizable effort and overturn that particular monstrosity. How fortunate it is not Shockwave's iteration. That monster would be frighteningly unstoppable in this small-scale theater." Sky Lynx transforms into the wondrously phenomenal form of a Sky Lynx! Grimlock knocks his fists together. "Heh, Me Grimlock say pay attention to Prowl next time, instead of turning off audio receptors when he talks." Grimlock still looks like a big old metal bag of hot mess, still, ready to fight to the last, watching as the Cons all flee. "Markon safe for now though. Thanks to Sky Lynx for holding of Beast combiner."