| - Solid Snake is a retired mercenary and a former member of the U.S. military branch known as FOXHOUND. Incredibly intelligent, he possesses an I.Q. of 180 and is a master of six languages. He is regarded as a legend, having previously infiltrated Outer Heaven years before and defeating its leader Big Boss, who had been dubbed the greatest soldier who ever lived. He is also well-known for his three defeats over the bipedal, nuclear-armed mechs known as Metal Gear.
- Soldat/espia/déu pagà que cuída gossos en llocs on fa molt fred i, en les seves estones d'oci, estàlvia al món d'alguna crisi nuclear. Aquesta crisi sol ser provocada per algun familiar seu en possessió d'un robot molt gran que dispara coses molt lletges. Se li coneix per ser, entre altres coses, un mascle, per la seva pasió per les caixes de cartró. I per fumar. Molt.
- Name: Solid Snake (Actual name David) Age: Old enough to know better. (33) Sexual Orientation: If it's legal (and Zelda female). Height: 6'2" Body Type: Muscular. IQ: Off the charts (180)
- Solid Snake is also known as "God". In the latest twist of the Metal Gear Solid series, Snake faces a number of enemies that say "Mooooo!" And he's in Super Smash Bros. Brawl. WTF? Snake certainly ain't no hero, he assasinated Draven after he has won the contest and took his rightful place in the bonus place.
- Solid Snake ( ou "Serpent Solide" en Français, qui ne veut absolument rien dire) est un agent secret de la société "Meute de Renard" (ou "Fox Hound" en anglais), son signe astrologique est le lion. C'est un adepte du Roc (Promesses Tenues) Anti-Age car il rajeunit de 20 ans entre le 2 et le 3 - et on essaie de nous faire croire qu'on ne contrôle pas le même personnage dans le 3, mais Big Boss, haha, mais bien sûr. Cet homme aime se déguiser en carton ou en bonhomme de neige, tuer des soldats aussi con que Jean-Pierre Pernaut à sa naissance. Il est pourvu d'un QI de -180 et de poches trouées dans l'espace temps. Notons qu'il a plusieurs frères : Liquid Snake, Solidus Snake, Liquidus Snake, Gazeux Snake et Gazus Snake.
- "Kept ya waitin', didn't I?" -Solid Snake Solid Snake is a military agent who was genetically bred for combat. He was made along with other Snakes, but he is the only one who hasn't turned evil, or been destroyed. He is friends with Otacone, Mei Ling, and The Colonol. He wields pistols, rifles, launchers, grenades, and basically any type of military grade weapons. He also smokes from time to time. His trademark is a box with the Super Smash Bros. logo on it.
- Solid Snake – człowiek-maszyna z uniwersum gier Metal Gear, będący zdolny do załatwienia gołymi rękami (prawie) każdego przeciwnika, a cięższe przypadki (czyt. bossów) przy niewielkim udziale odpowiednich narzędzi. Dzięki tym zdolnościom przypomina nieco inne postacie, takie jak np. Chuck Norris oraz Obi-Wan Kenobi. Na co dzień, poza robotą, jest właścicielem psiego zaprzęgu.
- Solid Snake, also known as Snake or by his real name David, is a former special agent, an ex-special operations soldier, and a mercenary. He is a product of the Les Enfants Terribles project and "son" of legendary soldier, Big Boss, along with his "brothers" Liquid Snake and Solidus Snake.
- Real Name: David Age: 42 Gender: Male Hair: Gray Eyes: Gray Discription: Snake is a former special agent who came out of retirment to track down Android-X.
- Όλοι νομίζουμε πως ο Solid Snake είναι ήρωας στο βιντεοπαιχνίδι "METAL GEAR SOLID", στην πραγματικότητα όμως είναι ένας μυστικός πράκτορας της Fox Hound, μιας μυστικής υπηρεσίας καταφερτζήδων-κωλόφαρδων κατασκόπων που προσπαθούν να σώσουν τον κόσμο από κάποιους τρελούς που θέλουν σώνει και καλά να χρησιμοποιήσουν όπλα μαζικής καταστροφής για να καταστρέψουν τον κόσμο μας!
- Solid Snake is the main hero and partial namesake of the Metal Gear Solid series, which was created in 1998 from the original games, Metal Gear & Metal Gear 2: Solid Snake. He appears in the 2007 game Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots.
- Solid Snake (ソリッド・スネーク, Soriddo Sunēku) is the main character of the Metal Gear series of games, starting with the original Metal Gear for the NES. He is considered to be the most unexpected participant to be attending the fighting game, Super Smash Bros. Brawl, who's appearance is somewhat based on his appearance in Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty, which did not appear on the GameCube, though the first Metal Gear Solid was remade as Metal Gear Solid: The Twin Snakes.
- Solid Snake was a legendary soldier and the biological son of Big Boss, created as part of the Les Enfant Terribles project, where Big Boss's DNA was used to create Solid Snake, Liquid Snake and Solidus Snake. Snake fought the Outer Heaven Revolt and the Zanzibar Land Uprising, both times stopping Big Boss. He then fought against the Shadow Moses Revolt, in the Big Shell Incident and, finally, Liquid Ocelot's Insurrection. He was finally reunited with Big Boss afterwards, though Big Boss died shortly after.
- Solid Snake is the main character in the Metal Gear series.
- Solid Snake is one of the co-creators of GAJ, the other being ATHF_Freak. An admin from the beginning, Snake has guided this board through most of its history.
- Solid Snake is a master stealth expert who has infiltrated several areas in his time as a super soldier.
- Solid Snake (ソリッド・スネーク Soriddo Sunēku?) (real name David) is the main protagonist of the Metal Gear series, created by Hideo Kojima. Previously popularized as a character to serve as an antithesis to the cheery and colorful Nintendo-inspired characters that were prevalent in games near the end of the 1990s, Solid Snake is one of the first third-party characters to be featured as a playable fighter in Nintendo's Super Smash Bros. Brawl, along with Sonic the Hedgehog. He is also the first character from a series with M-Rated entries to be featured in a Super Smash Bros. game.
- Solid Snake is the main protagonist in the Metal Gear series along with Big Boss and Raiden. Solid Snake was a former spy, special operations soldier and mercenary. He is voiced by David Hayter.
- Solid Snake is a character in Kingdom Hearts HD 2.5 reMIX: Expansion. He is a party member in Shadow Moses Island.
- Solid Snake (ソリッド・スネーク Soriddo Sunēku lit. Solid Snake, su nombre real es David) es el protagonista principal de la serie Metal Gear, creada por Konami. Hace una aparicion en el juego de peleas Super Smash Bros Brawl.
- Solid Snake, real name David, also known as Old Snake, and formerly known as Iroquois Pliskin, or simply Snake, was a former spy, special operations soldier, and mercenary. Possessing an IQ of 180 and fluent in six languages, he was known as "the Man Who Makes the Impossible Possible" and his exploits made him into a living legend among the military black ops. In 2014, Snake performed his final mission, during which he defeated Liquid Ocelot and destroyed the Patriots. After one last encounter with Big Boss, Snake chose to live his remaining days in peace.
- Solid Snake (real name David), commonly referred to as Snake, and later referred to as Old Snake) is the main protagonist in the Metal Gear series along with Big Boss and Raiden. Solid Snake was a former spy, special operations soldier, and mercenary. He was a product of the Les Enfants Terribles project and "son" of legendary soldier Big Boss, along with his "brothers" Liquid Snake and Solidus Snake. After Big Boss, one of the world's most renowned and skilled soldiers, was put into a coma, Zero, his former commanding officer, had Big Boss cloned through a series of scientific processes known as the Les Enfants Terribles. This was because Zero was afraid that Big Boss and his legend would die, so cloning him a series of time would make sure his legacy lives on. After EVA, Big Boss' lover,
- In questa prima misciòn Snake va a Outer Heaven, o come si scrive, perché un tizio qualunque ha scoperto il petrolio infinito. George W. Bush vuole il petrolio tutto per sé e occupa militarmente la zona. Big Boss, fratello di Hugo, grande capo indiano manda il più grande soldato esistente nell'universo dal nome Grigio Volpe che, nemmeno il tempo di arrivare sul posto, vien sorpreso e quindi arrestato immediatamente dalle guardie. Qui entra in scena Serpente Solido, inviato alla cieca dal capo indiano. Snack arriva ai pozzi e uccide tutti, trova Grigio Volpe e con lui va nella base di Bush, dove scopre - incredibile! - che egli in realtà è nientepopodimenochè Stanislao Mulinskij lo stesso gran capo indiano, che minaccia di uccidere tutti e tutto. Il tempo di dichiarare i suoi intenti e in a
- Vi blev første gang, i Danmark, introduceret til Solid Snake i 1998, hvor Metal Gear Solid havde sin debut. Han har været medlem af eliteenheden FOXHOUND. Pga. sine gener blev han valgt til at stoppe de terrorister, der havde overtaget en af FOXHOUND’s atomvåben lagre på Shadow Moses øerne i Alaska. Mange grunde gives til Solid Snake bliver valgt til denne mission. Men det er ikke til at vide om de grunde som Snake får er de rigtige, selvom at de virker autentiske. Her kommer et bud på, hvad der kunne ligge bag det. The Patriots kunne måske have arrangeret at det netop var Snake der skulle på tage sig denne tjans, da de vidste at han Til slut finder Solid Snake ud af at han er produkt af Le Enfants Terribles, dvs. en klon af krigshelten Big Boss. Det mest afgørende i denne mission er, at S
- I’m an observer. I’m a thinker. But most of all, I’m a writer. I believe that observations are meaningless if not stated. I believe that knowledge is worthless if not recorded. And that’s why I write. That’s why I’m here. I’m here to write about all the things which I’ve observed, thought about, and learned. I am inspired by others who have done the same, and this is — in a way — a representation of my gratitude toward them. Being exposed to the observations of others has greatly enriched my life. I hope to enrich yours in the same way. ~N
- Solid Snake is the protagonist of stealth-action Metal Gear series. He was created by Hideo Kojima and designed by Yoji Shinkawa. He is a staple character in Metal Gear franchise and is highly associated as a mascot for Konami, and Kojima Studios. Solid Snake, real name David, was born in 1972 with his twin brother, Liquid Snake, who were sons and clones of Big Boss as part of Les Enfants Terribles-- a genome project, aimed to create the perfect soldier.
- Solid Snake has two identical twins: Liquid Snake, who is the same as him in every way except evil; and Solidus Snake, who is the same as him in every way except he is also evil, consumes steroids like Smarties, rapidly ages faster than a clone trooper, and is the most disappointing final boss of all time. If you are trying to kill Snake, you should be aware of his strengths and weaknesses compared to the standard soldier of fortune. These characteristics are set forth in detail below.
- Very little is known about the origins of Solid Snake, since he, as the tough guy who is not very often speaks of his past. The most popular version is that he is a clone of Big Boss, another soldier also very hard and is well written with capital letters. However, reliable sources say Big Boss actually slept with so many women that when he had the baby in his arms couldn't remember which one was the mother. According unreliable informants (Hideo Kogimarrano) it's a kind of clone made of:
- Solid Snake (ソリッド・スネーク, Soriddo Sunēku?) is a video game character and the main protagonist of the Metal Gear series of video games by Konami. Introduced in the 1987 video game Metal Gear and created by series creator Hideo Kojima, Solid Snake is a combination spy, special operations agent, and mercenary who works for FOXHOUND, a fictional black ops and espionage unit, and Philanthropy in later games. He is repeatedly tasked with disarming and destroying the latest incarnation of Metal Gear, a bipedal, nuclear-weapon-armed mecha. He is voiced in the Japanese and English releases of the games by seiyū Akio Ōtsuka and actor/screenwriter David Hayter, respectively.
- Solid Snake (1972-201X) (ソリッド・スネーク Soriddo Sunēku), cuyo nombre real es David, y en algunas ocasiones nombrado como Solid o simplemente Snake, es un producto del proyecto “Les Enfants Terribles”, y un clon del soldado legendario Big Boss, junto con sus “hermanos”, Liquid Snake y Solidus Snake.
- Solid Snake (ソリッド・スネーク Soriddo Sunēku?) è il personaggio principale della serie Metal Gear. Nato nel 1972, è conosciuto come l'uomo che rende l'impossibile possibile. Soldato d'elite, ha un curriculum molto vasto e vario: paracadustista, sommozzatore, alpinista, conosce varie tecniche corpo a corpo (CQC), sa parlare correttamente ben 6 lingue e ha un Quoziente Intellettivo di 180. Nelle versione giapponese di Metal Gear Solid è doppiato da Akio Otsuka e da David Hayter nelle versioni inglesi. Nel primo Metal Gear Solid, l'unico doppiato in italiano, il doppiatore di Snake era Alessandro Ricci. Hideo Kojima si è ispirato a vari personaggi nella creazione di Solid Snake, incluso Snake Plissken del film Fuga da New York.
- Solid Snake (* 1972), bürgerlicher Name David, auch bekannt als Old Snake, Iroquois Pliskin oder einfach Snake ist ein legendärer ehemaliger Spion, Special Operations Soldat und Söldner mit außergewöhnlich guten kämpferischen Fähigkeiten. Jetzt ist er im Ruhestand. Er ist einer der Klone, die aus der DNA von Big Boss zu Beginn der 1970er beim Les Enfants Terribles-Projekt gezeugt wurden. Die anderen noch lebenden Klone, seine genetische Brüder, sind Liquid Snake und Solidus Snake. Snake hat sich geschworen, immer standhaft zu bleiben und sich auf seinen Herrn zu verlassen.
- Solid Snake, nome real David, também conhecido como Old Snake, e anteriormente conhecido como Iroquois Pliskin, ou simplesmente Snake, era um ex-espião, soldado de operações especiais e mercenário. Possuindo um QI de 180 e fluente em seis línguas, ele era conhecido como "o homem que faz o impossível possível" e suas façanhas o transformaram em uma lenda viva entre os operários negros militares. Em 2014, Snake realizou sua missão final, durante a qual ele derrotou Liquid Ocelot e destruiu os Patriots. Depois de um último encontro com Big Boss, Snake escolheu viver seus dias restantes em paz.
- Introduced in Metal Gear, Solid Snake is a combination of spy, special operations soldier, and mercenary commando of FOXHOUND – a black operations and espionage unit. He is tasked with disarming and destroying the latest incarnation of Metal Gear, a bipedal nuclear weapon-armed mecha. Controlled by the player, Solid Snake must act alone, supported via radio by commanding officers and specialists. While during his first two appearances Snake's designs were references to Hollywood films, by Metal Gear Solid he was given a consistent design by artist Yoji Shinkawa alongside an established personality.