| - Boss Monsters are Monsters found rarely in Terraria that are much harder to kill than other monsters. Any boss monster generally has much stronger attacks than a normal enemy, more defense, and considerably higher HP ranging from 1000 to 145,500. In addition, most boss monsters have their own AI, allowing them set movements to go by. Since update 1.2, all bosses can drop a unique trophy (~10% drop rate) that can be placed on a wall for display. Many bosses can be by an item such as a Suspicious Looking Eye, Worm Food or Suspicious Looking Skull.
| - Boss Monsters are Monsters found rarely in Terraria that are much harder to kill than other monsters. Any boss monster generally has much stronger attacks than a normal enemy, more defense, and considerably higher HP ranging from 1000 to 145,500. In addition, most boss monsters have their own AI, allowing them set movements to go by. Since update 1.2, all bosses can drop a unique trophy (~10% drop rate) that can be placed on a wall for display. Many bosses can be by an item such as a Suspicious Looking Eye, Worm Food or Suspicious Looking Skull. Certain bosses occasionally spawn themselves in when the player (or all players on a multiplayer world) meets a certain criteria, differing with each boss. This will be announced with a creepy message at dusk, and about two minutes later the boss will spawn itself, even if the player is not ready, or even . The bosses that spawn themselves in this manner are the Eye of Cthulhu, the Destroyer, Skeletron Prime, and the Twins. King Slime may also spawn itself, but in a slightly different manner. The criteria and message for each boss can be found on their article.