| - Sombrero is large blue Mexican hat owned by Tonberry. It has the ability to hold several people in it for easy transport across long distances.
- The sombrero absorbs 12 normal damage shots. The sombrero degrades at 6 and 9 normal damage shots.
- Sombrero is a head item which can be earned from the special event, Pinata Bash. The special event can also be summoned with a Pinata Whistle.
- Los sombreros los crean los Sastres.
- The Sombrero is a type of clothing featured in The Last Stand: Dead Zone. It is a sombrero, a traditional wide-brimmed hat in Mexico.
- Sombrero is an item found in "Red Dead Revolver 3dn edition".
- The Fourth Doctor once emerged from the TARDIS wearing a sombrero when he thought he had landed in Benidorm. Instead, he had arrived onboard the Wrarth Warriors' spaceship. They soon incinerated his sombrero whilst attempting to shoot him. (COMIC: Doctor Who and the Star Beast)
- Ein Sombrero ist eine Kopfbedeckung aus Spanien von der Erde. 2376 manipulieren Harry Kim und Thomas Eugene Paris Tuvoks Holoprogramm des Orakels von K'Tal, sodass dieses Pyjamas trägt. Tuvok stellt sie daraufhin im Kasino der USS Voyager zur Rede und verlangt, dass sie sein Programm wieder in den ursprünglichen Zustand versetzen. Nachdem er gegangen ist meint Kim zu Paris, dass er sich frage, wie das Orakel mit einem Sombrero aussehen würde. (VOY: )
- The sombreros effect of turning Darth Grievous very evil is similar to the Teachers Hat in Kirby Right back at ya!, The Master Crown from Kirbys return to dreamland And the Chum Bucket helmets controlling the fish in the Spongebob Squarepants movie.
- A sombrero was a Mexican hat with a wide, round brim turned up at the edges. In 2376, Harry Kim considered providing Tuvok's holoprogram of the Oracle of K'Tal with a sombrero, after Tom Paris had initially altered it to wear pajamas. (VOY: "Live Fast and Prosper")
- The Sombrero is a Head Item in Club Penguin Rewritten. It costs 300 coins in the Penguin Style catalog.
- Los sombreros también servían para ocultar la estructura craneal si se quería evitar atraer la atención no deseada, tal y como el gran sombrero cónico que llevó el Maestro Ki-Adi-Mundi en una misión en Tatooine. Al Maestro Jedi K'Kruhk se le vio llevando un gran sombrero en muchas ocasiones. El cazarrecompensas Embo, también tuvo un sombrero blindado capaz de resistir disparos de bláster.