| - Giles turns into a demon after a night of drinking with Ethan.
* Alleged Car:
* Always Someone Better: Giles has this feeling on meeting Walsh -- her unit has the demon world terrified and she appears to be taking over his role as Buffy's mentor and surrogate parent.
* And This Is For
* Arc Number: 314
* Blatant Lies: Willow practising her spells "alone" in the chem lab. You'd think she was equating doing spells with lesbian attraction or something. Also Riley saying he's sure Ethan will be "quickly rehabilitated".
* Body Count Competition / But for Me It Was Tuesday: Professor Walsh proudly talks of the eleven vampires and six demons that Riley has taken down, then asks Buffy how many she's slain. A Description Cut later...
* Buffy-Speak
* Call Back: The Sunnydale Arms motel was Faith's residence before she was taken under the wing of the Mayor.
* Car Chase
* Chekhov's Gun: Ethan leaving his hotel address with the waitress. Also "314".
* Cleanup Crew: Giles is puzzled there's no sign of the demon prince who's going to rise. Willow suggests the Initiative got there first and cleaned things up like they usually do.
* Clothing Damage: Demon!Giles can't fit into his shirt.
* Comically Small Bribe: Giles offers Spike a hundred dollars if he helps him find Rayne. Spike ups the ante to $200. Later when they're being chased by the Initiative, Giles suggests that he jump out of the car and let them chase Spike.
* Does Not Know His Own Strength: When Giles first wakes up as a demon -- he punches a hole in the wall, tears the banister off of his stairs, smashes a phone when he tries to call for help, rips through his favorite shirt, and breaks the front door off its hinges.
* Does This Remind You of Anything?: Riley's reaction to Buffy's impressive list of kills is played like a discussion of previous sexual partners.
* Double Entendre: Riley tells Buffy that she's so strong "I'm not even sure I can take you." Buffy looks coy.
* Description Cut: Xander tells Spike that Buffy is meeting with someone who's still scary -- cut to Riley introducing the Slayer to Professor Walsh. Ethan says about the Initiative, "We're headed for one hell of a fight." Cut to Buffy sparring with Riley. Xander says that there's no-one cooler in a crisis than Giles -- cut to Giles snapping at Spike over his driving skills.
* Drowning My Sorrows / Despair Speech: Giles feels he's obsolete.
* Evil Gloating
* Done twice.
* Eyes Never Lie: Buffy realises the demon is Giles from his eyes (notably his annoyed expression on being stabbed).
* Failed Attempt At Drama: Ethan is about to go into an ominous monologue when Giles hears him and comes back.
* Foreshadowing: The sparring match shows Riley's embarrassment over Buffy's greater strength and therefore his ability to match her as a partner.
* Go-Karting with Bowser
* Hannibal Lecture: Professor Walsh telling Giles that Buffy lacks positive male role models.
* Holding Hands: Willow and Tara hold hands to "atune their minds" during a spell. Whatever you say, Willow.
* Hollywood Spelling: Averted when Riley calls the Initiative for a search on hotel registrations matching Ethan's name. "Ethan Rayne, R-A-Y-N-E."
* Horror Doesn't Settle for Simple Tuesday: Buffy's nineteenth birthday is no less eventful.
* Ho Yay: Ethan describes him and Giles as 'a couple of old mystics' in about the same tone of voice he'd use to call them 'a couple of old queens' (maybe more of a British thing), and after Ethan tells him that 'the night is still [their] time, the time of magic,' the scene immediately cuts to Willow and Tara sharing one of their most obvious 'MAGIC IS HOMOSEXUALITY' moments. Yeah, Joss was not subtle about that one.
* Following the 'old mystics' line, it cuts to Giles and you hear Ethan say, 'You know, I find you very attractive. Maybe you could give me a call some time.' Cut back to Ethan hitting on a waitress.
* Humiliation Conga: Giles' Day in The Limelight.
* Incredibly Lame Pun
* Incredibly Obvious Tail: With Hummers, though justified as they were trying to kill or capture Demon!Giles rather than just follow him. Leads to a Car Chase.
* Interrupted Intimacy / Musicalis Interruptus: Buffy is not amused when Willow interrupts imminent sex with Riley for a Scary Surprise Party.
* Literal Metaphor: Inverted.
* Love Floats / Something About a Rose: Tara and Willow do a spell to float a rose in the air and pluck off the petals.
* The Mind Is a Plaything of the Body: Giles starts taking on demon characteristics the longer he stays in demon form.
* Mistaken for Gay: Giles is startled to hear Ethan coming on to him, before realising he's chatting up the waitress.
* No Guy Wants an Amazon: Averted by Riley.
* Oblivious Mockery: After Giles is already looking incredibly awkward sitting in the corner of Buffy's birthday party, the oldest man in the room, and has just had to explain to Riley that he was "between projects", Buffy manages the following one-two punch:
* Oh Crap: For once Giles uses these Exact Words.
* Only in It For the Money: Why Spike helps Giles.
* Pardon My Klingon / Curse Cut Short: A gag scripted — but unfortunately not used — involved Demon!Giles bursting in on Rayne shouting, "I'm going to rip off your arms and shove them up your—(sudden shift to Giles shouting in Faryl).
* Parental Substitute: There's a definite introducing-the-new-beau-to-the-parents vibe when Buffy introduces Riley to Giles, and Riley introduces Buffy to Walsh.
* Percussive Therapy
* Put on a Bus: Ethan is taken to a facility in Nevada.
* Rock Beats Taser
* Silver Bullet: Knowing the Fyarl demon can be killed by a silver weapon, Buffy grabs a silver letter opener from Giles desk to get revenge. Fortunately it's cheap pewter and Demon!Giles survives the otherwise fatal stab wound.
* Sneeze of Doom: Apparently one of the powers of a Fyarl demon, but fortunately not one we see.
* Translation Convention: Giles appears to be talking English until he's in the room with Xander, who only hears the demon language Fyarl. Giles expects the same thing on meeting Spike, only to find Spike can speak Fyarl.
* Vampires Are Sex Gods: Spike uses his charms to get information from the waitress.
* Villains Out Shopping: Demon!Giles comes across Spike checking out a crypt with a tape measure as he's looking for a new home.
* The Wallflower: Giles at Buffy's birthday party.
* We Have the Keys: Riley has a master key for every door on Main Street, as Buffy learns after kicking in a door.
* What Do You Mean It's Not Heinous?: Spike nonchalantly grabs Xander's radio when packing up to leave Xander's apartment. When Xander calls him on this, Spike replies, "And you're what, shocked and disappointed? I'm evil!"
* You No Take Candle: Lampshaded by Spike.