| - Fuerzas liberadas al romperse la prisión en la que se encontraban los demonios de la legión ardiente, esta extraña energía hizo mutar a varias razas, por ejemplo los draenianos en Broken Draenei, y los orcos en Fel Orc. Entre las mutaciones estan:
* Perdida de conciencia y aumento de la agresividad (aunque algunos draenis son inmunes a este efecto)
* Aumento de fuerza y de resistencia
* Cambios físicos en general, variados según la raza, y puede ser también según el individuo
- Her mother was raped while passing through Firewander on her first visit to Nexus. She had lived with her family in the countryside, but to hide her shame she stayed in the city and never made contact with them again. She made money through theft, begging and whoring, but never made enough to live outside Firewander. She named her child Felix, meaning the lucky one, since she felt that if there was any justice in this world, her child would have luck she never did. When Fel was 6 years old her mother was killed in a fire. After surviving on the streets for a few months she was taken in by a gang of thieves and quickly learned the tricks of the trade. She particularly excelled in second-story work, among the little gang of young thieves, none could climb a wall or charm a lock faster than h
- Fel - felowa energia, felowa magia - to charakterystyczna dla demonów odmiana magii typu arcane, którą istoty te sprowadziły na Azeroth. Jest obecna w ich krwi. Oparte na niej zaklęcia są znacznie trudniejsze do odbicia, a ich rzucanie wywołuje u czarodzieja stan euforii. Jednocześnie bardzo silnie uzależnia; w znacznie większym stopniu niż naturalna magia Azeroth. Można ją porównać do narkotyku w jego najczystszej postaci. Oddziałuje zarówno na ciało jak i duszę; jej długotrwałe używanie powoduje pojawienie się u użytkownika długich szponów, czerwonej skóry, kłów czy pazurów. Z wielu ras wchodzących w skład Płonącego Legionu tylko kilka zachowało swój pierwotny wygląd. Felowa energia manifestuje się w postaci upiornych zielonkawych płomieni, zwanych entropicznym ogniem. To ten sam ogień,
- The ultimate manifestation of the demonic arcane on Azeroth is fel (aka fel energy or fel magic). This energy, which most commonly manifests itself as ghastly, green-yellow flame, is arcane magic at its most corrupt, for it employs the blood of demons. Spells with the fel discriptor are very difficult to resist. Casting a fel spell is described by many spellcasters as a euphoric experience. If arcane magic is an addiction, fel magic is the embodiment of the drug in its purest form.
| - Fuerzas liberadas al romperse la prisión en la que se encontraban los demonios de la legión ardiente, esta extraña energía hizo mutar a varias razas, por ejemplo los draenianos en Broken Draenei, y los orcos en Fel Orc. Entre las mutaciones estan:
* Perdida de conciencia y aumento de la agresividad (aunque algunos draenis son inmunes a este efecto)
* Aumento de fuerza y de resistencia
* Cambios físicos en general, variados según la raza, y puede ser también según el individuo
- Her mother was raped while passing through Firewander on her first visit to Nexus. She had lived with her family in the countryside, but to hide her shame she stayed in the city and never made contact with them again. She made money through theft, begging and whoring, but never made enough to live outside Firewander. She named her child Felix, meaning the lucky one, since she felt that if there was any justice in this world, her child would have luck she never did. When Fel was 6 years old her mother was killed in a fire. After surviving on the streets for a few months she was taken in by a gang of thieves and quickly learned the tricks of the trade. She particularly excelled in second-story work, among the little gang of young thieves, none could climb a wall or charm a lock faster than her. However, she had a tendency to stay too long in the houses she was robbing, wanting to see what was in the closet, the chests, the cabinets and so on, and once in a while the owner or a guard would walk in on her. This rarely earned her more than a beating, she was after all just a girl and even in the pit of filth and vermin that is Nexus there are limits to how much an ordinary man will beat a girl. When she was thirteen, she was caught trying to rob Steel Cockatrice, a rich and powerful thaumaturge, who instead of harming her offered her a job. Relative comfort and safety in return for robbing his rivals and bringing him their treasures was a wonderful deal for the curious girl. She had great success, her new master had the resources to direct her to the houses when their owners were away and to shield her from their wards, this let her stay longer and learn more secrets than she had been able to before. As time went on he even begun teaching her. The knowledge she got from him enthralled her, tales of wonder, the magic of writing and the mysteries of thaumaturgy made her more certain than ever that she had lived up to her name and benefited from the luck her mother never had. Her perception of this changed somewhat when the old man began coming into her room at night, but the pain and humiliation were suppressed by the hunger for knowledge that fueled her. In time she even came to see it as another way of getting what she wanted from him.
- The ultimate manifestation of the demonic arcane on Azeroth is fel (aka fel energy or fel magic). This energy, which most commonly manifests itself as ghastly, green-yellow flame, is arcane magic at its most corrupt, for it employs the blood of demons. Spells with the fel discriptor are very difficult to resist. Casting a fel spell is described by many spellcasters as a euphoric experience. If arcane magic is an addiction, fel magic is the embodiment of the drug in its purest form. When the demons brought death and damnation to Azeroth, they also carried their own brand of magic to the world. Fel magic is pure, evil and arcane; it resides in the blood of demons. This blood has magical properties; it addicts arcane magic users and can be used to create evil weapons. When a weapon is forged in demon blood, it becomes a fel weapon. It glows with a foul, yellow-green fire and deals extra damage to good-aligned opponents. Some arcanists can cast fel spells, perhaps after drinking demon blood.WoWRPG 252 Since the Burning Legion returned to Azeroth, the world's heroes have encountered fel weapons and fel magic at an increasing frequency. As demon cults continue to fester and grow in Desolace, Ashenvale Forest, and other remote corners, gruesome sacrifices are held to entice demons into giving their blood in trade. The cultists use their blood to enchant the weapons that they hope will bring about their masters' ultimate victory.M&M 24 Unlike arcane magic the use of fel magic corrupts the user’s body and soul. By contrast the chief danger of arcane magic is that using it inevitably leads to the desire to wield greater power: power that only fel magic can provide.DF 37
- Fel - felowa energia, felowa magia - to charakterystyczna dla demonów odmiana magii typu arcane, którą istoty te sprowadziły na Azeroth. Jest obecna w ich krwi. Oparte na niej zaklęcia są znacznie trudniejsze do odbicia, a ich rzucanie wywołuje u czarodzieja stan euforii. Jednocześnie bardzo silnie uzależnia; w znacznie większym stopniu niż naturalna magia Azeroth. Można ją porównać do narkotyku w jego najczystszej postaci. Oddziałuje zarówno na ciało jak i duszę; jej długotrwałe używanie powoduje pojawienie się u użytkownika długich szponów, czerwonej skóry, kłów czy pazurów. Z wielu ras wchodzących w skład Płonącego Legionu tylko kilka zachowało swój pierwotny wygląd. Felowa energia manifestuje się w postaci upiornych zielonkawych płomieni, zwanych entropicznym ogniem. To ten sam ogień, którym płoną infernale. Pali się jak normalny ogień, ale jest znacznie bardziej zabójczy. Żywi się życiem, w tym również życiem kontrolującego go czarodzieja. Posługują się nim wołacze piekieł (hellcaller - klasa satyrów) oraz czarnoksiężnicy, którzy z uwagi na naturalny związek z demonami wytworzyli więź łączącą ich z najmroczniejszymi mocami felu.