The Weasleys are a wizarding family with many children, distinguishable by their fiery red hair. Arthur Weasley works at the Ministry of Magic, while Molly Weasley is a homemaker; they are not very well off financially. They have seven children: 1.
* Charlie Weasley 2.
* Bill Weasley 3.
* Percy Weasley 4.
* Fred Weasley 5.
* George Weasley 6.
* Ron Weasley 7.
* Ginny Weasley Both parents and all of the children so far have ended up in Gryffindor at Hogwarts.
The Weasleys are a wizarding family with many children, distinguishable by their fiery red hair. Arthur Weasley works at the Ministry of Magic, while Molly Weasley is a homemaker; they are not very well off financially. They have seven children: 1.
* Charlie Weasley 2.
* Bill Weasley 3.
* Percy Weasley 4.
* Fred Weasley 5.
* George Weasley 6.
* Ron Weasley 7.
* Ginny Weasley Both parents and all of the children so far have ended up in Gryffindor at Hogwarts.