| - Read this even if you consider yourself a good RPer. Especially if you consider yourself a good RPer. Should you find any grammar errors, I'd be grateful if you could correct me. RPing a magical class is not easy, nor is it simple. Magic in the WoW lore has many contradictions and thus it may be hard to RP the class in a proper way. First of all, before talking about the class, we'd better explain what magic in the Warcraft Universe means. We have to distinguish two main types of magic: the arcane magic and the divine magic. And so far there are classes that use arcane or divine magic. In this argument we will not touch the divine magic as we'll focus on the first type. We shall not talk of divine magic (that includes, as the name may hint, a religious fanatism or devotion) that is mainly
| - Read this even if you consider yourself a good RPer. Especially if you consider yourself a good RPer. Should you find any grammar errors, I'd be grateful if you could correct me. RPing a magical class is not easy, nor is it simple. Magic in the WoW lore has many contradictions and thus it may be hard to RP the class in a proper way. First of all, before talking about the class, we'd better explain what magic in the Warcraft Universe means. We have to distinguish two main types of magic: the arcane magic and the divine magic. And so far there are classes that use arcane or divine magic. In this argument we will not touch the divine magic as we'll focus on the first type. We shall not talk of divine magic (that includes, as the name may hint, a religious fanatism or devotion) that is mainly the basement of classes such as priests, paladins and druids. Arcane magic is not arcane school altrough here (as usually in the Warcraft universe) we'll use the two words as synonym. ( arcane magic=arcane school. ) The main classes that may be considered in this guide are the ones attempting to learn (and remember that even a master is attempting to learn, despite his powers) the following schools: Fel magic Frost school Fire school Arcane school (related to "air" or a combination of the four elements) Shadow magic (aka necromancy school, dark arts), shared with divine magic. Arcane magic is a powerful tool but it requires a lot of time to learn its secrets. We may compare it to the arts such as writing or make sculptures. They all require study and eventually you must also be inclined to these professions. So, even if your character has great skills and a great talent for arcane magic, he needs to study for a long time. No teenagers will be able to comprehend the secrets of magic in a short time. They may be better than their peers but still they will not even understand in their dreams the spells that a master of arcane knows. The divine magic, instead, has not this requirement. There are no exceptions unless you are a demigod, and in this case i suggest you to read 'Guide to good RP'. Arcane magic involves manipulating ley lines. By manipulating the energies of the ley lines, arcane casters can manipulate the world around them, causing changes in the physical universe. Similar to arcane magic, Fel magic involves the caster's manipulating the physical world by making compacts with demons. Every manipulation of fel energies requires a small sacrifice of the caster's humanity to the demon world, having a similar effect as arcane magic, but without the burdensome study.