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- 9 sierpnia - Trajan, cesarz rzymski (ur. 53)
- The Number 117,
- This article includes events that occurred in the Christian world in 117.
- [[Plik:8003-117.jpg|right|thumb|250px|Autobus Solaris Urbino 15 na linii 117 na ul. Paryskiej (2008)]] 117 – linia autobusowa zwykła (rozkład jazdy), która kursuje z Gocławia na Dworzec Centralny. Linię obsługują zajezdnie autobusowe Ostrobramska i Kleszczowa.
- El ciento ddiecisiete (117) es el número natural que sigue al 116 y precede al 118. Categoría:Números
- The number 117 can refer to:
* Puzzle Painting a Cube from Professor Layton and the Curious Village
* Puzzle Three Couples from Professor Layton and the Diabolical Box
* Puzzle Where's the Arrow? from Professor Layton and the Unwound Future
* Puzzle A Token Puzzle from Professor Layton and the Last Specter
* Puzzle Ride Rotation from Professor Layton and the Miracle Mask
* Puzzle A Laborious 9 Litres from Professor Layton and the Azran Legacy
- #117 is the one-hundred seventeenth figure in the M.U.S.C.L.E. toy series.
- In seiner Verbitterung über sein Schicksal stößt Ben alle von sich -auch seine Mutter bekommt sein ablehnendes Verhalten zu spüren. Mike redet mit Engelszungen auf Nadja ein, an ihr eigenes Wohlergehen zu denken. Damit allerdings macht sich Mike Ben zum Feind und Ben will Mike eine Falle stellen, um ihn vor seiner Mutter bloßzustellen. Obwohl Vanessa Nina vor Tim und Ben verteidigt, hat Nina Tims Vorwurf derart getroffen, dass sie nach Hause flüchtet. Nina fühlt sich allgegenwärtig mit Horn konfrontiert. Um das schreckliche Erlebnis endlich zu vergessen, greift sie zu drastischen Mitteln. Diana will sich nicht eingestehen, dass ihr noch immer etwas an Julian liegt und sieht deshalb kein Problem darin, in Julians Wohnung einzuziehen. Trotzdem weckt das Wiedersehen mit Julian viele Erinnerun
- Carolyn's car is missing, so they assume she drove to meet Joe despite it's not being like her. Elizabeth worries. Joe shows up, saying he hasn't seen Carolyn in a week. Burke and Carolyn have spent the evening on a date. They mostly talk about the worry their whatever would arouse at Collinwood, and Carolyn plans to say she spent the evening with Janet Fisher should anyone notice she left. Burke asks if Victoria's knowledgeable about their date, and she tells him about Frank Garner. He purports not to be jealous and they get closer physically.
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| - 117
- 9 sierpnia - Trajan, cesarz rzymski (ur. 53)
- In seiner Verbitterung über sein Schicksal stößt Ben alle von sich -auch seine Mutter bekommt sein ablehnendes Verhalten zu spüren. Mike redet mit Engelszungen auf Nadja ein, an ihr eigenes Wohlergehen zu denken. Damit allerdings macht sich Mike Ben zum Feind und Ben will Mike eine Falle stellen, um ihn vor seiner Mutter bloßzustellen. Obwohl Vanessa Nina vor Tim und Ben verteidigt, hat Nina Tims Vorwurf derart getroffen, dass sie nach Hause flüchtet. Nina fühlt sich allgegenwärtig mit Horn konfrontiert. Um das schreckliche Erlebnis endlich zu vergessen, greift sie zu drastischen Mitteln. Diana will sich nicht eingestehen, dass ihr noch immer etwas an Julian liegt und sieht deshalb kein Problem darin, in Julians Wohnung einzuziehen. Trotzdem weckt das Wiedersehen mit Julian viele Erinnerungen und Diana muss schmerzlich registrieren, dass es zwischen Julian und ihr endgültig vorbei ist.
- The Number 117,
- This article includes events that occurred in the Christian world in 117.
- Carolyn's car is missing, so they assume she drove to meet Joe despite it's not being like her. Elizabeth worries. Joe shows up, saying he hasn't seen Carolyn in a week. Burke and Carolyn have spent the evening on a date. They mostly talk about the worry their whatever would arouse at Collinwood, and Carolyn plans to say she spent the evening with Janet Fisher should anyone notice she left. Burke asks if Victoria's knowledgeable about their date, and she tells him about Frank Garner. He purports not to be jealous and they get closer physically. Joe learns of Elizabeth's attempts to locate Victoria. Joe calls his friend Maggie, who's been at the Diner all day and hasn't seen Victoria. Joe and Mrs. Johnson begin to question Carolyn's dress obsession if she was just going out with Victoria. Joe insinuates she may be out with... someone else. Elizabeth allows him to search for her there, both hope he doesn't find her. Burke and Carolyn continue whatever they're doing; she says she's not sure of his feelings because of her Collinsness. Joe shows up and is infuriated when he finds Burke and Carolyn together. He admits Elizabeth sent her because she's worried; he tries to take Carolyn home and he and Burke scuffle. Joe says Carolyn's not worth fighting over and finally spills the beans. Burke learns Victoria is missing and decides immediately to go to Collinwood; Elizabeth tells Frank there's been no progress. The trio comes home; Elizabeth orders Carolyn to her room. Elizabeth asks Burke to leave Carolyn alone; he wants to help find Victoria. They begin to discuss the case; Elizabeth is stunned when Joe finds Victoria's suitcase, and Burke realizes that the governess is still at Collinwood.
- [[Plik:8003-117.jpg|right|thumb|250px|Autobus Solaris Urbino 15 na linii 117 na ul. Paryskiej (2008)]] 117 – linia autobusowa zwykła (rozkład jazdy), która kursuje z Gocławia na Dworzec Centralny. Linię obsługują zajezdnie autobusowe Ostrobramska i Kleszczowa.
- El ciento ddiecisiete (117) es el número natural que sigue al 116 y precede al 118. Categoría:Números
- The number 117 can refer to:
* Puzzle Painting a Cube from Professor Layton and the Curious Village
* Puzzle Three Couples from Professor Layton and the Diabolical Box
* Puzzle Where's the Arrow? from Professor Layton and the Unwound Future
* Puzzle A Token Puzzle from Professor Layton and the Last Specter
* Puzzle Ride Rotation from Professor Layton and the Miracle Mask
* Puzzle A Laborious 9 Litres from Professor Layton and the Azran Legacy
- #117 is the one-hundred seventeenth figure in the M.U.S.C.L.E. toy series.
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