| - Justice League: War is a DC universe direct-to-video original animated movie inspired by comic book writer Grant Morrison and artist Jim Lee's Justice League: Origin, the first story in the 2011 reboot of the DC universe. It is was released to video-on-demand on January 21, 2014. The disc and rental versions are scheduled for release on February 4, 2014.
- Justice League: War was released in 2014 and is an adaptation of the Justice League's Origins from The New 52. It is the first feature length film in the DC Animated Film Universe and is set before the scene where Barry gives Bruce a letter from his Flashpoint father and after the post-credits scene of Justice League: The Flashpoint Paradox.
- Justice League: War is an animated movie about Cyborg, Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman, Green Lantern, Shazam and more banding together to stop an alien invasion. It was given a PG-13 for intense action and strong language.
- Justice League: War (en español Liga de la Justicia: Guerra) es una película de animación basada el el arco argumental "Origen" de los cómics de The New 52. Está es la primera película cronológica del Universo de películas animadas de DC.
- A series of strange abductions have occurred in Gotham City. Video footage suggests that Batman, a wanted, costumed vigilante, is behind the incidents. When a mysterious cloaked kidnapper abducts a woman, Green Lantern (Hal Jordan) arrives to confront the kidnapper and saves the woman when she is dropped from above. Green Lantern then attacks the kidnapper, revealing it to be a monstrous Parademon. As Green Lantern is about to be killed, Batman appears and saves him from the rooftop. The Parademon resumes its position and attacks both heroes. They escape from the city's police and chase the creature into the sewers, where it charges a Mother Box and explodes. Batman and Green Lantern check the box, deduce that it is of extraterrestrial origin, and decide to ask Superman for an answer. Anot