| - Sada sat quietly, reading a book as her five year-old daughter dozed on her lap. She still marveled at the resemblance between Osamu and their daughter. Though Reiha inherited Sada's facial features, she possessed blond hair with notable silver highlights, to the point of appearing so in some lighting. Her eyes shown a beautiful blue, the same as her loving husband. Sada missed him greatly over the five years, though they had kept in continual contact through letters and projections. From what she knew, he was a very busy individual, having his hands full with two shinobi factions, even though he had help from other allies on occasion. Despite knowing him to be fully capable of protecting himself, along with powerful friends by his side in times of need, Sada worried nonetheless. In Osamu's absence, Sada had taken to telling Reiha stories of her father's exploits, describing his appearance among other things. She wanted her daughter to know Osamu like he had been there the whole time rather than away. In spite of this, she had made sure Osamu didn't know about their child; she didn't want him worrying about Reiha when there were things to be done. Besides, having a large family on both sides meant Sada was far from alone in raising her, with Reiha's numerous aunts and uncles as well as grandparents taking turns spoiling the girl. Sada only hoped they wouldn't spoil her rotten. This caused her to smile faintly as she stroked Reiha's hair; despite his occasionally gruff demeanor, she knew her father Kaname was excited to have another grandchild around. Sada's thoughts were then interrupted by familiar chakra intruding on her senses. Her smile grew wider as she recognized its owner; Osamu had returned home. Sada let out a sigh of relief before rousing her Reiha from her nap. Though, sleepy-eyed, Reiha felt her mother's excitement, one that proved infectious. It could only mean one thing. "Is it him?" Reiha asked shyly, to which her mother nodded with a grin. Outside, Osamu couldn't help but muster a smile as he stepped up the stone stairs of the porch leading to the door of a place he once called home.; yet again returning to the serene area once again. Looking down frantically at his clothing, he brushed off his shoulders and clothing in a hastily manner and pulled out a comb he carried with him as he used water to form a makeshift mirror. Coming his long hair here and there, he wanted to look pleasant for his wife after his long journey, chuckling at the thought of Sada casually ignoring such actions at this point in time, as she likely wouldn't care about his appearance as long as she got to see him after such a long time isolation from one another. As he stepped up to the door, he raised his hand slighting, forming it into a fist to knock on the door, before reminiscing on the past. Last time he actually saw her in person, she was as beautiful as a blossoming rose, but despite this, he knew she would be look a million times better as he remembered the times they shared together. There were many times where he risked life and limb to sneak out of his home just to sneak into the well guarded village of Tsukimiyako to see Sada, well aware of the possible consequences of getting caught. Despite this, he always gave his all to muster up the courage to do so, as he felt he had something to prove to her, something he had to do, and that was earning her heart. His journey around the various nations were without their stories. He would often tell Kogasu of the times he spent with her, the two staying up countless hours telling one another about the times they spent with their loved-ones and respective crushes. He did this to remind himself that despite taking this journey, he was doing it for other reasons that just saving the world, he was doing it because he knew he had someone he was fighting for, a precious gemstone he knew he had to get back to and take care of. Zooming back to reality, Osamu smiled, realizing he got lost in his daydream while reality waited at the door. Knocking on it gently, he patiently awaited an answer, hoping someone was home. After being constantly aware of his surroundings for five years consecutively, it honestly felt good to not be aware of your surroundings on such an intense level, and as a result he simply didn't use chakra sensing to determine if anyone was home. "I'm finally home honey..." Osamu thought constantly as he smiled. Sada felt Osamu (or his signature) pause at the doorstep. At this point, both Sada and Reiha had tiptoed to the door, keeping extraordinarily quiet while doing so. After all, neither of them wanted to ruin the surprise. Sada could feel the anticipation building within her; it had been so long since she had seen those blue eyes and the handsome man that went with them. He was and is her blue-eyed daredevil, making the world safe for its inhabitants and their daughter. At last, as if sensing the occasion, the knock they were waiting for came on the door, resonating with the two. With that sound, the hint of smile that remained on Sada's lips grew into a radiant one. It was a miniature sun with it's brightness and warmth, setting everyone who was lucky enough to witness it at ease. In particular, it eased the nervousness of Reiha, if her mother could smile like that, she knew her dad was a good person. She was glad that her mom was happy, as Reiha could tell that Sada missed him terribly over the past five years. "Ready?" Sada asked softly. Reiha nodded as Sada went an opened the door, revealing the one they had all been waiting for so long. "It's been a long time love," Sada said, joy and love rolling off her in waves. Next to her stood Reiha, who saw all the stories and descriptions that her mother gave her about her father were correct. As such, she wasted no time in greeting him. "Daddy!" she cried, before running to tackle her father. Despite never meeting him before, there was an immediate connection that left the young girl with the feeling that she had known him all of her five years. Such was her mother's storytelling skills. Meanwhile, Sada looked on with happiness as her daughter finally was able to meet her father; the joy in witnessing such a scene caused blissful tears to begin running down her cheeks. "Oh how I missed you," Sada whispered, unable to contain herself any longer. She joined in the hug/tackling fest, causing the young family to end up in a messy yet contented heap on the ground. Upon the door opening, the love of his life welcomed Osamu, but she wasn't the only one; a lovely young girl stood by her side. Examining her facial features, she looked a lot like Sada. Before he could make anymore notable comparisons, the girl sprang fourth with the suddenness of the wind, dashing into a jump as she screamed "Daddy". At this point, time itself seemed to slow and even halt its progression as the blue-eyed daredevils brain processed it all at intense speeds. "I'm a father..." he thought as it echoed in his mind repetitively. With this, time seemingly returned to normal as the adrenaline rush ended in time for him to catch his beautiful daughter in his arms, embracing her as tears rolled down his blushing cheeks. Looking up, he could see the joy in Sada's excited facial expression, having finally received the keystone she waited to long for. "Watching her run and jump towards him, Osamu used his mind to ease her quick decent towards the two before guiding her into his arms, smiling. "She's so beautiful Sada!" he stated, kissing their daughter on the forehead, admiring her blond hair and complimenting silver highlights. Having missed Sada so much over the past five years, Osamu was finding it quite hard containing his feeling, though he still managed to do so. Turning his head to the right and looking the woman he loved directly in the eyes, Osamu kissed her on the forehead then kissed her slowly on the lips. "I feels so good to see you once more Sada..." he states as tears began to form amongst his eyes. "I'm so sorry I left for those five years... Had I known that I had a daughter, I wouldn't had left...". A stream of tears rolled down both sides of his face, pooling on his chest before being quickly accepted by the grey shirt beneath his black, high collar cloak.Looking towards the young girl, he could see her hugging him as best she could, showing her vast love and affection in the only way she knew how as she grabbed his clothing with all her warm might, bringing a smile and more tears to her fathers eyes as he closed the distance between his arms, hugging both as all three embraced one another, bonded by love and tears, rejoicing with one another. "And you Osamu," Sada said as kissed him back. She struggled to contain the remainder of her emotions. After all, their daughter was present; she resolved to show them later. For now, though Sada would let herself have this kiss. One that turned into a longer kiss before she responded to his statement, her own waterworks growing. "It's fine my love. You had a world to save and people to help. Besides, making the world below safe for our daughter is a good thing. One you should never regret," Sada stated through a teary smile. "Besides, it's not as if I was alone in raising her. We both come from large families after all. Your parents and my parents in particular were ecstatic to have a grandchild in the family." However, that was enough reminiscing in Sada's mind as she cut off the reply with another kiss. Oh had she had missed him terribly over those long five years. Meanwhile, Reiha was content to be in between her loving parents, feeling the warmth as they joined in a powerful hug that had been so long in the making. She couldn't wait to ask her father what adventures he had been up to during all this time, though for now, Reiha was happy with enjoying the moment. Only now did it begin to dawn on her just how much her mother had missed Osamu, Reiha's father. She liked that word, being able to say to the person as opposed to repeating it in her head for the fateful day. Such a word was enough to cause her own tears to flow; it was a blissful scene indeed. While there were initially curious onlookers, upon seeing the level of raw emotion exuded from the little family, they decided to intrude no further, proceeding about their business. "So he's finally returned, it's nice that the lovely little girl finally can meet her father," some thought, while others found the happiness of the scene contagious, cheering them on to do good things with the rest of their day. With the affection kisses from his wife and loving hugs from his daughter, Osamu looked at the little girl, asking Sada of her name. While doing so, Osamu's Tenseigan deactivated spontaneously, due to chakra usage, prompting him to lift his hand towards his eyes. I haven't rested in about 5 days..." Osamu stated as she mustered a smile to comfort his family, should they worry. "I've missed your lovely cooking over these past five years honey. I always did love the way you made all of your food, even down to the Sushi you'd occasionally make, pairing oh so well with a bit of wasabi." With that, Osamu couldn't hel but grin, feeling delighted from mere memories of her cooking as if was there at the dinner table just yesterday. "I should probably lie down and rest, but let's get you two inside first!" he added, lifting himself off the ground before attempting to shift Sada and their daughter inside, just to move them a mere five feet, much shorter than he envisioned. Laughing aloud with a chuckle, Osamu took several steps before collapsing to the ground from chakra exhaustion, the world quickly spiraling into a beautiful, stretched blur before he finally blacked out, landing on the ground behind hs beloved family. Sada smiled. She had been waiting for that question for quite a while. "Her name is Reiha Nakano," Sada said, hugging their daughter as Reiha further nuzzled her way in between the two. When Osamu mentioned food, Reiha's stomach rumbled, much the young girl's embarrassment. "Looks the two of you are hungry," Sada laughed, a delicious sound that warmed the hearts of passerby. She began running through a checklist of what she might make; a feast felt appropriate, considering it had been five years in the making. That is until she heard a thump, after being moved five feet in the direction of the doorway. Worry creased her forehead as her husband lie unconscious on the ground. It was then that she recalled that he hadn't slept or rested in the past five days. "Reiha, grab the tea and medicinal supplies, and some of the leftovers as well," Sada commanded, her daughter obediently running in the house to grab the supplies. Positioning herself carefully, Sada lifted her unconscious husband, while trying to ignore the fact that she was touching his very toned abdomen. Such thoughts would have to wait for another time. After managing to shift him into a bridal hold, Sada carried him inside before laying him on the sofa. Sensing the importance of the situation, Sada found her daughter waiting there with all the things she asked for. Thanking her, Sada began to go to work, using the powerful smelling plants from the medicinal supplies to rouse her husband from his sleep. "What did I tell you about being reckless?" Sada scolded when he awoke once more, "We would have still been here even if you decided to take a break. You're a father now, so you have to take care of yourself." With that, she handed him the tea and freshly heated leftovers. "Eat those and rest," Sada ordered, before kissing her husband's forehead. "I'm..sorry babe... I just...wanted to come home to you..." Osamu said as he gathered the strength to do so, being forced awaken against his will, against the restraints and authority of his body as he felt the light press of a lovers kiss on his forehead. The tingly but warm sensation made him want to smile, but his loss of energy prevented him from doing so. Sniffing the air lightly, he smelled the wonderful cooking he longs to indulge in for five whole years. Sniffinf again, it instill within him the determination to lift his arm and hold a thr fork on the plate. In doing so, he stabbed into a warm potato slice as butter rolled off of it, beading back down to the plate. Closing his mouth on it before retrieving the fork, he could taste the love baked right in. "Oh my... Your cooking is.. still as delightful as ever honey." he said as a smile eased its way on his face. Taking more bites, he began to eat more and more as it dawned on him just how mortal he was. Being so close to death, physically and relationshipwise, it was no laughing matter. Reminiscing about his journey, Osamu was reminded on the time his last opponent mortally wounded him, the man that also kidnapped Kogasu's sister, Akane, the man he knows too well as Jigoku Otsutsuki, leader of the Byakkotai. Upon being wounded by his own attack used at the hands of Jogoku, memories of his life in Gesstono began flashing before his eyes as memories of Sada flashed before them as well. "The feeling of regret and things undone flooded his body as he felt death ever so close to his very being, out to steal his soul from the clutches of his very body, Osamu stopped eating. Looking at the rim of the plate, he could see his own reflection, his long, curled horns having manifested as the saw the visions. Lifting his left hand up to his head, he could feel the grooves in his horns, as he opened his mouth, as if to hide them from site, but he couldn't. Looking up slightly, Reiha was looking directly as him, speechless, but collected and calm. "Mommy... What's wrong with daddy?" she said, feeled with wonder as she examined the cursed objects on his head. At this moment, Osamu didn't know what to do, being just as shocked from his "experiences of war" than even the most hardened war veteran. Osamu didn't immediately realize it, but he was stressed over the duties he had to undertake as a Shukage that simply causes his horns to manifest. "Calming down so, his horns began to regress as he continued to eat the food prepared by his wife. Sada felt concern steal over her once more as she saw her husband's horns manifest. It was clear that memories of the past had come to haunt him. She could also tell that his reserves were extraordinarily low; while food would help somewhat, only rest and time could heal the rest. Osamu had clearly pushed himself to a breaking point; one that reminded him of his own mortality. She had a sneaking suspicion that on those missions he had come close to more disastrous results, ones that may have prevented this reunion from happening. Hearing her daughter's question broke through Sada's train of thought. A sad smile reached her face as Reiha asked a question about the horns. "Nothing's wrong Reiha, he's just stressed from the long journey he had completed. How about we let daddy rest? He came a long way in a short time, and needs to recover," Sada suggested. Reiha nodded solemnly in response, as she picked up on the tired state of her father. Her brow furrowed as she realized all her questions would have to wait, but knew that her father needed rest and badly. The little girl was quite observant for her age after all. "How's dad supposed to sleep if you're fussing over him?" Reiha demanded before grabbing her mother by the hand and leading her out of the room. Sada managed only a sheepish smile before being pulled away by the inquisitive five-year-old, who saw the extra time as an opportunity to come up with more questions. Thus the man would be alone once more, though unlike the past five years, his loved ones would not be so far away, even the newest addition to the list. Seeing Reiha get pulled eagerly away by her mother, Osamu knew they had his best interest in mind. Osamu could especially tell by the look on Sada's face while stuck in mid-trance. After they left the room, Osamu finished up his meal before walking the dishes to the kitchen, then heading to the bedroom where their king sized bed awaited. On it was a patterned, purple and gold colored comforter. With his family safe and out of harms way, Osamu would go on to take a thirty minute shower. Not that he stunk, or really needed one, but just so he could feel better after getting in bed, as there's nothing like getting in bed after a hot shower. Once in, he lathered up well before washing his grayish-silver colored hair. Feeling the water run through his hair felt truly amazing. Shampooing his hair with lovely lavender shampoo and smiling while doing so, Osamu just knew he smelled like a million bucks. After rinsing, and repeating the cycle, he would gently turn off the water as the knob squeaked. Grabbing his blue towel, he dried off his hair as best he could before drying off his body. Looking in the mirror, his horns appeared to regress greatly, almost completely. Smiling, he felt as refreshed, but tired as could be. Blow-drying his hair, he finally slipped into a pair if pajama's, but only the pants. Exiting the bathroom, the king-size bed of complete fluffiness and relaxation awaited as he crawled right on, laying down and almost immediately falling into a heavy slumber. After playing for a while with her mother, Reiha wandered off to the bathroom. Now that the excitement was over, she was a little bored. Being a five-year-old, her patience was limited, and she considered the few hours spent to be sufficient for her dad's recovery. Considering that she heard a shower running a little while earlier, Reiha followed the direction of the former sound, before finding her parents bedroom. The little girl was awed by the giant king size bed, which dwarfed her easily. However, its contents were what interested her, as she found her father sound asleep on top. Not wasting anytime, the girl scrambled onto the bed before falling flat on the covers. It wasn't graceful, but she had made it. Satisfied, Reiha poked her father, a dam of questions ready to burst. But Osamu was out like a log, and despite her prodding, remained undisturbed. Disgruntled, Reiha prepared to leave only to yawn hugely; the day's events had worn on her. Now that everyone was settled, she figured sleeping was a good option. So without further ado, she cuddled next to her father, burrowing under the sheets before her blue eyes closed. The gentle rise and fall of her chest signified that Reiha had drifted off into dreamland. Meanwhile, Sada wondered what was taking her daughter so long. She didn't hear any door close, so she doubted Reiha had wandered outside, besides, the people of her town were friendly, so even if such occurrence happened, the girl would find her way home. So Sada contented herself with looking about the now quiet home, before happening upon the bedroom. There, she found what she sought, little Reiha, sound asleep and in the arms of her sleeping father. Such a heartwarming scene caused the woman to smile, knowing how long this image was a long time coming. Satisfied that everything was in order, Sada kissed the two loves of her life goodnight before silently leaving the room. Five Hours Later... The eyes of the Guardian slowly opened as a pair of blue eye reflected the life within them. Osamu's eyes darted to the left, then right as he looked around the room, only to spot his daughter cuddled next to him, sleeping silently, her beautiful hair complementing her small frame. Using his left hand, he parted the stray hair before placing it behind her ear, kissing the side of her forehead afterwards. Lifting himself up from his place of comfort, Osamu whimsically looked around, as if trying to find something amidst the room before silently placing his feet on the floor, making sure not to wake his sweetheart. Shirtless, but comfortable, the silver-haired man made his way towards the living room, seeking out his caring wife. Upon striding down the short hall and around several small corners, he could see her in the living room. Upon closer examination, he could tell the house was cleaner than it was when he arrived, not that it was dirty, it's just his wife was an excellent woman, taking pride in the appearance of the place she called home. After all, mother always did say "Home is where the heart is", and after all, she poured all of her love into raising their child in his absence for five years, so of course it was where her heart was, waiting for her white knight to return to her kingdom. "Sada..." he said lightly, smiling at he gazed at her, flexing his toned muscles unconsciously as he pulled out a hair band, putting his hair into a ponytail at the top before approaching her. Sada turned around to see a shirtless Osamu arriving. He looked significantly better than he had a few hours ago. Both the rest and the food had done much to help him recover. She stood as she returned his smile with one of her own. With a few strides, Sada reached Osamu before wrapping him in an embrace. She let her loving hug stand as a response to his statement, he head resting against his beating heart. It seemed that so much time had passed, yet the familiarity was still there, despite the former distances. The woman had truly missed Osamu terribly, and in her hug was afraid to let him go. That he was shirtless was not lost on her, as she blushed slightly. However, once could tell that she radiated a powerful bliss, as she gave Osamu a warm embrace meant specifically for him. Her blonde hair fanned out slightly as she shifted to look up at his face. "I've missed you." Sada said simply. The meaning behind such a short phrase couldn't be more potent as she stood on her tiptoes to kiss his cheek. It seemed like her husband had grown, even if though she knew such a thing was not possible. Sada would worry about such things later though, as she draped her hands over his back. Her violet eyes shined as leaned further into the embrace, content to stay this way forever. Such intimacy was another aspect of Osamu that she had missed over those long five years. His affection was what had drawn her to him in the first place, and only now was she beginning to realize just how much that mattered to Sada in her significant other. So for now, they remained intertwined, resting peacefully against each other in the living room. Taking in the ambient affection irradiating his personal space, Osamu cracked an intimate smile as his loving soul mate smiled at him. Hearing her return the beautiful love they shared with her graceful yet honest words as she looked up at his face, Osamu moved his hands from the side of her body until they were around her waist, holding her body next to his as her head rested against his chiseled chest, with him staring within her beautiful violet eyes. Feeling the ever gentle touch of her lips against his cheek set off fireworks in his heart, for he knew her love for him didn't fade one bit over the past few years, but instead, was reinforced and became that much stronger as she waited patiently for her released dove to return once more. Tilting his head slightly to the right as he leaned down, he would kiss Sada on her lips as he held her waist firmly. Kissing her once, he looked her in the eyes before using his right hand to adjust the hair near her face, putting the stray group behind her ear before going in for another passionate kiss. After what seemed in his head like minute, but was in fact seconds, he stopped before looking at the heartwarming woman. "I missed you too Sada... I can't say enough how much I've missed you over the past few years. Even after writing all those letters and sending them, I still couldn't vanquish the thoughts of how many times I've pondered just stopping my missions to come home to you. During all those heart-wrenching years, I've had so many encounters with death that most I would get used to it, and at one point, I almost died from a mortal wound. At that moment, my entire life flashed before my eyes and the very first thing I saw... was you..." he stated from the depths of his heart. "I saw you on the outskirts of Tsukimiyako, then the scene changed and I saw you taking me to a shop... I can't bare living in this world without you.. and now that we have a daughter, I'm even more determined to stay here and help you raise her..." he added as he braided the fingers of both his hands in hers passionately. "I love you with all my heart." Looking in her eyes, he reminisced about the last time they were together like this, hand in hand in each others intimate embrace. It was nearly six years ago, almost ten months before Sada was born. Lifting his right hand, placing it softly against Sada's warm, blushing face, he simply smiled. Feeling his lips brush across her own, Sada felt her cheeks rosen. She gave herself up the feeling, finally ending the notion of delayed gratification. He was here, and she planned pn enjoying every moment of it. She felt her hands naturally intertwine with his; this too was something that she had missed over that stretch of time. Though her love remained formidable over that test of time. Worry came to her face when Sada heard just how many times he had encountered death, which ironically enough was now her father-in-law. More importantly though, Osamu had survived those chancy situations, otherwise he wouldn't be here to greet his family. Her heart was uplifted by his declaration of love, one that proved to her that neither time nor distance could diminish the love they held for each other. If anything, it would only grow, since they now had a family of their own. "I love you with everything I have." she responded simply. He would know what such a statement meant. With a gentle rise to her tiptoes once more, Sada began a reunion with her husband's lips, a warm embrace embrace turning into more as her passion resurfaced. Five years without one's husband was a long time for chastity, one that only her patience/fortitude and her daughter's needs kept her mind occupied from. However, with her husband's return, such a need had resurfaced. It would have been only a matter of time before it came, though such a heated yet warm embrace returned the need to express that love tenfold. Though each party knew what they meant to the other long ago. Her smile became radiant as the passion from being with the one she loved began roaring through her system. No longer could she be its gatekeeper when the apple of its eye was in her arms. The time had come at last. As the two embraced, their eyes filled with lust a portal opened in the room. From within the whirling mass of darkness out stepped Osamu's father and Sada's father in law, Kaminoshi. In a flash both were enveloped with a hug by the estate reaper. "Osamu i'm so glad your back." Kami spoke as he released the two from his crushing grip and smiled at the two. "I was quite worried for you a couple of times Osamu, you should've let me kill them." He spoke as his eyes glistened with murderous intent. "I get that you have your pride or whatever but I reeeaaally wanted to." The reaper spoke as his tone got lower. "So I kinda revived and tortured them for harming my little boy." He spoke with a large smile as he tussled Osmau's hair. "Now where's the little one I have a gift for her." He asked Sada, his eyes sparkling with excitement. As his lover stood on the tip of her toes to kiss him, Osamu simply embraced the moment. He could see manifestations of Sada releasing all restraints concerning her being. Having went a long and tough five years without the love of her life, Osamu wouldn't blame her for doing so, as he too was ready, or so he thought, for anything she was ready to endure. Without notice, his father appears and starts talking loudly, as Osamu instantaneously took action. Osamu gazed back at the doorway separating the living room from their bedroom. Utilizing a single hand seal, a barrier appeared on the doorway, and would work to block off the bedroom from the sound in the living room, as to not wake their sleeping princess."Father, why didn't you knock? And also, why are you just barging in?" Osamu questioned on the mental plane, hoping to keep their daughter sleeping soundly. Not waiting for his rambunctious father to reply, he simply pointed towards the doorway before looking at Sada once more, trying to preserve the mood. He then put his hands around her waist and lifted her up, depositing his lover on the couch as he utilized his mind to remove her garments. Looking her in the eyes, he did the same to himself as they came together once more, but this time, in a much more finely tuned embrace, one they would never forget as he moved his hip forward with a sudden thrust... Two Hours, Fifteen Minutes Later... Osamu was laying down on the couch, back first, Sada resting on his chest as he combed her hair with his hands, kissing her forehead as he did so. "You really did test my stamina Sada. Remind me to never challenge you again..." Osamu said as he looked deeply into her blazing, restless eyes, appearing to tempt him once more. Sada's restless and passionate demeanor was interrupted by the sudden arrival of her father-in-law. It caused a moment of intrigue on her part, before she realized he was here to see his granddaughter and recently returned son. Kami's potent voice caused her to look anxiously towards the room where their daughter was peacefully resting. That is, until Osamu erected a barrier and picked up simultaneously. The act of doing so caused her passionate need to return in force, and instinctively her arms wrapped around his neck as she kissed him once more. Part of her noted how much easier it was when she was picked up to complete that act. After being deposited on the couch, all thoughts of other things were banished from her mind, including Kami's presence. Such a train of thought was further cemented by Osamu relieving Sada of her clothing. Her eyes met his, and Sada could see the hunger she had reflected in his; it was time. Osamu embraced her once more, and her lips sought a reunion with his, that is until she felt it. Her mind blanked as a moan of increasing pleasure escaped her mouth. Her hands tightened around Osamu as she pulled him closer.... Sada rested on her lover's chest, a smile of contentment on her face. It indeed had been so long. In response to Osamu's kiss on the forehead, she snuggled closer, reveling in his warmth. Her grin grew wider at his comment. "I suppose we're both a bit out of practice," she responded diplomatically. Sada's violet eyes retained a purple fire that had been awakened by the ending of Osamu's odyssey. Part of her wanted more as a fire sustained itself within her; those five years needed to be made up according to her body's needs. When her eyes met his, Sada kissed Osamu again. Slowly this time however, rhythmically while savoring each passing second of contact. In her mind, Kami had stopped existing within their living room. Osamu remained in touch with Sada as they shared the kiss, storing the moment within the confines of his memories with each passing second. Using his left hand, he gently caressed her head while placing his right and on her lower back, holding her closer as he continued kissing his enduring wife. Osamu finally knew just how much she had missed him, as she displayed with her actions, which spoke a lot louder than her words, much to Osamu's amazement and excitement. Lookin out the corner on his eyes, he could see Kaminoshi in the room with their daughter through the aid of his Byakugan, feeling relief as he kissed Sada a final time before rubbing her back, soothing her worked muscles. "I love you Sada... I want to hold you close... Tonight and always... I want to wake up next to you..." Kami smirked a little as he was ushered out of the room by the two young lovers. "Yeah yeah have fun you too." He spoke with an exaggerated wink as he moved out the door and walked into Reiha's room and saw his little granddaughter who seemed to rouse form her sleep as he entered, almost like she knew someone was there. "Hello Reiha." Kaminoshi spoke with a gleeful smile. To those who experienced this side of him it seemed almost impossible that this eccentric and kind man was death itself. He sat down beside her bed and looked into her eyes. "Are you happy your daddy is home?" Reiha was roused by the presence of someone familiar. Rubbing her eyes, she saw the blurry form condense into that of her grandfather. Despite his intimidating size and rather distasteful profession, the little girl felt nothing but warmth for the man. "Grandpa!" she responded in typical five-year old fashion, before wrapping him in a big hug. It had been a while since she had seen that side of the family, and it was nice that Kami was her once more. Reiha broke into a radiant smile as her grandfather posed his question. "Of course," she said sagely, wondering when she would have the opportunity to show her father what she had learned, even though Reiha wasn't enrolled in the academy yet. "Are you glad that he is home?" she asked in response before wondering aloud, "What are mommy and daddy doing?" Curiosity rolled off of her in waves. Sada gave herself to the massage, stretching her back as continued to relax the worked muscles. "As I love you Osamu... Promise me that you won't be so far for so long again ... I missed your presence, your love, you warmth, and the comfort of knowing that I would awake with you by my side each and every morning." Sada's own Byakugan temporarily activated as she scanned to see how Reiha was doing, only to see the former give her grandfather a giant hug. Such an act brought a smile to her face, while bringing her to the present once more. "Should we go check on our daughter, seeing as she's awake?" Sada asked softly, eager to see their daughter once more after a sharing of feelings. Part of her noted that they should put some clothes on for the sake of keeping decent. Their daughter was too innocent for such a sight. Upon hearing his love's request, Osamu simply smiled, replying to her. "Yes, I promise Sada." With that, he laid there, thinking about how life would be since he had so much time now to spend with his family. Looking up at Sada, he say her Byakugan spontaneously activate as she peered into the direction of the room their sweet daughter was in, the very room his father was in as well. Seeing them deactivate shortly, his continued look at her face revealed an urge and desire in her eyes to see their daughter again. "I think I'd be good to check on her." Osamu said with a smile. Upon Sada getting up off oh him, he couldn't help but notice the smoking hot body his wife possessed. Saving the thoughts for later, he also noted they needed clothing. Activating his Tenseigan, he materialized clothing made from two Truth-Seeking Ball, before shaping them around first Sada and then himself as he got up from the couch. "Of course I'm glad glad he's home." Kaminoshi beamed with a smile as he returned the hug from his lovely granddaughter. As the next words rolled out of her mouth Kaminoshi choked a little on his laughter and upon recovering firmly stated. "They're just watching some Ninjaflix and chilling." He spoke calmly as he sat with Reiha. Soon enough the door opened and Sada and Osamu entered, clad in truth seeking balls. As soon as the two entered the room Kaminoshi began to laugh uncontrollably. "Nice truth seeking shirt Osamu." He spoke in between laughs. "It really matches that truth seeking dress of yours Sada." He shouted as his laughter finally subsided. As he wiped a tear from his eye he sat next to Reiha and spoke. "So how are you two doing?" Reiha's smile turned to that of befuddlement. She felt there was some idiosyncrasy to her grandfather's statement, but she remained confused on what it was. Her grin returned upon her parents' entrance into the room. She bounced off of the bed and into her mother's arms. Sada willingly caught her daughter, her violet eyes shining as Reiha's happiness proved infectious once more. "We're doing well. Just glad that everyone is home once more." Sada said with warmth. She leaned her head on Osamu's shoulder as Reiha turned around. "When are we going to see grandma Chiyoko and everyone else?" Reiha asked. Sada smiled at Kami's merriment; they would most likely have to change. After all, the TSB clothes were a bit too obvious for what they just did. "Soon love." Sada said before kissing Reiha on the forehead. "Unless he's willing for us to come now." she added, before smirking at her father-in-law. At that point she remembered the dresser they passed. Sighing, she affectionately tickled her daughter causing Reiha to giggle. Part of her wondered if they should change considering how funny Kami found their current appearance. The walk of shame indeed. Osamu chuckled at his fathers bland thoughts of the elegant clothing he crafted from the Truth-Seeking Balls for him and his wife. "I'm doing quite well father. I haven't seen my brothers and sisters in 5 years, so I think it would be nice to pay them a visit. Maybe even spar. Osamu happily stated, not forgetting about his family. "I think it would be nice to visit mother right about now" Osamu thought openly to himself before turning to Reiha as Sada leaned on him. "Do you want to see your grandmother today?" he asked his little one as her vast smile warmed his heart in confirmation. Thinking back to his fathers comment on his makeshift clothing, he figured it would be a good idea to get into some real clothing. "Excuse me father, I'd like me and Sada to get properly dressed so could you watch Reiha for the time being?" he asked with a smile, wanting to get into actual clothing. "I can warp us over as soon as you're out of those truth seeking balls." Kaminoshi spoke with a smile as he turned to Reiha and extended a hand. "You ready to see your aunts and uncle?" He shouted with a large grin on his face. Kaminoshi played patty cake with the young girl as he thought to himself about how long it had been since the family had gotten together. With Kamiko and Osamu off on their own journeys and Kamiyo almost always away Kaminoshi had missed his children. He was glad he still had more that had yet to leave the nest yet. Sada smirked before setting Reiha down; as soon as she did, the little girl began playing patty cake with her grandfather. Satisfied that all was well, Sada left the room to go change, pulling out a purple button down and khakis after she had put on some panties and a bra. Satisfied with simple comb through, she let her hair hang freely, with it gently framing her face. She smiled as she slipped into some boat shoes, before returning to the room to find her daughter content and excited. We should really start visiting family more, Sada thought as she sat down on the bed's edge while waiting for Osamu to change. Reiha for her part was bubbling with joy, "Duh, I haven't seen them in a long time. Do I have any cousins yet?" she responded with a grin. Anyone who knew anything could feel the infectious nature that was Reiha's happy demeanor. Part of her wondered if her aunts would have anything new to show her; and the girl still wondered what her uncle did for a living. Osamu left the room after Sada returned before he changed into something more comfortable. Opening the dresser, he removed his favorite pair of boxers, covered in red hearts, something Sada got him for Valentine's Day. Slipping them on, he put on a fresh pair of socks. Afterwards, he reached in another drawer and pulled out the blackest pair of jeans anyone ever laid eyes on. Feeling they suited him, he unfolded them and slipped them on as well, finding them more comfortable than normal and very stylish. Looking at himself in the mirror on the door, Osamu smiled, noticing his now lengthened, lower back-length hair and colorful eyes. Not having willingly activated his dojutsu, he could see the Tenseigan-Rinnegan fusion eye ripple in its multitude of colors. Putting his arms into a black shirt, he looked further in the closet before pulling out the signature black cloak that got him through tough times during his journey in the far lands. Looking in the mirror one last time, his horns suddenly manifested, growing larger and larger before finally curling black slightly as his ears became slightly pointed. smiling, he buttoned up his cloak as the curved symbol on the front made itself known to all who laid eyes on him. Walking back towards the room, he stopped in the doorway as he gazed as his family. "Let the journey commence!" he stated, smiling ever so softly. Kaminoshi finished his game of patty cake with Reiha as Osamu and Sada walked into the room. "Glad to see you two got into some real clothes, truth seeking clothes are really more of a fall thing." Kaminoshi spoke with another small laugh, he really needed to let that go. With a snap of his fingers to four were whisked away to the living room of Gesstono where Chiyoko sat on the couch with Kamiko talking about cosmic energy components. Kamiyo was off in the kitchen making toast and the triplets were nowhere to be found. "REIHA" Kamiko yelled happily as she gripped her niece in a bear hug before placing her on the ground and gripping Osamu in a tighter hug. "Where the hell have you been Osamu?" She asked. Sada grinned as the small group was warped to the home of Chiyoko and Kaminoshi. She smiled as Kamiko embraced her niece tightly. "It's been a while Chiyoko and Kamiko. Where's the rest of the bunch?" Finding a seat on the couch, Sada sat down, taking in the surroundings. She remained impressed with the size of the establishment, even though most of the couple's children had moved out to start their own journeys and families. "Auntie Kamiko!" Reiha screamed in response before tackling her aunt. Fortunately, the former was ready and held her niece lovingly in a bear hug. After being set down, she decided to wander off, curious about the smells in the kitchen and the sound of pots and pans being used. Watching her little one run off, Sada sighed happily. "So what have you been up to these days Chiyoko?" she asked, settling into the couch comfortably while Kamiko berated her brother out of concern. She was surprised how homely the place felt despite its extraordinary size; part of her could envision raising a family here, in particular siblings for Reiha to watch over and love. Such a thought made her smile grow wider, causing the woman to feel the comings of bliss. Osamu waited for Kamoko to finish hugging him before he hugged her, having missed her this entire time, among his other siblings. "Ayame and Asami are outside playing, and Ayano is in the other room. " Chiyoko responded, hugging Sada when her turn arrived before sitting back down. Looking to the right, Chiyoko could feel Ayano, the youngest approach like a predatory hunting prey. "Aunt Sada!" she happily said as she ran up to the woman, hugging her tight as she sat on the womans lap. "I miss you Aunt Sada!" she stated with a smile before leaning her head Sada's warm melons. Hearing Sada ask another question, Chiyoko simply smiled. "I've been tidying up the house and raising the kids as best as possible without spoiling them. Sometimes, I think I try to hard, but want can't a mother do to make her lovely kids happy" she stated as she watched a blissful smile ease onto Sada's face. Watching this occur, Chiyoko couldn't help but feel good herself, glad to have her son home once more along with his wife and kids. Kaminoshi smiled as the rest of the family reconciled and took a seat on the sofa next to Chiyoko. Within the kitchen a tall man stood, cooking toast for storage on his next journey. The man in particular was Kamiyo, the second son of Kaminoshi and Chiyoko. The Shinigami leaned against the counter as he awaited the toast, his hand brushed crumbs off his tailored suit. Kamiyo was a very serious man who rarely showed emotions, seeing his niece was a time when these emotional walls crumbled. "REI-REI" The grown man shouted as he lived the girl into the air and spun her around before hugging her close. "How have you been? It's been at least a year now. How's your training? Is Osamu back? Is Sada still babying you?" The man's voice fired a machine gun of questions as his face beamed with joy. Reiha laughed as Kamiyo twirled her around. "It's great to see you to Uncle Kamiyo," she grinned as she was drawn into a hug. "I've been good, daddy's back home, in fact he's in the living room right now with mom. And I've improved. It should be any day now until I enter the academy." Rei said in response to the barrage of questions. "Can I have some of that?" the girl asked as she eyed the toast with a glance full of hunger. As if in response her stomach rumbled, causing the girl to blush in surprise. After all, her mother was trying to instill a lady-like demeanor within the girl. With limited success it seems. "Indeed," Sada said in agreement. She warmly hugged Ayano who chose to rest her head on Sada's chest, and place herself firmly in Sada's lap. "Have you been Ayano?" Sada asked pleasantly, her demeanor relaxing among family. "It's surreal that Reiha is already 5," Sada thought aloud, "Time really goes too quickly, before you know she'll be 16 and a young woman." The woman shook her head at the thought, noting that it was all too much. Part of her wanted Reiha to remain a child forever, but she knew such a thing wasn't possible. Besides, everyone has to grow up eventually, sometimes it just happens faster than a parent can expect. "I've been well Aunt Sada. I'm getting better with my Shikotsumyaku too!" She states as she embraced the warmth provided by her leaning against the woman's chest. Meanwhile, Osamu began looking through the house for his sisters. Kamiyo smiled as his niece answered his barrage of questions with ladylike dignity. As the young girls stomach grumbled loudly in the middle of her police speech he couldn't help but laugh a little. He then handed her his plate of toast and smiled as he prepared a new plate for himself. "So your training is good hmm. What have you been learning recently?" The man asked with wonder. Reiha gladly took the plate of toast before digging in. She stopped to chew before answering her uncle's question. "Basic taijutsu," she responded, "Mom feels like I'm pretty solid with basic ninjutsu so she wanted me to brush up on this so I can use them in tandem. I wonder if the kids at the academy are skilled...." Satisfied that the question was answered, she continued eating with a gusto, the toast quieting her anxious stomach. Part of her wondered when Sada would start teaching her kenjutsu. It was not lost on the girl that her mother's greatest love besides family was the sword. She would sneak out of her bedroom to watch her mother swing and slash expertly at invisible opponents, conserving momentum and focus with tremendous dexterity. Meanwhile, Sada rested comfortably as Ayano filled her in on what she had missed. "Is that so? Has your construct creation improved?" Sada asked while watching Osamu leave. She knew that he was off to find his remaining siblings, who were most likely spread about this vast estate. "Shikotsuhametsuken's construction is perfect Aunt Sada. Two of mother's friends have been helping me hone my skills in the Shikotsumyaku and I'l even teaching myself of to use it to shoot projectiles." Ayano happily explained to her aunt, full of anticipation at finishing her training and development with her kekkei genkai. Meanwhile, Osamu utilized her Byakugan to locate two of his sisters, Ayane and Asami. "Found you!" he stated before he instantly vanished, having shifted himself to the battle grounds they were located at. Located right next to them before they could even sense him, when they did, they both shouted in uttermost joy as they hugged the brother they haven't seen or heard from in five years. "Osamu! Oh how I missed you so much!" shouted Asami. "You've had me worried sick O! But I still miss you, you lovable lump!" added Ayane. I missed you both as well." he stated, being hugged tightly from both sides. "I hope you two haven't forgotten about that spar I promised you both upon my return home..." he said as his smiled widened as he was suddenly a good distance away from the two. "Oh, you aren't the only one that had grown and became powerful and skilled Osamu!" stated Asami. "Yeah, don't view us as you did when you left, or you'll be picking yourself up off the ground in shame!" added Ayane. "Let's dance!" he stated. "You're lucky you stared so early." Kamiyo spoke as he bit into his own toast, letting the rich buttery flavor coat his mouth before swallowing and continuing. "I didn't even learn to fight until Kami forced me to learn after almost killing me to show me how weak I was." He spoke as he remembered his father's angered expression upon almost destroying him. "I'm a hell of a lot stronger now but training this early definitely helps. However you need to definitely not devote all your time to it. That will just make things harder." he spoke before biting into his toast once more. "I'm lucky to have a bunch of good teachers as well," Reiha grinned as she finished her plate. Unsurprisingly, such an affair was completed in a very short amount of time. "Wait, grandpa almost killed you?" she said in shock. Such a proclamation was news to her. Yes she knew in a more superficial manner her grandfather's pastime, but such a confirmation was mind-boggling for her. It made his profession that much more real to the little girl; she still loved him anyways though. "I don't devote all my time to it," she said guiltily, thinking of the various instances where she was on her own a practicing with fevered dedication. There were times where her mother had to make Reiha go outside, only for the girl to continue practicing there. She didn't have a ton of friends as a result. "Where's the rest of the family?" Reiha asked before taking her uncle by the hand and towing him into the living room. She was curious as to what everyone else was up to after all. "Is that so?" Sada responded, a her smile warm at the progress Ayano had made. She had heard of the two sisters in passing, their skill preceding them. Ayano's excitement proved infectious, while she activated her Byakugan, watching her daughter come back while half-dragging Kamiyo. Such a sight caused her to laugh. "Hello Kamiyo, it's been a while," Sada said aloud before watching Reiha plop down in between her and Chiyoko. "Osamu went to the training grounds, which is where I can now sense Ayame and Asami at as well. Chiyoko calmly stated, smiling at the site of her granddaughter sitting between Sada and herself. As this occured, Ayano tilter her head slightly to see Reiha. "Hello, Reiha!" Ayano said, a wide smile appearing on her visage as she lovingly hugged he young girl. Outside, Osamu jumped back in a hurry as a large ball of powerful chakra zoomed his way. "On the offensive eh?" Osamu thought as a barrier was orchestrated around him, attempting to absorb the attack. Watching his sisters smile, he knew something was wrong. Looking slightly below his waist, the projectile persisted as the world seemed to slow down as Osamu's eyes widened. "Asami... did our dual attack just disappear?" Ayame asked her twin mentally. "I believe it did Ayame. It's as mother told us. Kisshoten is aiding him right now with her Rinnegan." "Then let's cut off its connection" Ayame stated as she joined a single hand with Asami. Holding their outer arms out, Truth-Seeking Balls materialized before they both held their respective arm out in front of them as the multitude of black spheres began spinning rapidly. "So, they intend on attacking me again with a normal chakra technique eh?" O thought as he readied the Preta Path. "Golden Wheel Chariot Explosion: Shurangama"! they shouted, and with a sudden pulse, rock was ripped from the lunar surface itself as the attacked beamed at Osamu. Utilizing the Preta Path, it began absorbing the beam before before being overpowered by it. "A chakra-based attack so intense that not even the Preta Path can absorb it fast enough. I guess I'll..." Osamu stated before he was surprisingly cut off as the beam ended, along with his own technique. "Got you!" Ayame and Asami simultaneously stated as they began levitating in the air. "We have disabled your Six Paths Technique Osamu. Now fight us with the Rinnegan now!" Asami yelled. "...Fine" Osamu stated as he was suddenly in front of the two sisters. "When did he appear..." "It has hasn't it." Kamiyo replied as a glass filled with red liquid appeared in his hand. He sipped it gingerly before speaking anymore. "It's quite hard to get spare time when you're the ambassador of an entire planetary body." The man spoke with a huff. "The Kage's have it way easy when it comes to paperwork." He sighed as he leaned on the counter. "What have you been up to these days?" The man asked, wondering how his sister in law was doing. Meanwhile on the field a projection of Kaminoshi appeared before the battling children and slammed them all to the floor. "Come on now kids if you're going to do this at least use the training dimension." Kaminoshi spoke as he motioned to a portal set up on their left. "Despite what you may think this planet is actually quite fragile when you kids are involved, so please try not to damage it." Kaminoshi spoke with his dad tone. This was a tone he only brought out when he was serious about something with the children, all of them had learned to respect it at a young age and none defied it. With his message sent the projection disappeared. "Indeed it has." Sada responded warmly. "As for what I've been doing, it was simply taking care of this little rascal," she murmured affectionately before pinching the girl's cheeks. Reiha giggled in response as she hugged Ayano back. "Hi Ayano. How have you been?" she asked. The sight of her aunt sitting in her mother's lap bothered Reiha little, as she simply chose to sit in her grandmother's lap instead. To be honest however, the age gap between the two was more like cousins rather than aunt and niece, a fact that was cemented by their highly informal relationship. "Can I see your Shikotsumyaku?" Reiha asked, having overheard her mother's conversation from earlier. Her inquisitive nature caused her to miss very little when it came to her surroundings. Besides, she was genuinely curious to see it in use, having heard stories about it from her mother. She yawned slightly before settling more comfortably into the lap of Chiyoko. Such a scene caused Sada's smile to grow ever more. It was at that point that she realized how much she had been smiling today. Yet it felt appropriate, considering the good cheer surrounding her. It's why she found being from a large family to be beneficial, as there was always someone to talk to. Part of her hoped to give Reiha that same blissful experience. The moment Kaminoshi appeared, Osamu felt an unique feeling, one he encountered several times during his journey. Without notice, Osamu shifted himself and his sisters as the appeared to make contact with the floor, with the three appearing upright and turned towards their father. "Father, you don't have to be so aggressive... We were raised with the best intentions in mind, and having trained here numerous times, you should know the extent of the energy that flows through this very estate, let alone which surrounds this place. The Tenseigan's attacks mean nothing to the defenses mother set up long ago..." Osamu stated, looking at his father after hearing him out. "Now honey, you know I fortified Gesstono for such attacks, especially the training grounds... And please try not to embarass Osamu and the kids in front of the rest of the family,. I mean they aren't kids anymore and we raised them to the fullest extent..." Chiyoko said, speaking mentally to Kaminoshi and the children. "Let's go to mothers dimension." Asami mentioned, slightly frightened at her fathers raised voice, while noting Ayame and Osamu showed no fear, knowing how their father could get sometimes. Ayame agreed while looking at Asami then Osamu before returning her eyes to her father. "Lets..." Osamu stated, before shifting the two the core of the dimensions, seemingly disappearing at that instance. Back inside, Chiyoko was enjoying the family that stopped by, smiling with excitement as she held Reiha, watching her grandchild engage in conversation with her youngest daughter. Ayano, looking at Reiha curiously, noted the question she was asked. Holding her hand out and away from her aunt, bone sprang from the joints in her hand before quickly forming into a long sword, unlike any other that currently existed. The blade itself was lightweight, though it was visibly as long as Ayano's entire body as it formed parallel with the very couch the family was relaxing on. "I call it the Shikotsuhametsuken. It means "Macabra Bone Bane Sword, though you can simply call it "Shikotsu Hōken", which means the same thing." Ayano stated, smiling at the thought of impressing Reiha, since she was he only one of the bunch still around Reiha's age. Chiyoko's smile grew wider as her heart grew warm at the tought of spending quality time with her family, once again. "Sada, how does it feel to have Osamu back once again?" she asked. "Who knows what the hell those kids will get up to here Yoko." Kaminoshi replied as he lay in a large chair and began drinking a bottle of wine. "Sounds like a grand time." Kamiyo replied as he swirled his glass. "Kids don't seem like my cup of tea, too much work aside from my own." Kamiyo spoke as he looked around. "And seeing how this family is that work would be monstrous." The man laughed as he gingerly gulped down his drink. Just then a large black portal flickered into existence and out walked a girl wearing a royal looking red dress. "Oh wow I didn't expect a welcome home party." The girl spoke with happiness. "Oh umm this is just a gathering for Sada, Reiha, and Osamu." Kamiyo spoke in a soft tone. "Oh." Kazumi spoke visibly saddened by it. "So how are you guys?" She asked with a small smile and a wave. "It's great. I missed him terribly, plus I wanted him to meet his little girl," Sada responded, recalling the sadness that she held during his long absence. A feeling only remedied by his return to the fold. She then took Ayano's bone structure. The hilt was finely crafted, and though it appeared fragile, she knew it could cause a tremendous amount of damage. "Excellent," Sada said, verbally cheering Ayano's efforts. It appeared all that talk earlier had some substance. Part of her wondered what other feats Ayano would be capable of in time. With Kazumi's arrival Sada gave a smile and a wave, the last sibling of Osamu's siblings arriving in Chiyoko and Kaminoshi's home. Meanwhile, Reiha was awed by her cousin's display; while she wasn't an expert, it was clear that Ayano's skill was developing rapidly. Part of her continued contemplating her own abilities; Rei wanted to join the academy as soon as possible to find out. "Kazumi!" Reiha yelled before diving out of her grandmother's arms to tackle her aunt in a hug. Well, as much as a five-year old could anyways.