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- She is voiced by Ayane Sakura in the Japanese version and Monica Rial in the English version, the latter of whom also voices May Chang, Tsubaki Nakatsukasa, and Mirajane Strauss.
- The Moa is a limited edition animal on FarmVille. It was originally released on the April 30th, 2012 a common prize of the File:Mystery Game-icon.png Mystery Game 100. It was re-released on April 29th, 2013 as common reward in Mystery Game 151. It was re-released again on November 25th, 2013 as a reward in Mystery Game 205.
- Moas sind flugunfähige vogelartige Tiere, die auf Reach lebten, allerdings nach dem Angriff der Allianz vermutlich ausgestorben sind.
- Nobles Two and Six of that retard team Noble loved running over Moas. Nobles One, Three, Four and Five ran over Moas too, but that was to get achievements.
- Es un laboratorio que aparece en Hero Times Two.
- Moa è una vecchia e grande viverna reale. La si trova insieme al suo branco di viverne reali e viverne. Il Cacciatore reale paga per avere la sua testa. Attenzione: Spoiler!: Significativi dettagli della trama a seguire. Moa vive sull'Isola della Viverna nella palude. La trovi insieme al suo branco di viverne reali e viverne.
- Los Moa son parecidos a las aves Rahi.
- Moa is a Ta Matoran from Tehktra Nui.
- Moa sind Vogel-ähnliche Rahi.
- Moa są ptakopodobnymi Rahi.
- Moas are large birds that are ridden in the Southern Wastes. They're reddish-brown, and taller than even a tall Kendar—over 8 feet tall. When being ridden, moas wear saddles, with girths that fasten before the legs. They need water at least every three days. In the Southern Wastes, Jame's ten-command rides flock of moas.
- Moa est une wyvern royale qui a construit son nid dans le nord des marais et sème la terreur dans les environs. Elle n'hésite pas à s'attaquer aux humains et non-humains, les bûcherons, les briquetiers n'osent plus aller dans ce secteur du marais maintenant jonché de cadavres. Sa tête est mise à prix et une forte récompense sera remise à celui qui apportera sa dépouille au chasseur du roi dans le quartier des marchands de Wyzima.
- Four types of Moa are known to have existed during the Era of Decline, though they had not been reported during any other era of Hyrule.
- Moat ovat lentokyvyttömiä lintu-Raheja joita eli Po-Wahissa.
- Moa je stará samice královské wyverny. Její smečku tvoří pár dalších královských wyvern a další obyčejné wyverny. Královský lovčí zaplatí za její hlavu. Varování - Spoiler : Následují zásadní informace o ději hry Zaklínač nebo knih o Zaklínači. Moa žije na Wyverním ostrově v Bažinách. Spolu se skupinou královských wyvern a pár normálními tvoří nebezpečného protivníka.
- Moa is the innermost planet of the , one of three known to Hexarians as the Little Sisters. It is composed primarily of iron, silicon and carbon. It has a meagre, sulphur-rich atmosphere. It has one small moon, Namuki.
- The Moa was designed as an all-out combat ship, and its heavy armament allows the Moa to tackle almost anything that floats in space. In contrast to its nemesis the Thorax, Moas are most effective at long ranges where its railguns and missile batteries can rain death upon foes.
- The moa is about a meter off the ground, with a long, thin neck of another meter's length, ending in a small head and beak. It is covered in reddish-brown and grey feathers. The large, thick legs are covered with feathers almost to the knee joint, with bare legs below and huge feet it looks like a GIANT emu. 3 new zealanders were terrified when they saw it.
- Moa is an ancient and huge Royal wyvern. She is accompanied by other Royal wyverns and several regular wyverns. The Royal huntsman will pay handsomely for her head. Spoiler warning: Significant plot details follow. Moa lives on Wyvern Island in the Swamp. She is accompanied by other Royal wyverns and several regular wyverns.
- Moa es un Wyvern Real en la Ciénaga. Está acompañada por Wyvern Reales y wyverns. El Cazador Real te pagará por su cabeza. 1.
- Moa are birds found in Po-Wahi. Some were tamed by the Po-Matoran and were used as a method of transportation.
- Moas are enemies from Zelda II: The Adventure of Link. These enemies fly typically either back and forth, or in a swooping fashion. They resemble flying eyeballs and there are several different varieties of the Moa. Fire Moas are orange in color and are found in only palaces. They fly above Link's head in a swooping pattern, dropping flames from their bodies. They have the ability to deduct Experience from Link if he touches one. Red Moas are found in the Graveyards in Western Hyrule. They fly across the screen, changing their altitude slightly each time that they cross the screen.
- The Moa is also an annoying and very useless creature. It'll often go on about nothing that nobody likes to hear about and make no contribution to society. It is very opinionated and will not shut up if it is talking. This is often used in conversations with annoying people such as preppy cheerleader-type girls. "You're such a Moa." "Shut your mouth you stupid Moa." "Go away Moa." The Moa is often found in everyday life, even working in a job. It is often seen sponging off other people. Funnily enough the moa will allow people to criticise or insult it (although it will not care) and not attack them if it is talking or doing work.
- Moa é um mundo ficcional, criado para dar base ao enredo da saga de ficção científica escrita pelo brasileiro Flavio Rebello. Nesta saga de ficção científica, a Terra é visitada por humanos que vivem em um outro mundo, chamado Moa. Moa, nessa história, é o quarto mundo de um sistema solar com sete planetas. Este sistema solar está localizado a algumas centenas de anos-luz da Terra. Abaixo se vê um mapa de Moa, com indicação de onde estariam as linhas do Equador e dos Trópicos.
- Los Moa son criaturas de Reach. Son grandes criaturas parecidas a las aves no-voladoras que tiene parecido con los Moa de la Tierra. Tienen cuerpos con plumas y escamas del cuello para arriba, por lo que asemejan una lagartija. Los Moas son comestibles y eran consumidos por los humanos en Reach. El restaurante World Cuisine tenía anuncios de hamburguesas de Moa a 7.77 créditos. Los Moa eran domesticados y cuidados para usarlos como alimento.
- Image:Trophy Moa.png Weit im Norden der Sümpfe von Vizima auf einer von brackigem Wasser umgebenden Insel terrorisiert eine Gruppe von Wyvern die wenigen Tapferen, die in den Sümpfen unterwegs sind. Unter ihnen befindet sich die Königswyvern Moa. Die Kreaturen sind eine wahre Herausforderung für Geralt. Er sollte sich ihnen auf der Wyverninsel vorsichtig nähern und jede der Wyvern einzeln und schließlich Moa selbst töten. Auf der Wyverninsel findet Geralt außerdem die Leiche eines Sendboten, der das Stahlschwert Harvall bei sich trägt.
- leftLe Moa (モア) est un globe oculaire fantomatique enflammé qui apparaît dans The Adventure of Link. Sa manière de se déplacer est similaire à ceux des autres ennemis fantômes tels que les Ghinis et les Esprits : il flotte de gauche à droite et plonge sur Link. Chaque fois qu'un Moa touche Link, celui-ci perd non seulement une grande quantité de vie, mais aussi un peu de points d'expérience. Les Moas attaquent généralement Link en grand nombre. La meilleure façon de vaincre ces esprits volants est d'utiliser un coup vers le haut ou vers le bas.
- The Moa appear as ambient life in Halo: Reach. The Moa are harmless and will not attack the player. They will take shelter under bridges and other formations when there is a battle nearby. Neither human nor Covenant NPCs are hostile towards the Moa, although if the player kills one while near a member of Noble Team, they will sometimes comment as if an enemy had been killed.
- Moa Infos Profession link=| [[]] Type Espèce Espèce Sous-espèce Clan Apparence Niveau Campagnes Prophecies,Factions,Nightfall,Eye of the North Région [[]] Lieu [[]] Quête [[]] Immunités Immunisé au Image:Saignement-icône.jpg Saignement Immunisé à la Image:Brûlure-icône.jpg Brûlure Immunisé à la Image:Maladie-icône.jpg Maladie Immunisé au Image:Poison-icône.jpg Poison Ne peut pas être assommé Ne laisse pas de cadavre exploitable Cartes
* Listes des Moa.
- Los Moa son unos fantasmas llameantes en forma de ojo que aparecen en Zelda II: The Adventure of Link. left Su patrón de movimiento es similar al de otros enemigos fantasmas como los Ghini y los Poes: flotan de izquierda a derecha y en picada errática para atacar a Link. Cada vez que un Moa choca con Link, pierde no sólo gran cantidad de salud, sino también algunos puntos de experiencia. Los Moa aparecen en grandes cantidades. La mejor forma de derrotar a estos espíritus es utilizar los ataques de empuje de arriba y abajo.
- Moa est une enfant fluette qui fait beaucoup plus jeune que son âge. Ses yeux sont bleu foncé, d’une couleur se rapprochant de celle de la mer. Son regard semble souvent perdu dans le vague, comme si elle était ailleurs ; il est donc difficile d’attirer son attention. Elle a de longs cheveux noirs, qu’elle attache rarement. Sa silhouette menue, ses grands yeux et sa cascade de cheveux la rendent très mignonne et la plupart des gens craquent en la voyant. Tous les vêtements lui vont bien, mais elle aime particulièrement les robes, surtout celles qui la font ressembler à une princesse. Sa couleur préférée est le rose.
- Moa's nature and what kind of alien species it was(if he is an alien) is a mystery. He first appeared as mysterious hooded creature with black cape whom visage was obscured by shadow with except of glowing red eyes. When Commander Liebert resist Moa's influence and channeled his strength to blast Moa, Moa was revealed to be skeletal-looking robot, much to everyone's confusion.