| - Mace Tyrell was the head of House Tyrell during Robert's Rebellion, The War of the Five Kings, and The Second War of Conquest.
- Upon the outbreak of the War of the Five Kings he marries Margaery to King Renly Baratheon, although the marriage is not consummated before Renly is murdered by Melisandre and King Stannis Baratheon.
- Mace Tyrell – głowa rodu Tyrellów, lord Wysogrodu, Obrońca Pogranicza, Wielki Marszałek Reach, Namiestnik Południa i Królewski Namiestnik.
- Lord Mace Tyrell is a recurring character in the fourth, fifth and sixth seasons. He is played by guest star Roger Ashton-Griffiths and debuts in "The Lion and the Rose". Lord Mace Tyrell is the Lord of Highgarden and head of House Tyrell. He is the father of Loras and Margaery Tyrell, and the son of Olenna Tyrell. He initially supported Renly Baratheon's claim to the Iron Throne in the War of the Five Kings, but after Renly's death he successfully negotiated an alliance with House Lannister to support King Joffrey's claim to the throne, on the condition that his daughter Margaery would marry Joffrey, making her the new queen and giving House Tyrell the prestige of entering into the royal bloodline. He was appointed both Master of Ships and Master of Coin on King Tommen's small council.
- Interprète Saison(s) Apparaît dans Première apparition Dernière apparition Mentionné dans Espèce Titre(s) Alias Statut Âge Naissance Mort Origine Allégeance Culture Religion Relation Parents Enfant(s) Bâtard Fratrie Famille Mace Tyrell est un personnage récurrent dans la quatrième, cinquième et sixième saison de Game of Thrones. Il est interprété par Roger Ashton-Griffiths et fait ses débuts dans l'épisode "Le Lion et la Rose".