The series premiered on September 10, 1966 and originally aired as a half-hour program (& was also sponsored by General Mills). The voice cast consisted of Chris Allen, Janet Waldo, Don Messick, Daws Butler and Lucille Bliss. The episodes were later edited down to 10 minute episodes and paired with other General Mills-sponsored TV shows such as "Tennessee Tuxedo" and "Go Go Gophers" to form a full half-hour for syndication. On February 4, 1967, "The Space Kidettes" was cancelled after 20 episodes aired.
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| - The series premiered on September 10, 1966 and originally aired as a half-hour program (& was also sponsored by General Mills). The voice cast consisted of Chris Allen, Janet Waldo, Don Messick, Daws Butler and Lucille Bliss. The episodes were later edited down to 10 minute episodes and paired with other General Mills-sponsored TV shows such as "Tennessee Tuxedo" and "Go Go Gophers" to form a full half-hour for syndication. On February 4, 1967, "The Space Kidettes" was cancelled after 20 episodes aired.
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| - The series premiered on September 10, 1966 and originally aired as a half-hour program (& was also sponsored by General Mills). The voice cast consisted of Chris Allen, Janet Waldo, Don Messick, Daws Butler and Lucille Bliss. The episodes were later edited down to 10 minute episodes and paired with other General Mills-sponsored TV shows such as "Tennessee Tuxedo" and "Go Go Gophers" to form a full half-hour for syndication. On February 4, 1967, "The Space Kidettes" was cancelled after 20 episodes aired.