| - Practical Builds, now with a page of their own.
- Queste pagine sono dedicate a "Suonare il corno come un gioco", che è al contempo un approccio alla musica e un gioco di società. Questo "WIKI" è la parte collaborativa online del GRUPPO CORNISTI DELLA SVIZZERA ITALIANA" [1]
- Builds are a group of skills, usually in a certain order, and when used they create a devestating amount of damage.
- Builds are the playing styles of Clicker Heroes. There are three types of Builds:
* Active - For players who are very focused in their game, and play very often, without getting distracted
* Idle - For players who spend a lot of time on other windows and tabs, and aren't on the game that much
* Hybrid - For players who want to go active at the end of the run, but find it unnecessary to stay active near the beginning
- Builds is an officer of the crew Happily Deranged and a member of the flag RiddleMakers. He sails the Viridian Ocean. Before Builds came to be the pirate that he is now on Viridian, he was a small weak pirate named Styx. Styx joined a while back on the Cobalt Ocean where he felt that subscribing was a waste of his money. In 2008, Builds stopped playing due to losing all of his money playing poker. His account was deleted because of inactivity, so now he must start over as a greenie.
| - Builds is an officer of the crew Happily Deranged and a member of the flag RiddleMakers. He sails the Viridian Ocean. Before Builds came to be the pirate that he is now on Viridian, he was a small weak pirate named Styx. Styx joined a while back on the Cobalt Ocean where he felt that subscribing was a waste of his money. After seeing there were more oceans to be visited, Styx joined the Viridian Ocean, which he found more enjoyable because he didn't have to pay money. Styx grew and grew on Viridian until he reached the rank of senior officer with a now disbanded crew called The Freedom Fighters. Styx's computer then broke down, and was not replaced until a long time, and after that time, he forgot about Puzzle Pirates and Styx was washed away from the database. Being bored one day Styx remembered Puzzle Pirates, so he downloaded it again. It saddened him that the name Styx was taken, so he created a pirate now known as Builds. Builds traveled with the navy, and went on a couple of voyages, until he met the Socialist Punks, where he joined instantly with Captain Ravenhawk. Builds was promoted to pirate and was the mascot of the crew. Working hard to get those broads, Builds was promoted to officer by Ravenhawk. After more grueling weeks of work, he was promoted to fleet officer, and was named cook of the Socialist Punks. In 2008, Builds stopped playing due to losing all of his money playing poker. His account was deleted because of inactivity, so now he must start over as a greenie. After Builds' return to the game near the end of 2008, he joined the crew Happily Deranged captained by Wubbajan. Presently, he still resides in this crew as an officer, though he rarely comes on anymore. He has been known to make the occasional appearance, but that is mostly to play poker or partake in a pillage or two.
- Practical Builds, now with a page of their own.
- Queste pagine sono dedicate a "Suonare il corno come un gioco", che è al contempo un approccio alla musica e un gioco di società. Questo "WIKI" è la parte collaborativa online del GRUPPO CORNISTI DELLA SVIZZERA ITALIANA" [1]
- Builds are a group of skills, usually in a certain order, and when used they create a devestating amount of damage.
- Builds are the playing styles of Clicker Heroes. There are three types of Builds:
* Active - For players who are very focused in their game, and play very often, without getting distracted
* Idle - For players who spend a lot of time on other windows and tabs, and aren't on the game that much
* Hybrid - For players who want to go active at the end of the run, but find it unnecessary to stay active near the beginning Because Hybrid is the most efficient, this page will only discuss Hybrid, and will also talk a little bit about idle, since players should go idle if they don't yet have an Auto Clicker. Otherwise, the player should just go hybrid.