Māori is an Eastern Polynesian language.
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- Die Māori sind ein Eingeborenenstamm aus Neuseeland auf der Erde. In den 90er Jahren des 20. Jahrhunderts ist es auf den Highschools der Vereinigten Staaten üblich, sich Stammesmuster der Māori auf den Arm zu tätowieren. Auch Chris Brynner tut dies. Als er jedoch später mit der Regierung zusammenarbeitet, ist dies nicht mehr gerne gesehen und er lässt sich die Tätowierung entfernen. (DS9: )
- The Māori were a Polynesian people, the native inhabitants of New Zealand. In the 1990s, Chris Brynner received a Māori tribal tattoo. Some time later, he had it removed so he could get the government contracts. In his opinion, he "look just like the rest of the drones". (DS9: "Past Tense, Part I") The Kyrian holoprogram The Voyager Encounter depicted Chakotay as having a Māori tattoo. (VOY: "Living Witness") The name is pronounced "Mau-ree" or "Mowri".
- De Māori zijn de oorspronkelijke bewoners van Nieuw Zeeland. In de 1990s had Chris Brynner een Māori tatoeage laten zetten, maar had deze later laten verwijderen om "er uit te zien als de rest van de darren". (DS9: "Past Tense, Deel I") De Māori zijn een bevolkingsgroep uit de Stille oceaan, die van het mythologische eiland Hawaiki afkomstig zijn. Ze reisden daarvandaan in kano's naar Aotearoa (Nieuw Zeeland).
- The Māori are a human Polynesian race indigenous to the Earth nation-state New Zealand. They traveled in waka from an unknown Polynesian area to New Zealand, where they settled, sometime around the Earth year 1300 AD. Linguistics studies in the late 20th century and early 21st century suggested the Māori, like other Polynesian races, were originally from Taiwan and left that area around 3200 BC.
- Māori are the indigenous people of Aotearoa New Zealand, whose ancestors were the world's greatest navigators and reached the country in canoes ("waka") over 300 years before any Europeans sighted the place. Māori people make up about one-sixth of the current population, but there is so much intermarriage that distinctions are hard to make. Whatever the real proportion is, they are under-represented in Parliament and the top echelons of business. But Māori Television is a world leader.
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| - Māori are the indigenous people of Aotearoa New Zealand, whose ancestors were the world's greatest navigators and reached the country in canoes ("waka") over 300 years before any Europeans sighted the place. Māori people make up about one-sixth of the current population, but there is so much intermarriage that distinctions are hard to make. Whatever the real proportion is, they are under-represented in Parliament and the top echelons of business. But Māori Television is a world leader. Their own political party (which they do not all support) managed a bit of a coup at the 2008 General Election, despite having only about 6% of the MPs: they held the balance of power and managed to get two of their members into Cabinet positions, including the key post of Minister of Maori Affairs, held by their co-leader Pita Sharples.
- Māori is an Eastern Polynesian language.
- Die Māori sind ein Eingeborenenstamm aus Neuseeland auf der Erde. In den 90er Jahren des 20. Jahrhunderts ist es auf den Highschools der Vereinigten Staaten üblich, sich Stammesmuster der Māori auf den Arm zu tätowieren. Auch Chris Brynner tut dies. Als er jedoch später mit der Regierung zusammenarbeitet, ist dies nicht mehr gerne gesehen und er lässt sich die Tätowierung entfernen. (DS9: )
- The Māori are a human Polynesian race indigenous to the Earth nation-state New Zealand. They traveled in waka from an unknown Polynesian area to New Zealand, where they settled, sometime around the Earth year 1300 AD. Linguistics studies in the late 20th century and early 21st century suggested the Māori, like other Polynesian races, were originally from Taiwan and left that area around 3200 BC. Former and current Starfleet personnel Miriana Kahu, Brendon Lawless, Marcus Owai and Morris Temura were all of partial or full Māori heritage. (Star Trek: The Cantabrian Expeditions; Star Trek: Destiny; Star Trek: Voyager - Dark Realm)
- The Māori were a Polynesian people, the native inhabitants of New Zealand. In the 1990s, Chris Brynner received a Māori tribal tattoo. Some time later, he had it removed so he could get the government contracts. In his opinion, he "look just like the rest of the drones". (DS9: "Past Tense, Part I") The Kyrian holoprogram The Voyager Encounter depicted Chakotay as having a Māori tattoo. (VOY: "Living Witness") The name is pronounced "Mau-ree" or "Mowri".
- De Māori zijn de oorspronkelijke bewoners van Nieuw Zeeland. In de 1990s had Chris Brynner een Māori tatoeage laten zetten, maar had deze later laten verwijderen om "er uit te zien als de rest van de darren". (DS9: "Past Tense, Deel I") De Māori zijn een bevolkingsgroep uit de Stille oceaan, die van het mythologische eiland Hawaiki afkomstig zijn. Ze reisden daarvandaan in kano's naar Aotearoa (Nieuw Zeeland).