Super Squirrel is an American animated television series created by Butch Hartman and Craig McCracken. It will debut on September 2, 2011 on Nickelodeon, and will air on YTV a month after the American premiere and Nickelodeon Canada a day later. The show's main character is a squirrel named Super Squirrel (voiced by Tara Strong), who gains superpowers after drinking water from a radioactive river, and saves the city of Ohio Woods from other animals that got evil powers from the river.
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| - Super Squirrel is an American animated television series created by Butch Hartman and Craig McCracken. It will debut on September 2, 2011 on Nickelodeon, and will air on YTV a month after the American premiere and Nickelodeon Canada a day later. The show's main character is a squirrel named Super Squirrel (voiced by Tara Strong), who gains superpowers after drinking water from a radioactive river, and saves the city of Ohio Woods from other animals that got evil powers from the river.
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Executive Producer
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Audio format
| - Justin Brinsfield
- Matt Corey
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| - Dave Thomas
- Craig Kellman
- George Goodchild
- Deirdre Brenner
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| - Action comedy
- Squash and Stretch
list episodes
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show name
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| - "Super Squirrel" Instrumental
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First Aired
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Theme music composer
| - Butch Hartman
- Adam Schlesinger
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| - Andy Richter as Fred the Muskrat
- Grey DeLisle as the Spider-Mistress
- Neil Patrick Harris as DelLy the Science Guy
- Rob Paulsen as Peter Penguin and Meteor-Cat
- Tara Strog as Super Squirrell
- Tom Kenny as Gopher Mayor, Meerkatgician
| - Craig McCracken
- Gennedy Tartakovsky
| - Craig McCracken
- Butch Hartman
asst producer
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| - Super Squirrel is an American animated television series created by Butch Hartman and Craig McCracken. It will debut on September 2, 2011 on Nickelodeon, and will air on YTV a month after the American premiere and Nickelodeon Canada a day later. The show's main character is a squirrel named Super Squirrel (voiced by Tara Strong), who gains superpowers after drinking water from a radioactive river, and saves the city of Ohio Woods from other animals that got evil powers from the river.