| - The idea of point defense goes back to before most species even had the ability to orbit their planets, much less the formation of a galaxy spanning civilization. The idea was always to destroy or deflect incoming fire before it could damage you or your position. While energy weapons required shields to do this, the idea was still soundly applied against proton torpedoes, concussion missiles, starfighters, and mass driven rounds. With advanced automation, computers, and faster-than-light sensors, detecting and destroying projectiles en route would be easy. Unfortunately, as technology advanced, so did the ability to beat that technology, and the heavy ECM environment of combat rendered all that moot. Incoming shots could maneuver and hide themselves to evade targeted Close In Weapon System (CIWS) fire. The result was a return to an even older concept, that of the flak gun. Shells would be fired in the general area of the target, which would then explode, filling the area with shrapnel. Though effective planetside, it was in space combat that it really shined—with no atmosphere to slow the shrapnel, and the far higher velocities used, the shrapnel became incredibly deadly.
- Flak Guns are used by the largest capital ships in the Terran Confederation and Kilrathi. Heavy flak barrages are used against other ships. This article is a . You can help My English Wiki by expanding it.