| - Four players compete in five rounds. In each round, a "money clock" will rapidly increase or decrease, and players must secretly lock in an amount of money they think is enough for them by pressing a button they hold behind their back. The object of the game is to avoid being the greediest player. Whoever locked in the highest amount of money in a round banks nothing from the money clock played in that round, while the other three players banked whatever they locked in from that money clock. The maximum amount of money in each round is $1,000, $2,000, $3,000, $4,000, and $5,000, in that order.
| - Four players compete in five rounds. In each round, a "money clock" will rapidly increase or decrease, and players must secretly lock in an amount of money they think is enough for them by pressing a button they hold behind their back. The object of the game is to avoid being the greediest player. Whoever locked in the highest amount of money in a round banks nothing from the money clock played in that round, while the other three players banked whatever they locked in from that money clock. The maximum amount of money in each round is $1,000, $2,000, $3,000, $4,000, and $5,000, in that order. In rounds one, three, and five, the money clock counts up from $0 to that round's maximum amount. In rounds two and four, the money clock counts down from that round's maximum amount to $0. In round five, the most cautious player (the player who locked in the lowest amount of money) also banked nothing from the money clocked played in that round. After that round, the two players who banked the most money advanced to the final face-off, while the other two players leave with nothing. In the final face-off, the two totals banked by the two remaining players were added together and became the maximum amount of money for that round's money clock, which counted up from $0 to that amount, while each player has a hand above a button in front of them. The first player to hit his/her button stops the money clock and wins the amount that was stopped on; the other player wins nothing.