File:Holonet-Classes.png The Holonet section on the Classes details the story information around its class as well as combat techniques, apparel, information regarding the two advanced classes and the class's starship and first companion.
Attributes | Values |
| - The Holonet
- The Holonet
- The Holonet
| - File:Holonet-Classes.png The Holonet section on the Classes details the story information around its class as well as combat techniques, apparel, information regarding the two advanced classes and the class's starship and first companion.
- right|150px The Holonet — раздел официального сайта видеоигры Star Wars: The Old Republic, посвящённый различным объектам игры: истории, планетам, классам, звёздным кораблям и пр. Был создан ещё до выхода игры, неоднократно менял своё содержание. Составной частью The Holonet была серия Галактическая хронология. Категория:Заготовки
- Una característica es la Línea de Tiempo ("Timeline"), una serie de videos que detallaba la historia de fondo para el juego.
* Timeline 1: Treaty of Coruscant
* Timeline 2: The Mandalorian Blockade is Broken
* Timeline 3: The Return of the Mandalorians
* Timeline 4: The Empire Changes Strategy
* Timeline 5: The Battle of Bothawui
* Timeline 6: Onslaught of the Sith Empire
* Timeline 7: Peace for the Republic?
* Timeline 8: The Jedi Civil War
* Timeline 9: The Mandalorian Wars
* Timeline 10: The Exar Kun War
* Timeline 11: Resurrection of the Sith Empire
* Timeline 12: The Great Hyperspace War
* Timeline 13: The First Dark Sith Lords on Korriban
* Timeline 14: The 2nd Great Jedi Schism
* Timeline 15: The Jedi Join the Republic]
- One feature is the Galactic Timeline, a series of videos detailing the background story for the game.
* Timeline 1: Treaty of Coruscant
* Timeline 2: The Mandalorian Blockade is Broken
* Timeline 3: The Return of the Mandalorians
* Timeline 4: The Empire Changes Strategy
* Timeline 5: The Battle of Bothawui
* Timeline 6: Onslaught of the Sith Empire
* Timeline 7: Peace for the Republic?
* Timeline 8: The Jedi Civil War
* Timeline 9: The Mandalorian Wars
* Timeline 10: The Exar Kun War
* Timeline 11: Rebirth of the Sith Empire
* Timeline 12: The Great Hyperspace War
* Timeline 13: The First Dark Sith Lords on Korriban
* Timeline 14: The 2nd Great Jedi Schism
* Timeline 15: The Jedi Join the Republic
* Timeline 16: Founding of the
| |
| - *Cazarrecompensas
| - *Artus
*Jicoln Cadera
*Nok Drayen
*Rycus Kilran
*Darth Malgus
*Mandalore el Menor
*Satele Shan
| - *Gormak
| - *Gundark
*Salky hound
*Vine cat
| |
| - *Balmorra
*Mundos del Núcleo
*Nal Hutta
**Nar Shaddaa
*Ord Mantell
*Territorios del Borde Exterior
**Dromund Kaas
**Ord Ibanna
*Sistema Kashyyyk
| - *Armas Czerka
*República Galáctica
*Imperio Sith (Post-Gran Guerra Hiperespacial)
| - *Gundark
*Perro salky
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| - *T7-O1
*Jicoln Cadera
*Kaliyo Djannis
*Nok Drayen
*Diab Duin
*Qyzen Fess
*Voontara Fa'athra
*Elin Garza
*Darth Jadus
*Dorian Janarus
*Rycus Kilran
*Darth Malgus
*Mandalore the Lesser
*Suudaa Nem'ro
*Jewl'a Nightbringer
*Nico Okarr
*Gaul Panteer
*Leontyne Saresh
*Bastila Shan
*Satele Shan
*Bouris Ulgo
*Khem Val
*Nohn Veyaiko
*Tanno Vik
*The Wheezer
*Ven Zallow
| |
| - *Great Galactic War
*Operation Morning Crest
*Operation Starbender
| |
| |
| - *Bounty hunter
| - The HoloNet
- The HoloNet
- The HoloNet
| - *BT-7 Thunderclap
*D5-Mantis Patrol Craft
*Defender-class light corvette
*Fury-class Imperial interceptor
*X-70B Phantom-class prototype
*XS stock light freighter
| - *Chiss
*Sith Pureblood
| |
| |
| |
| - *Czerka Arms
*Galactic Republic
*House Rist
*House of Thul
*Sith Empire
**Imperial Intelligence
| - *AR-34 enforcer droid
*M3-M1 Medical Droid
*S3-F5 Inclement Condition Probe
*X2-C3 Imperial astromech
| - *Balmorra
*Core Worlds
*Nal Hutta
**Nar Shaddaa
*Ord Mantell
*Outer Rim Territories
**Aeten II
**Dromund Kaas
**Ord Ibanna
*Kashyyyk system
| - *Droide ejecutor AR-34
*Astromecánico Imperial X2-C3
| - File:Holonet-Classes.png The Holonet section on the Classes details the story information around its class as well as combat techniques, apparel, information regarding the two advanced classes and the class's starship and first companion.
- right|150px The Holonet — раздел официального сайта видеоигры Star Wars: The Old Republic, посвящённый различным объектам игры: истории, планетам, классам, звёздным кораблям и пр. Был создан ещё до выхода игры, неоднократно менял своё содержание. Составной частью The Holonet была серия Галактическая хронология. Категория:Заготовки
- Una característica es la Línea de Tiempo ("Timeline"), una serie de videos que detallaba la historia de fondo para el juego.
* Timeline 1: Treaty of Coruscant
* Timeline 2: The Mandalorian Blockade is Broken
* Timeline 3: The Return of the Mandalorians
* Timeline 4: The Empire Changes Strategy
* Timeline 5: The Battle of Bothawui
* Timeline 6: Onslaught of the Sith Empire
* Timeline 7: Peace for the Republic?
* Timeline 8: The Jedi Civil War
* Timeline 9: The Mandalorian Wars
* Timeline 10: The Exar Kun War
* Timeline 11: Resurrection of the Sith Empire
* Timeline 12: The Great Hyperspace War
* Timeline 13: The First Dark Sith Lords on Korriban
* Timeline 14: The 2nd Great Jedi Schism
* Timeline 15: The Jedi Join the Republic]
* Timeline 16: Founding of the Republic
* Timeline 17: The Jedi Order is Established
* Timeline 18: The Force War on Tython
* Timeline 19: Force "Discovered" on Tython
- One feature is the Galactic Timeline, a series of videos detailing the background story for the game.
* Timeline 1: Treaty of Coruscant
* Timeline 2: The Mandalorian Blockade is Broken
* Timeline 3: The Return of the Mandalorians
* Timeline 4: The Empire Changes Strategy
* Timeline 5: The Battle of Bothawui
* Timeline 6: Onslaught of the Sith Empire
* Timeline 7: Peace for the Republic?
* Timeline 8: The Jedi Civil War
* Timeline 9: The Mandalorian Wars
* Timeline 10: The Exar Kun War
* Timeline 11: Rebirth of the Sith Empire
* Timeline 12: The Great Hyperspace War
* Timeline 13: The First Dark Sith Lords on Korriban
* Timeline 14: The 2nd Great Jedi Schism
* Timeline 15: The Jedi Join the Republic
* Timeline 16: Founding of the Republic
* Timeline 17: The Jedi Order is Established
* Timeline 18: The Force War on Tython
* Timeline 19: Force "Discovered" on Tython