Star Wars Rebels is a animated series that is produced by Lucasfilm and Lucasfilm Animation. The series takes place between Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith and Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope, in which the Galactic Empire is securing its grip on the galaxy and hunting down the last of the Jedi Knights as a fledgling rebellion against the Empire is taking shape. The series is scheduled to premiere in Fall 2014 as a one-hour special on the Disney Channel before airing regularly on Disney XD.
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| - Star Wars Rebels
- Star Wars Rebels
- Star Wars Rebels
- Star Wars Rebels
- Star Wars Rebels
- Star Wars Rebels
- Star Wars Rebels
- Star Wars Rebels
| - Star Wars Rebels es una serie de animación 3D por computadora, creada por Lucasfilm que se estrenó el 3 de Octubre de 2014.
- Star Wars Rebels is a animated series that is produced by Lucasfilm and Lucasfilm Animation. The series takes place between Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith and Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope, in which the Galactic Empire is securing its grip on the galaxy and hunting down the last of the Jedi Knights as a fledgling rebellion against the Empire is taking shape. The series is scheduled to premiere in Fall 2014 as a one-hour special on the Disney Channel before airing regularly on Disney XD.
- Star Wars Rebels es una serie de televisión de animación CGI, la serie se situará 14 años después de los hechos de película de La Venganza de los Sith y 5 años antes de Una Nueva Esperanza (5 ABY–0 ABY). La serie se estrenará en otoño del 2014 en Disney Channel y Disney XD. La serie se centrará en un pequeño grupo de rebeldes- la tripulación de la nave Espíritu- y sus luchas contra el opresivo Imperio Galáctico. Uno de los temas principales de la serie será el origen de la Alianza Rebelde.
- Kanan Jarrus è un Padawan Jedi Umano maschio che sopravvisse all'Ordine 66 e all'estinzione dell'Ordine Jedi, la qual cosa lo obbligò a vivere clandestinamente e a non usare la sua spada laser. Da quando la serie ha inizio, Kanan si unisce all'equipaggio del mercantile leggero VCX-100 Spettro. Quando il piccolo truffatore Ezra Bridger diventa dei loro, Kanan finisce per fargli da mentore nell'uso della Forza.
- Star Wars Rebels fortsetter den legendariske Star Wars-sagaen med splitter nye og spennende eventyr. Det er en mørk tid i galaksen. Det onde galaktiske keiserrriket strammer grepet om verden etter verden. Idet serien begynner, har Imperiets styrker okkupert en fjern planet, hvor de hersker med jernhånd og ødelegger livet til folket der. Det dyktige og brokete mannskapet på stjerneskipet Ghost er blant de få som er tapre nok til å kjempe mot Imperiet. Sammen møter de ukjente skurker og fargerike motstandere, drar ut på spennende eventyr og blir helter med styrke til å starte et opprør.
- Star Wars Rebels is an animated series produced by Lucasfilm and Lucasfilm Animation. The series takes place between Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith and Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope, in which the Galactic Empire is securing its grip on the galaxy and hunting down the last of the surviving Jedi Knights as a fledgling rebellion against the Empire is taking shape!
- Star Wars Rebels er en animeret tv-serie, sat fem år før begivenhederne i Star Wars: Episode IV A New Hope. Serien havde premiere i hele verden som en timeslang tv-film, kaldt Star Wars Rebels: Spark of Rebellion, på Disney Channel, d. 3. Oktober, 2014. Regulære episoder begyndte at køre på Disney XD d. 13. Oktober. Star Wars Rebels var det første store Star Wars projekt at blive udgivet efter at The Walt Disney Company købte Star Wars's ejerskab af Lucasfilm Ltd. i 2012.
- Star Wars Rebels is an upcoming television series set fourteen years after Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith and five years before Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope. It was first announced in May 2013 as a replacement for the animated series Star Wars: The Clone Wars, which had been cancelled a few months prior, and will be the first major Star Wars release since the franchise was acquired by The Walt Disney Company in 2012. The show is executive produced by Dave Filoni, Simon Kinberg, and Greg Weisman, with Kinberg writing the pilot episode.
- Star Wars Rebels is an animated television series set two to five years before the events of the Star Wars original trilogy, during the time frame between the films Star Wars: Episode III Revenge of the Sith and Star Wars: Episode IV A New Hope. The series premiered worldwide as a one-hour television movie, Star Wars Rebels: Spark of Rebellion, on Disney Channel on October 3, 2014. Regular episodes began airing on Disney XD on October 13. Star Wars Rebels is the first new major Star Wars project to be released following The Walt Disney Company's acquisition of Lucasfilm Ltd. in 2012.
- Star Wars Rebels é uma série animada de televisão, que define os cinco anos antes dos eventos da trilogia original de Star Wars, durante o período entre os filmes Star Wars Episódio III: A Vingança dos Sith e Star Wars Episódio IV: Uma Nova Esperança. A série estreou em todo o mundo como um filme de uma hora de televisão chamado "Star Wars Rebels: A Fagulha de Uma Rebelião", no Disney Channel em 03 de outubro de 2014. Episódios regulares começaram a ir ao ar no Disney XD, em 13 de Outubro do mesmo ano. Star Wars Rebels é o primeiro grande projeto após a aquisição da Lucasfilm Ltd pela The Walt Disney Company, em 2012.
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| - Междузвездни войни: Бунтовниците
- Междузвездни войни: Бунтовниците
- Междузвездни войни: Бунтовниците
- Междузвездни войни: Бунтовниците
- Междузвездни войни: Бунтовниците
- Междузвездни войни: Бунтовниците
| - Ο Πόλεμος των Άστρων: Οι Επαναστάτες
- Ο Πόλεμος των Άστρων: Οι Επαναστάτες
- Ο Πόλεμος των Άστρων: Οι Επαναστάτες
- Ο Πόλεμος των Άστρων: Οι Επαναστάτες
- Ο Πόλεμος των Άστρων: Οι Επαναστάτες
- Ο Πόλεμος των Άστρων: Οι Επαναστάτες
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| - Animación
- Animazione
- Animado
| - *Aurebesh
| - *Simon Kinberg
*Dave Filoni
*Greg Weisman
| - *Alora
*Amda Wabo
*Wedge Antilles
*Ryder Azadi
*Bail Prestor Organa
*El Bendu
*Bo-Katan Kryze
*Cham Syndulla
*Cikatro Vizago
*Cumberlayne Aresko
*Darth Vader
*Jan Dodonna
*Ezra Bridger
*Ahsoka Tano
*Gall Trayvis
*Rake Gahree
*Saw Gerrera
*Gobi Glie
*CC-5576-39 "Gregor"
*Hera Syndulla
*El Gran Inquisidor
*Jai Kell
*Jonner Jin
*Kanan Jarrus
*Kassius Konstantine
*Derek Klivian
*Lando Calrissian
*Luminara Unduli
*Yogar Lyste
*Mart Mattin
*Maketh Tua
*Darth Maul
*Marida Sumar
*Morad Sumar
*Mon Mothma
*Myles Grint
*Obi-Wan Kenobi
*Hondo Ohnaka
*Ketsu Onyo
*Leia Organa
*Arihnda Pryce
*Quinto Hermano
*Argin Relik
*CT-7567 "Rex"
*Anakin Skywalker
*Sabine Wren
*Jun Sato
*Erskin Semaj
*Vult Skerris
*Gar Saxon
*Séptima Hermana
*Gooti Terez
*Wilhuff Tarkin
*Brom Titus
*Fenn Rau
*Valen Rudor
*Jon Vander
*CC-3636 "Wolffe"
*Zare Leonis
*Zeb Orrelios
| - *Gran Purga Jedi
*Atraco en Lothal
*Misión de rescate en Kessel
*Robo de disruptores imperiales
*Rescate de Morad Sumar
*Misión en Stygeon
*Misión para Destruir un Cristal de Ilum
*Misión a Fort Anaxes
*Rescate de Tseebo
*Misión al Templo Jedi de Lothal
*Misión para Adquirir un Cerdo Inflable
*Emboscada en el Edificio del Senado de la Antigua República
| - *Pod Todo Terreno de Defensa
*Destructor Estelar
**Destructor Estelar clase Imperial
*Nave espacial
**Serie TIE
***Nave espacial TIE/LN
*Crucero de Alderaan
**Tantive IV
**Crucero Gozanti
*Carguero ligero VCX-100
| - *Pau'ano
*Mon calamari
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| - *Bláster
*Sable de luz
**Sable de luz de doble hoja
*Armadura mandaloriana
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| - *Dave Filoni
*Steward Lee
*Steven G. Lee
*Bosco Ng
*Sergio Paez
*Brad Rau
*Justin Ridge
*Saul Ruiz
*Mel Zwyer