Warp Darkmatter is the recurring antagonist from the cartoon series Buzz Lightyear of Star Command (based on the fictional show from Toy Story). He was once a respected space ranger and partner of Buzz Lightyear, but is secretly Emperor Zurg's right-hand man and enforcer. He is also the hidden secondary antagonist of The Adventure Begins. He was voiced by Diedrich Bader who also played Tank Evans.
Warp Darkmatter is a protagonist in the film Buzz Lightyear of Star Command. He turns into an antagonist in the film, and later serves as Emperor Zurg's mercenary in the television show.
Warp Darkmatter was once Buzz Lightyear's partner and best friend, but he had been secretly working for Zurg since his academy days as a double agent. He eventually began working for him full-time as "Agent Z" after faking his death. His right arm is mechanical (with various weapon attachments) and was grafted to his body after becoming Agent Z. Warp often takes on assignments for Zurg and is paid quite handsomely (he owns a moon and a summer home). Though Buzz has vowed to bring him in for treason, he retains some hope that there is still some good in him