| - As a young girl, Jenna D'Sora watched fireworks. In 2367, she compared the sight of a photon torpedo illuminating the Mar Oscura Nebula to this experience. (TNG: "In Theory" ) In 2370, Gideon Seyetik described the process of reigniting the dead star Epsilon 119 and stated, that at the end the crew of the USS Prometheus could "just stand back and watch the fireworks." (DS9: "Second Sight") In an alternate timeline, the Delta Flyer reached Earth by using a quantum slipstream drive in 2375. When they reached Earth, they were received with antimatter fireworks. (VOY: "Timeless")
| - As a young girl, Jenna D'Sora watched fireworks. In 2367, she compared the sight of a photon torpedo illuminating the Mar Oscura Nebula to this experience. (TNG: "In Theory" ) In 2370, Gideon Seyetik described the process of reigniting the dead star Epsilon 119 and stated, that at the end the crew of the USS Prometheus could "just stand back and watch the fireworks." (DS9: "Second Sight") In 2371, Benjamin Sisko and his son Jake successfully navigated a replica of an eight hundred-year-old Bajoran lightship from Deep Space 9 to the Cardassian system, giving evidence to the theory that ancient Bajorans had done the same. Upon reaching the system, they were greeted with fireworks by three Galor class vessels. (DS9: "Explorers") In 2373, Enrique Muniz, who was in delirium shortly before his death, mistook the Dominion's ultritium concussion shell bombardment of the ship he and others were trapped in on Torga IV, as a fireworks display like those of the Carnival he had attended as a youth in Spain. (DS9: "The Ship") In an alternate timeline, the Delta Flyer reached Earth by using a quantum slipstream drive in 2375. When they reached Earth, they were received with antimatter fireworks. (VOY: "Timeless") In another alternate timeline in which the USS Voyager did not return to Earth until 2394, the ship was greeted in San Francisco with fireworks. (VOY: "Endgame")