| - Previous: Padrino Part 10 Chio: I can't believe they agreed to go in alone. Glory: Yeah... Shame... Alice: Perhaps we could sing a song to pass the time? Sakura: Loosen your stance. If you stand stiff, you will weaken your core. You must be as the water, flowing with the opponent's every attack, and being able to counter with no thought. You and your sword are absolutely one, and your fighting spirit is excellent, but there is always room for improvement. With my help, I will help you fight those demons that weaken your blade with doubt. Strike! Wataru: What is it, Molli-chan? Ricky: Whoa! Hey!
| - Previous: Padrino Part 10 Chio: I can't believe they agreed to go in alone. Glory: Yeah... Shame... Alice: Perhaps we could sing a song to pass the time? Sakura: Loosen your stance. If you stand stiff, you will weaken your core. You must be as the water, flowing with the opponent's every attack, and being able to counter with no thought. You and your sword are absolutely one, and your fighting spirit is excellent, but there is always room for improvement. With my help, I will help you fight those demons that weaken your blade with doubt. Strike! Sakura: That is how it's done. [She took a large bite out of the apple, and walked back over to view Usagi's form.] Ricky: Does anyone else find that Sakura girl kinda creepy? Molli perked up instantly, drawing her crew's attention. Wataru: What is it, Molli-chan? Ricky: Whoa! Hey! Molli: Maruken! Daichi-koushen! [She twirled her sword and sent a gigantic cone of spiraling force at Ricky, and though he escaped the brunt of the attack, his gasmask was cracked horribly.] Chio: Wait, what's going... Snowbeard: Molli! What is the meaning of this?! Molli: Captain, this man-- Ricky: Hehehehe, it's alright, Old man, she has her reasons. I should have thought twice before talking around a blind chick. Chio: Y-you... it can't be! Gonzo Lee: I suppose the cat's out of the bag, so to speak... Haha!