| - Marion is a recent invention of two students from Bernard High, the German student Griffith Kraussler and scientific genius Thomas Sakamoto. With permission of the American Pentagon, Marion is kept within Bernar's area to test its progress and abilities. If it is successful, it will be used to keep peace all over the world. In its ending, Marion saves the school, but is challenged to prove its worth to other robots.
- Marion is a minor character in Xenosaga: Pied Piper.
- Queen Marion (also called Queen Mariam or Queen Miriam) is the biological mother of Daphne and Bloom, the wife of King Oritel, and the Queen of planet Domino. By the end of Season 6, she becomes Thoren's mother-in-law.
- Marionin voi löytää Ardougnesta, baarista nimeltä Poison arrow pub (Myrkkynuolen baari). Hän toimii baarissa myyjänä, ja on tiskin takana. Marionilta voit ostaa Kebabia, joka on hänen mukaansa maailmankuulua, js maksaa 25 kultapalaa. Hän myy myös luonnollisesti kaljaa, joita löytyy kolmentyyppistä. Voit ostaa joko tavallisen kaljan (Beer) tai sitten kahdentyyppistä Ranger's aid-juomaa. Toinen on vahvempaa. Huom. Jos jäät pidemmäksi aikaa katsomaan marionin touhja, huomaat että hän aina välillä ottaa tiskiltä palkintopokaalin, ja ihailee sitä.
- Regina Marion (cunoscută şi ca Miriam sau Mariam) este regina de pe Domino. Ea este mama biologică a lui Bloom şi Daphne şi soţia Regelui Oritel.
- She had earned the trophies in the Ranging Guild archery competition, as she claims to have had enough skill to "get a bull's eye a mile away when the wind was high." An incident involving a butter churn and a chinchompa named Fluffy stripped her of her skill in Archery. She sells regular beer and ranger's aid for 25 coins which temporarily raises the player's Ranged level by 2 and lowers Defence by 5. Marion also sells ranger's aid (m) for 50 coins and some skewered kebab for 25 coins. File:Marion concept art.png
- Marion was Myron's wife.
- Marion was a woman who was present on Babylon 5 during the crisis involving the Thirdspace artifact in 2261. When the station's inhabitants controlled by the Thirdspace Aliens ransacked the station, a kiosk fell on Marion in the Zocalo. She was subsequently rescued by Dr. Stephen Franklin and Security Chief Zack Allan.
- Marion is a minor character from Professor Layton and the Last Specter.
- Marion is the guildmaster of High Lagaard and oversees the creation of all guilds in the city.
- Marion is an expert on fairies, who provides Sam and Dean with vital information on their behavior and vulnerabilities.
- Marion is a patient who was depressed after the loss of a boyfriend.
- Marion foi uma lojista que trabalhava em uma loja em Nepal,ela tinha um artefato muito valioso erdado do seu pai,Indiana Jones queria aquele artefato,pois valia muito.Marion nasceu nos Estados Unidos,Indy era amigo de infância de Marion,ela se mudou quando seu pai morreu para o Nepal.Indiana Jones devia uma divida de 20.000 $ para Marion.Marion teve um filho com Indy:Mutt Willians,mais ele pensava que seu pai era outra pessoa e não Indy. Categoria:Mulheres Categoria:Lojistas Categoria:Esboços
- Marion is a self-propelled steam shovel introduced in Tale of the Brave.
- Marion (マリオネ, Marion)est l'un des membres de l'expédition des ténèbres affilié à Beyond Netero
- Marion is a student at Mu Elementary School. She sits next to Charlotte. Marion is voiced by Amy Winfrey. Marion is smarter then she appears, because she made several complicated plans to flee to Canada, but Charlotte tried to show Vendetta her plans so she couldn't do most of them.
- Marion, eine Ichthyologin in Professor Layton und der Ruf des Phantoms und arbeitet im Marine Forschungszentrum in Misthallery. Sie ist mit Oma Enygmas Kater Kietz befreundet.
- The Marion Steam Shovel Company was established by Henry Barnhart, George W. King and Edward Huber in August 1884. While steam shovels had been made prior to this date in the United States, Barnhart persueded Huber to financially back his design which incorporated a stronger bucket support than other makes. Barnhart and Huber patented Barnhart's changes under United States Patent No. 285,100 on September 18, 1883. One element of Barnhart's design was the use of solid iron rods (hog rings) to support the boom of the shovel, which was stronger than simple chain.
- Marion works at the China Clay Works. She is bubbly and friendly and loves digging, talking, and talking about digging. She is always ready to share her tales with the other locomotives, who sometimes try to avoid her. Thomas is always happy to hear her stories. Items she has claimed to dig up in the past include a pirate chest. She enjoys playing "Guess What's in My Shovel", although the answer is almost always mud, rock, or dirt.