| - Through the empty streets at night in Japan, it was winter so rain wasn't a surprise, it was pouring a lot recently, and it has been only a single day since Dakar met Kou-...err...I mean Jourin met Kounaki and Jourin disappeared. Behind an abandoned store, a woman who was walking under the rain with her umbrella going home from work, stood in horror watching the man who tried to attack her a minute ago, attacked himself by a different man who appeared, the horror was greater when she saw how it happened. Seconds ago, he was walking towards her with a knife, and now, an arm is thrusting through his chest from his back, grabbing a hold of his spine, some of the blood splattered on her as well as it did on the ground, but it was being washed away by the rain. Dakar, who killed the man, put him down, pulling the man's spine out with little effort and threw it away while walking towards the horrified woman. His arm was bloody from his recent kill, and his face...was emotionless, it was indeed something unnatural for Dakar, who's usually a mad killer, it was like an amazing phenomenon that rarely happens with Dakar. He kneeled towards the woman staring at her frightened face while the rain was pouring on both of them "...Will this change you...?" The woman was confused at what Dakar was asking her until he asked again "Will this event...that took place in this place...change you...?" The woman couldn't reply, it was cold from the rain and she was too frightened to speak or do anything at all. Dakar sighed and stood up, holding the woman's umbrella above her head "Take it and leave before you catch a cold or something" Dakar said, though his emotionless tone made it sound more like a suggestion. The woman did as he said and left. After he was alone he stared at the man's corpse "...I don't have an appetite tonight...next time" Dakar walked away from the corpse, leaving a feast to be found by humans and begin a news broadcast. In a different area, on a bench, Dakar sat. There were trees around him, cherry blossom trees, only without any cherry blossoms since spring isn't here yet. Dakar stared up to the sky as thunder roared through the clouds and lightning flashed, while rain kept pouring on him nonstop "Have I changed at all...?" Dakar silented asked himself, questioning his own self after his meeting with Kounaki. "Alright! New day, new opportunities. Off to work I go~" Kounaki was in a cheerful mood today. Trying to get over the past fiasco over the few days, she dressed up in her usual work outfit. It was a simple white dress shirt, long-sleeved of course, a blazer over it and a lower thigh-length black skirt, and a pair of stilettos. Kounaki walked out of her house, locking it as she took her purse and took out her car. As she begun driving, she was reminded of Jourin, who but a few days ago arrived and left an impact on Kounaki's heart... But all that didn't matter, and Kounaki headed out, and went to work at the supermarket, as usual. Today she knew she was going to get scolded, she'd been away for an entire week without any kind of warning! Though then again...she got turned into a Vampire, not really her fault. As she showed up to work, people ogled at her new appearance. Very few could recognize her, and as she walked up to her boss, his jaw dropped. "Um...Kounaki...?" He fumbled, and Kounaki responded cheerfully, "Yes, sir?" "W-what happened to you?" He asked, glaring unexpectedly at her chest. Kounaki began to clench her fist, and she responded, "Oh, just a sudden growth spurt, I guess? Haha. I'll be off to my position, then." Kounaki had walked off, she hated that man and his lustful intentions, it bugged her to no end. And so, she served her customers, all while simply thinking about how life passed on... Dakar walked in the sunlight of the street, not that it was truly going to kill him, yet he still remained under the shadows of the buildings reflected by the sunlight just in case. He was still emotionless without any changes to his expressionless face. Looking to the side, Dakar saw a familiar car and when looking again he saw Kounaki entering a store, he took one step forward, but immediately stopped, Dakar slowly walked back until he was back to back with a building's wall. Dakar wanted to got her...as if he wanted to...talk, to befriend her and the like. His right hand covered his right eye and some of his face's right side as he was slowly breathing "Hey, are you okay?" Dakar quickly turned to see a woman concerned about him. He gritted his teeth and simply walked away without "...I should...at least...get my rabbit back for Jourin..." Dakar thought to himself, planning to...return? To Kounaki? Simply for Jourin's stuffed toy? It had been a few hours, and Kounaki had her lunch break on. So, she decided she would go out, it was simple enough, after all, she had put in hard work the entire day. As she stepped out, she unbuttoned the top button of her shirt, it was suffocating in that. She continued walking, and suddenly, she noticed a familiar presence...as she turned, she noticed...him! The man who she suspected to be Jourin's kidnapper, that's who he was. She immediately tried to catch up, whilst shouting, "Hey, you! Wait!" Dakar stopped and turned seeing Kounaki behind him, he wanted to show a grin and act the same way he had the last time they met, but he just couldn't bring himself to do that, it was like everything he would do would just attract more attention from Kounaki and she would simply go after him once more if she were to find him, just like now, from what he had done last time, acting like the villain. He stood still waiting for Kounaki to reach him, Dakar face stayed emotionless. Kounaki reached him, and she began to pant. She then asked, "Y-you know where Jourin is...don't you?" Her expression was solemn, as if she was pleading to know of her location. "Please...when you meet her...give her...this..." She took out something from her bag. It was a rabbit! The stuffed rabbit that Jourin played with when she found it. She kept it with her the entire time. "Oh...and...give her some of this, as well." She then took out a covered jug, and continued, "It has...her favorite lemonade in it..." Dakar took both the stuffed rabbit and jug, staring at them his face became gloomy, he stared at Kounaki, he wanted to tell her everything, who he really is, who Jourin is, that she is right infront of her only as a male, however, Dakar still didn't do it, he simply took a deep breath and let it out "It's best...if you keep the door open tonight" Dakar said and turned around, walking away with what Kounaki gave him to give to Jourin, ironically she already gave it to her. As Kounaki turned around, tears rolled down her face and splashed onto the concrete floor. Yet she wiped them, and continued towards her workplace. Lunch was ending, and she didn't even eat anything...yeah she was in for a bad day. Dakar felt guilt for lying to Kounaki like that, he wanted to tell her everything but couldn't dare to do that, instead, he would have to keep the act for as long as he can, stay as two seperate people, Jourin Moushinki and Dakar Ambrose. At least, maybe this time, it can end differently than the rest. And so she continued working, until the evening hours came. It struck 7pm, and her boss dismissed her. She was on her way home, and thought she should get a bite while she was riding home. So she went to a nearby McDonalds - because there was nothing else - and took a simple cheeseburger. She quickly finished eating, and as she wiped her face, she headed towards her car. As she drove onto the road, she saw a little girl being mugged, she immediately turned her car that way. It was Jourin, holding her stuffed rabbit, while her arm was grabbed by a shadowed figure, though nothing of the muggler was visible, not even the hand that grabbed her. Jourin turned her sights to the lights of Kounaki's car that came closer, and a smile came to her face. Kounaki noticed who she was, and her eyes gaped widely. She stopped her car wherever she could, and immediately ran out. Her expression turned from cheerful to sour, and her eyes were focused on the mugger. Her immediate reaction was a powerful roundhouse kick, aimed towards the right side of the man's ribs, causing him to crash into the ground nearby, whilst she looked at Jourin intently, and immediately asked her. "Where did you go!? Did that man with the white hair kidnap you!? Tell me all of it, right now!" Jourin simply smiled towards Kounaki, she jumped towards her hugging her tightly, with her head in between Kounaki's breasts "Onee-chan! I missed you! Can we go home now, please?" Jourin said in a cutesy tone, happy to see Kounaki coming to her rescue. Kounaki sighed, and realized she was pressuring her a bit too much. "Sure thing. Come on, let's go." Kounaki took her hand, and went into the car along with her. She gestured Jourin to put on her belt, and she did hers by herself, and begun to drive home. She then asked Jourin, "Where were you all this time?" "Duck-chan needed me for a bit, so I came over, it took a bit longer than expected, but I helped him get a white suit, after that I wanted to come home but that scary man tried to mug me" Jourin showed an innocent expression of a little girl in trouble, trying to make Kounaki unsuspecting of anything.