In the Dungeons & Dragons fantasy role-playing game, the planetouched are mortal creatures whose ancestors were extraplanar creatures such as celestials, fiends, or elementals. Aasimar, tieflings, and genasi are the primary planetouched races. Fey'ri are a type of elf-derived tiefling found in the Forgotten Realms. Planetouched are considered native outsiders.
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- Planetouched
| - In the Dungeons & Dragons fantasy role-playing game, the planetouched are mortal creatures whose ancestors were extraplanar creatures such as celestials, fiends, or elementals. Aasimar, tieflings, and genasi are the primary planetouched races. Fey'ri are a type of elf-derived tiefling found in the Forgotten Realms. Planetouched are considered native outsiders.
- There are several kinds of planetouched humanoids that are available in CoA. The more well-known ones like Aasimar and Tieflings have their own pages. All these subraces require applications. (more races to come, probably)
- Planetouched are humanoids who have an outsider, such as a celestial or a demon, in their heritage.
- The planetouched are mortal creatures whose ancestors were extraplanar creatures such as celestials, fiends, or elementals. Aasimar, tieflings, and genasi are the primary planetouched races. Planetouched are considered native outsiders.
- Planetouched were the mortal descendents of beings from the Twelve Stairs and the Abyss. There are dark places deep within the bowels of the earth where daemons and devils dwell. Having risen from the Abyss and often unable to return, slowly their essence has trickled through into the bloodlines of men and elves, and other creatures besides. Their progeny were called Devilblooded. Similarly, when the god Crest sent the Arnde down earth to teach the secret of magic to mortals to mortals, the Arnde spent much time amongst men and elves, and sired many children there (called Arndeborn).
- Planetouched is a general word to describe someone who can trace his or her bloodline back to an outsider, usually a fiend or celestial. The effects of having a supernatural being in one’s heritage last for many generations. Although not as dramatically altered as a half-celestial or a half-fiend, planetouched still retain some special qualities. The two planetouched varieties described here are the most common. Aasimars are humans with some trace of celestial blood in their veins, and tieflings have some fiendishness in their family tree.
- Planetouched are mortal creatures whose lineages trace back to outsiders, including celestials, fiends and elementals. Outsiders who can reproduce tend to be inter-fertile, therefore being able to mate with just about any other creature they desire. If the offspring of these unusual unions proves to be itself fertile, within a few generations planetouched will be born. There are many different types of Planetouched:
- Planetouched (читается «плэйнтачд», устоявшегося русского перевода нет, один из наиболее распространённых вариантов — «затронутые планами») — в D&D категория существ, являющихся отдалёнными потомками обитателя какого-то из иных миров при преобладании крови жителей Прайма (то есть обычного мира). К этой категории не относятся полукровки — только отдалённые потомки, где примесь чуждого существа основательно сглажена.
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| - In the Dungeons & Dragons fantasy role-playing game, the planetouched are mortal creatures whose ancestors were extraplanar creatures such as celestials, fiends, or elementals. Aasimar, tieflings, and genasi are the primary planetouched races. Fey'ri are a type of elf-derived tiefling found in the Forgotten Realms. Planetouched are considered native outsiders.
- There are several kinds of planetouched humanoids that are available in CoA. The more well-known ones like Aasimar and Tieflings have their own pages. All these subraces require applications. (more races to come, probably)
- Planetouched (читается «плэйнтачд», устоявшегося русского перевода нет, один из наиболее распространённых вариантов — «затронутые планами») — в D&D категория существ, являющихся отдалёнными потомками обитателя какого-то из иных миров при преобладании крови жителей Прайма (то есть обычного мира). К этой категории не относятся полукровки — только отдалённые потомки, где примесь чуждого существа основательно сглажена. Наиболее известным и проработанным вариантом существ с планарным наследием являются тифлинги — единственная разновидность затронутых, вошедшая в базовые правила в четвёртой редакции D&D. Более ни один их вид не добивался такой известности, хотя в некоторых сеттингах они входят в число базовых рас (джинази в поздних вариантах Forgotten Realms, те же тифлинги в Planescape).
- Planetouched are humanoids who have an outsider, such as a celestial or a demon, in their heritage.
- Planetouched is a general word to describe someone who can trace his or her bloodline back to an outsider, usually a fiend or celestial. The effects of having a supernatural being in one’s heritage last for many generations. Although not as dramatically altered as a half-celestial or a half-fiend, planetouched still retain some special qualities. The two planetouched varieties described here are the most common. Aasimars are humans with some trace of celestial blood in their veins, and tieflings have some fiendishness in their family tree. See also : Aasimar, Aasimar, 1st-Level Warrior, Tiefling, Tiefling, 1st-Level Warrior
- Planetouched are mortal creatures whose lineages trace back to outsiders, including celestials, fiends and elementals. Outsiders who can reproduce tend to be inter-fertile, therefore being able to mate with just about any other creature they desire. If the offspring of these unusual unions proves to be itself fertile, within a few generations planetouched will be born. There are many different types of Planetouched:
* Aasimar are descended from celestials
* Axani are descended from lawful outsiders
* Azerblood are descended from shield dwarves and azers
* Baphitaurs are the result of magical experiments in breeding tieflings with minotaurs
* Cansin are descended from chaotic outsiders
* Celadrin are descended from elves/eladrin and noble eladrin
* Chaonds are descended from slaadi
* D'hin'ni are descended from lightfoot halflings and djinn
* Fey'ri are descended from elves and demons
* Genasi and Para-genasi are descended from elemental creatures, usually genies
* Maeluth are descended from dwarves and devils
* Mechanatrixes are descended from Inevitables
* Mur-Zhagul are descended from trolls and demons
* Shadowswyfts are descended from creatures from the Plane of Shadow
* Shyfts are descended from beings from the Ethereal Plane
* Tanarukk are desended from orcs and fiends
* Tieflings are descended from fiends
* Worghest are descended from goblins and barghests
* Wisplings are descended from halflings and demons
* Zenythris are descended from an unknown race or lawful outsiders
- The planetouched are mortal creatures whose ancestors were extraplanar creatures such as celestials, fiends, or elementals. Aasimar, tieflings, and genasi are the primary planetouched races. Planetouched are considered native outsiders.
- Planetouched were the mortal descendents of beings from the Twelve Stairs and the Abyss. There are dark places deep within the bowels of the earth where daemons and devils dwell. Having risen from the Abyss and often unable to return, slowly their essence has trickled through into the bloodlines of men and elves, and other creatures besides. Their progeny were called Devilblooded. Similarly, when the god Crest sent the Arnde down earth to teach the secret of magic to mortals to mortals, the Arnde spent much time amongst men and elves, and sired many children there (called Arndeborn). Fables spoke of a city of the planetouched called Floodhold, founded on the banks of the Underlake, where Arndeborn and Devilblood creatures alike made their home. Planetouched beings with elemental blood in their veins were seldom seen on the Mortal Plane: Canter was a popular choice of deity for them. The Arndeborn of Floodhold worshiped their ancestors, the Arnde, as well as Crest (who once commanded the Arnde). Some Devilblooded citizens shared in this worship, whilst others celebrated their own Abyssmal forefathers at the Evil Opri, a theater where devils can be summoned.
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