| - Au revoir
- tarinai yo mitsuboshi de wa ore wo kataru nara sou ...
- utsukushiku ai shimashou dare ni mo mane ha sasenai ze
- 絵に描いたような街さ スペクタクルでゴージャス
- “First of all is to be beautiful, to be lovely”
- The Arc de Triomphe rises above us, Charles de Gaulle
- We will spread love beautifully, and nobody shall imitate us
- e ni kaita you na machi sa supekutakeru de gorgeous
- “The number of stars isn’t something to be deciced by anyone but yourself”
- "hoshi no kazu nante tanin ga kimeru mono ja nai"
- "mazuwa jibun ga utsukushiku airashiku da"
- それでも及ばないのは そうさ俺…トレビアン!
- Just three stars is not enough, when you are talking with me…
- A transparent smile will encircle the world
- A wine glass in one hand, how romantic and elegant
- Ah, what a beautiful panorama of Paris
- Au Revoir.
- Au revoir.
- bi to ai no daimeishi nanda sou sa ore ... très bien !!
- Bonjour~ Je m'appelle France.
- Bonjour! Je m'appelle France.
- It shall cheerfully charm you, the Moulin Rouge
- 美しく愛しましょう 誰にも真似はさせないぜ
- Seine-gawa nagareteku ai no seseragi
- The babble of love, flowing with the Seine River
- The shape of ultimate beauty, a panorama of Paris
- A picturesque town, as if drawn in a painting; spectacular and gorgeous
- We shall control the top at Montmartre
- 美しく美しさを 耳元で語ってあげる
- 「星の数なんて他人が決めるものじゃない」
- aa nante utsukushii pari no panorama
- airashiku airashisa wo me no mae de odotte ageru
- gaisenmon sobietatsu Charles de Gaulle
- hanayaka ni misemashou Moulin Rouge
- 「そして美と愛に国境なんて関係ないのさ」
- itadaki wo sei suru wa Montmartre de
- jikanjiku kuruu hodo mitoreru hibi sa
- katate ni wine glass romantikku de oshare san
- kyuukyoku no bi no katachi pari no panorama
- We will fill up the world as the elegant me holds it in my arms
- sekaijuu irozuiteku ore ni somaru toriko sa
- sekaijyu irozuiteku ore ni somaru toriko sa
- sekaijyu mitasareteku suteki na ore ni dakare
- toumei na hohoemi ga sekai wo tsutsumu
- The more you mess with time, the more you admire everyday life
- We will talk of beauty beautifully at the base of your hearing
- Even so, it is unnecessary; that would be me… Très Bien!
- 足りないよ三ツ星では 俺を語るならそう…
- soredemo oyobanai no wa sou sa ore ... très bien !!
- "soshite bi to ai ni kokkyou nante kankei nai no sa"
- 世界中満たされてく ステキな俺に抱かれ
- “And then, there is no such border between the relationship of love and beauty”
- 凱旋門そびえ立つシャルル・ド・ゴール
- 美と愛の代名詞なんだ そうさ俺…トレビアン!
- 愛らしく愛らしさを 目の前で踊ってあげる
- utsukushiku utsukushisa wo mimimoto de katatte ageru
- We will add color to this world as I am dyed with undivided love
- 「まずは自分が美しく愛らしくだ」
- あぁなんて美しいパリのパノラマ
- セーヌ川流れてく愛のせせらぎ
- 片手にワイングラス ロマンティックでオシャレさん
- 時間軸狂うほど見とれる日々さ
- The very pronoun of beauty and love; that would be me… Très Bien!
- 究極の美の形パリのパノラマ
- 透明な微笑みが世界を包む
- 頂を制するはモンマルトルで
- We will let love dance lovingly right in front of your eyes
- 世界中色づいてく 俺に染まるトリコさ
- 華やかに魅せましょうムーラン・ルージュ