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- Hard Rain is a song in Mother 3 that plays after Fuel and Lighter have been reunited by Flint, and the village is now out searching for Hinawa, Lucas and Claus. At this time, it is raining heavily, which is where the song's name originates.
- Hard Rain is a 1998 action movie starring Christian Slater, Randy Quaid, Minnie Driver and Morgan Freeman. It's about an armored car robbery which takes place in a Midwestern U.S. town that's rapidly flooding due to an unrelenting, torrential rainstorm.
- Hard Rain is the fifth (fourth if you do not have The Passing DLC) campaign in Left 4 Dead 2, taking place after Swamp Fever. It is set in the riverside town of Ducatel, Mississippi (referred to as Milltown in the chapter title) as a hurricane approaches. At the start of the campaign, Virgil drops off the Survivors with a mission to find and bring back diesel fuel for his boat. The mission is to travel to the Ducatel Diesel gas station through the abandoned town of Ducatel, the Witch-infested ruins of the Ducatel Sugar mill and a cane field populated with Infected. Once they have the diesel, a hurricane arrives and the area immediately floods, obliging the Survivors to retrace their steps through knee-deep water that impedes their progress and squalls of wind and rain that reduce visibilit
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- Hard Rain is the fifth (fourth if you do not have The Passing DLC) campaign in Left 4 Dead 2, taking place after Swamp Fever. It is set in the riverside town of Ducatel, Mississippi (referred to as Milltown in the chapter title) as a hurricane approaches. At the start of the campaign, Virgil drops off the Survivors with a mission to find and bring back diesel fuel for his boat. The mission is to travel to the Ducatel Diesel gas station through the abandoned town of Ducatel, the Witch-infested ruins of the Ducatel Sugar mill and a cane field populated with Infected. Once they have the diesel, a hurricane arrives and the area immediately floods, obliging the Survivors to retrace their steps through knee-deep water that impedes their progress and squalls of wind and rain that reduce visibility and make hearing difficult. When they finally reach Ducatel, they signal Virgil to return and pick them up by switching on a nearby Burger Tank roof sign, thereby triggering the campaign's finale. This campaign features the Worker Infected who are denoted by yellow safety helmets and reflective vests. They can take more damage than Common Infected and are not attracted to Pipe bombs because they wear ear protection that prevents them from hearing this grenade's distinctive sound. Below is a complete list of video walkthroughs of the 5 levels: 1.
* Part 1 (The Milltown & The Sugar Mill) 2.
* Part 2 (Mill Escape & Return to Town & Town Escape) Please know that the gameplay videos are on each campaign's info page. __toc__
- Hard Rain is a song in Mother 3 that plays after Fuel and Lighter have been reunited by Flint, and the village is now out searching for Hinawa, Lucas and Claus. At this time, it is raining heavily, which is where the song's name originates.
- Hard Rain is a 1998 action movie starring Christian Slater, Randy Quaid, Minnie Driver and Morgan Freeman. It's about an armored car robbery which takes place in a Midwestern U.S. town that's rapidly flooding due to an unrelenting, torrential rainstorm.
* Ask a Stupid Question:
* As the Good Book Says...: Ray's tendency to quote Bible verses. Jim even asks him for "inspiration" at one point. It leads to a rather amusing line later:
* Attempted Rape: The deputy tries to rape Karen after the sherrif makes it clear that there could be no witnesses.
* Battle in the Rain: Every single fight in this movie, obviously.
* Bear Trap: Tom and Karen nearly step into a pair of them.
* Big Dam Plot
* Broken Pedestal: We find out much later in the movie that Charlie was involved in the original plot to take the money.
* Cavalry Betrayal: Ray is about to shoot Tom when he's struck down by a bullet. It's the Sheriff, who promptly starts gunning for the two remaining robbers. However, he's doing it because he's taking the money instead, meaning he's also there to kill Tom.
* Chekhov's Gun: Four. The propane tank, the mounted cavalry statue, Karen's Swiss Army Knife, and an actual gun, in the Sheriff's ankle holster. There's also one from before the movie started: When the sheriff is insisting that Hank come help him, he reminds Hank that he had to officially deputize Hank one time, so "When I say come down here and help, I'm not asking—I'm ordering you!"
* Died in Your Arms Tonight: After being electrocuted, Kenny is being held and watched over by his father figure, Jim. Jim tells Kenny he'll be all right; Kenny even says the pain is starting to go away, and then...
* Drowning Pit: Tom in his jail cell, Karen in her house.
* Enemy Mine: Tom and Jim end up working together temporarily when a third party wants to steal the money and Kill'Em All.
* Everyone Calls Him "Barkeep": The mayor uses the sheriff's name one time at the start of the movie. The rest of the time, everyone else just refers to him as "Sheriff".
* Exactly What It Says on the Tin: After the studio logo, the rain starts falling. From that point on, it doesn't stop, all the way to the black screen of the end credits.
* Extreme Doormat: The sheriff. At the beginning of the movie, he's helping direct the evacuation of the town, which is totally normal for law enforcement. Then we find out he lost the election and once the emergency is over, he's out of a job. The mayor even calls him out on it, wondering why he's sticking around to help after what happened. One of his deputies suggests getting revenge on the mayor and blaming it on looters; the Sheriff declines and continues to help with the evacuation, then continues to stay and do his job long after almost everyone is gone.
* Eye Scream: Mr. Mehlor. We hear the shot, see his glasses break, and hear his agonized scream as blood jets from his eye socket. Then, just to drive the point home, the movie shows his broken glasses sinking and settling atop a headstone.
* Face Heel Turn: The sheriff. While wanting the money might be understandable due to his circumstances, it's what he'll have to do to get it that makes him a real Heel. The original gang of robbers didn't want to go that far; they explicitly told the truck guards, "We just want the money! You guys walk away, we won't kill you!"
* Floating Head Syndrome: Some of the later posters and the DVD box art. It's a shame, too; the original poster was at least kind of interesting.
* Giant Wall of Watery Doom: Occurs when the dam finally crumbles under the stress.
* The Good, the Bad, and The Evil: Respectively, Tom, Jim and the sheriff.
* Harmless Electrocution: Subverted. Kenny gets very badly hurt from his electrocution, and though it does seem at first like he's going to survive it, he later dies.
* Human Shield: Jim uses Tom as one. It doesn't work, since the sheriff has decided to keep the money, which means he needs both of them dead, anyway.
* Inner-City School: Briefly, when Mr. Mehlor's homemade bombs are introduced.
* Insignia Rip Off Ritual: The sheriff. While it's not done in front of his superiors, the "Screw this, I'm not working here anymore" mentality is still quite obviously there.
* Logo Joke: The familiar Paramount logo of a mountain is seen. Then the sky over the mountain clouds up and the rain starts falling.
* Mentor Occupational Hazard: Charlie, to Tom. Although it was an accident.
* Minion with an F In Evil: Phil, again. The only reason he's with the bad guys is that he couldn't bring himself to shoot one of them. Not a really useful trait in a cop, so Phil also doesn't make a particularly effective good guy either. His apparent tendency to choke when he should be shooting somebody is also the end of him.
* Only in It For the Money: Morgan Freeman's character, Jim, says this almost word-for-word several times in the film. Even in the end, when Tom thinks Jim helped save his life:
* Parental Substitute: Jim promised Kenny's father he'd look after Kenny. Of course, Jim didn't do such a great job of it.
* Spanner in the Works: Tom (and later the Sheriff) to Jim's plans.
* Red Alert: The dam has one, complete with flashing red lights and extremely loud warning buzzer. Of course, by the time it happens in the movie, it's too late for anyone to do anything about it...
* Rescue Romance: Karen and Tom.
* Too Dumb to Live: Tom and Karen climb out of the water when they see the rising flood is about to touch a power line. They quickly realize they climbed on a metal scaffold, and find a better ledge. Kenny, one of the criminals, also climbs out—but doesn't realize the scaffold is metal until it's too late.
* Villainous Breakdown: Jim's original plan to snatch the cash from the armored car without having to kill anyone was simple. However, Tom has caused him so much trouble that Jim finally decides he's fed up:
* Wham! Line: "Okay."
* With Us or Against Us: The sheriff gives Phil one. To be fair, it's not really a False Dichotomy in this instance, as Phil is a cop, and if he doesn't try to arrest or kill the bad guys, he's an accomplice.