| - This vehicle is one of the few that has a driver, and the first one to have 2 drivers. The driver with the stick is removavle.
- Der Star Wars Outsider wurde im Februar 2007 von amerikanischen Fans gegründet. Dies ist ein komplett kostenloses Star Wars Magazin welches im PDF Format heruntergeladen werden kann. Alle Informationen dain belaufen sich auf Fanfiction.
- The Outsiders are very powerful beings from the Outside, which is beyond the Outer Gates. Even though Walkers appear earlier in the series, they are first mentioned in Death Masks.
- Outsiders were any non-elemental creatures that originated on a plane other than the Prime Material Plane.
- Fin works on a case in which a college student, Ming Hao, is discovered beaten and raped. Fin's son, Ken (who is a resident advisor) convinces Ming to press charges, but her resistance makes the case difficult. The case takes a twist when another woman is attacked and Fin crosses paths with Brooklyn SVU detective Chester Lake, who is investigating a serial rapist whose M.O. matches that of Ming Hao's attacker. They work together to find the rapist before he strikes again.
- An outsider is a person external to an organization.
- The outsider creature type is at least partially composed of the essence (but not necessarily the material) of some plane other than the Material Plane. Some creatures start out as some other type and become outsiders when they attain a higher (or lower) state of spiritual existence.
- Gli outsiders erano pericolosi ninja abilissimi nell'uso delle katane corte e delle arti occulte, che comparivano dal nulla per aggredire i viaggiatori. Conoscevano magie potentissime.
- When Leela was banished from the Capitol, she and Rodan (who had joined her) were discovered by a band of Outsiders and taken to their leader, Nesbin. Together, they organised an attack on the Capitol to fight off the invading Sontarans. (TV: The Invasion of Time) After the disappearance of her husband Andred, Leela lived with the Outsiders for a brief period. (AUDIO: Weapon of Choice) The Shobogans were a sub-group of the Outsiders. (PROSE: The Eight Doctors)
- Su primera aparición en TV la dio de la mano de Yoo Yae Seok que lo mostro, y desde ahi a adquirido fama por su talento. Outsider impresiono a MC Sniper el cual se volvio su mentor, y actualmente, está bajo la firma de MC Sniper, Sniper Sound.Ha trabajado en conjunto con grupo tan populares como Bone Thugs-N-Harmony de E.U. y cantando alado de j cristian vivas
- File:Outsider Detective Comics 356 BB thumb.gif Write the text of your article here!
- Their ethics direct giving more than a fair value for the price, which is never open to negotiation. They have some obscure relationship to Starseeds, but the price for this information is too high. Outsiders are estimated to be the most advanced species in Known Space, possibly the Galaxy, but the extent of their development remains unknown. Though they have the technology to produce advanced faster-than-light drives, they rarely use them, preferring to travel the "slow" way. They do possess a "reactionless drive" technology that allows them to reach this speed almost instantaneously. Louis Wu says that the Outsiders have "something better" than hyperdrive.
- Utwór: Calavera Wykonawca: Grupa Operacyjna Krwawy powrót najostrzejszego pióra! Na bok wątpliwości i na bok cenzura! Gdy stawiam kroki – trzęsie się ziema F.O.X. – to litery imienia Eksplozje, wybuchy – wpadam by namieszać Tak Grupa Operacyjna przeprowadza desant! Wolność myślenia to jest dla mnie grunt Przybywam bezczelny wzniecić tu bunt! „Ludzie nie są gotowi” – słyszę – „nie są gotowi, Na to by ktoś taką zadymę im robił” „Tego co gotujesz nikt raczej nie zje” „Przestań już głosić te swoje herezje” [ref]
- [[Файл:Pfastraldeva.jpg|thumb|right|Пример представителя типа — астральный дэв из Pathfinder-а]]Outsider (букв. «потусторонний») — в механике D&D, начиная с редакции 3.0 — тип существа, изображающий пришельцев из иных миров, в целом более-менее подобных смертному разумом и стремлениями (в отличие от представляющих собой скорее природные силы элементалей). Согласно описанию в Monster Manual, аутсайдеры по крайней мере частично состоят не из обычной материи, а из эссенции иного плана и тесно с ним связаны, чем и объясняются их сверхъестественные свойства. Это верно даже для существ, которые всю свою жизнь проводят в обычном мире.
- Written and drawn by Jim Francis, Outsider relates the adventures of Ensign Second Class Alexander Jardin, sole survivor of ECS-154 Bellarmine, and his interactions with his rescuers as the titular Fish Out of Water. Discovering that humanity is uncomfortably close to a genocidal war between the Loroi and Umiak races, the Terran Colonial Authority dispatches a scouting mission to gather better information about both sides. When Bellarmine is destroyed by an unknown vessel in a contested system, Jardin is rescued by a Loroi warship... and promptly finds himself thrown in at the deep end of interstellar diplomacy.
- The outsider is gradually brought into a family through a series of jobs, starting with small crimes, then be present at bigger crimes, then being an accomplice, then performing the crime. It is not an official position in La Cosa Nostra but more of an umbrella term for people doing jobs who are "on the outs" with a family but it also is used to refer to civillians from time to time.
- thumb|200px|Outsider Outsider – osobnik zwykle w wieku 16–18 lat, któremu świat jako taki nie odpowiada i w związku z tym zachowuje się tak, by to on nie odpowiadał światu. Zwykle jest gotem, emo, lub członkiem innej subkultury, która istnieje tylko po to, by tępić optymizm i wprowadzać ludzi w stan depresji. Dawni outsiderzy byli inni, buntowali się przeciwko systemowi. Dzisiejsi buntują się nadal, chociaż system padł. Oprócz buntu mają też inne hobby, jak cięcie się (typowe), pisanie wierszy (mniej typowe) lub granie na gitarze smutnych piosenek, mówiących o tym, jak to im ciężko (tacy też są, ale to jeszcze mniej typowe). Co bardziej zaawansowani okazują swoją pogardę dla systemu, przechodząc przez jezdnię w miejscach niedozwolonych (przejścia dla pieszych = system), lub chodząc po ulic
- The Outsider shares some similarities with the Nightbringer, in that in it is said that to look upon it would cause terror, much like the Nightbringer's infusion of terror in the young races produced by the Old Ones. Also, another source gives a dance by the Harlequins of this precise moment when the Laughing God tricked the C'tan into consuming each other, except the C'tan in the story of the dance who was tricked is most definitely the Nightbringer. These similarities are not backed up specifically by any background information and it is therefore unlikely that they are one and the same as there are sources that show many differences between the two entities.
- An outsider is a non-elemental creature that comes from another plane of existence, primarily the outer planes. They are supernatural creatures that tend to have a strong association with their alignment (e.g. slaadi are incarnations of chaos). Many good-aligned outsiders are called celestial, while evil outsiders are referred to as fiendish or demonic, a vestige of their original inspirations (angels, devils, and demons). In Dungeons & Dragons, level 20 monks are considered outsiders, but this was not implemented in Neverwinter Nights.