| - Title and short intro here.
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- The use of the indefinite article may, in itself, lead one to suspect that he is not referring to a woman named Madeline. In fact, a madeleine is a sort of small cake made in a special baking tin that gives it a distinctive scalloped shape, and which is intermediate in texture between angel food cake and a sponge cake (as is used in common layer cakes and the like).
- thumb|Terras Eltern Maduin(links) und Madeline.Madeline (engl. Madonna) aus Final Fantasy VI ist die Mutter von Terra Branford. Als sie sich in die Esper-Welt verirrte, war Maduin der einzige, der sie nicht wieder hinauswerfen wollte. Es gelang ihm, die anderen Esper zu überzeugen und die beiden verliebten sich ineinander. Kurz nach Terras Geburt wurde sie beim Überfall des Imperiums von Gestahl getötet.
- Madeline is a character appearing in Professor Layton and the Diabolical Box. She is found on the road that leads into Dropstone, a country village found far away from London, accessible via the Molentary Express. She can be hard to read, but no matter how difficult Professor Layton solves any riddle!
- Madeline was a customer in the Corner Shop who asked about a card in the window which advertised a sewing machine for sale.
- An engineer aboard the IND Raider.
- Madeline is American Television Series
- Madeline is a Fast Track Server manager in Poeta.
- Madeline is the leader of the Amazons.
- Madeline was voiced by Sylvia Anderson.
- You can use the box below to create new pages for this mini-wiki. preload=Madeline/preload editintro=Madeline/editintro width=25 Madeline is a Children's Book series written and illustrated by Ludwig Bemelmans, an Austrian Author. The Books have been adapted into numerous formats, spawning Academy Award-winning Feature Films, an Award-winning Television Series and a Live Action Feature Film.
- Madeline ist ein Charakter aus dem Spiel Professor Layton und die Schatulle der Pandora. Sie wohnt in Dropstone.
- thumb|Madeline Madeline ist Dixon Hills Sekretärin. Sie begleitet Dixon in Rex's Bar und bestellt ihr Lieblingsgetränk: Bourbon mit Ginger Ale. (TNG: , , ) Als Jean-Luc Picard das Holoprogramm 2364 abruft, verlässt sie das Büro um sich mit einem Freund zu treffen. (TNG: ) Ihre Mutter hat eine Cousine in San Antonio. (TNG: )
- Madeline is crew member working on the musical Bats, which Gonzo and Jason Alexander are attempting to put on in episode 108 of Muppets Tonight. She is assigned the task of painting the sets after Gonzo has approved of a color she's picked out.
- [[Archivo:Madeline.jpg|thumb|Madeline Interpretada por Rhonda Aldrich]] Madeline es la secretaria de Dixon Hill. (TNG: "The Big Goodbye", "Manhunt", "Clues")
- The name Madeline may refer to:
* Madeline (alternate reality), an alien officer aboard the Enterprise
* Madeline (Dixon Hill), Dixon Hill's secretary
* Madeline Reed, Malcolm Reed's sister
* Madeline's Cafe, a cafe in Carbon Creek
* Madelaine, an employee at Plexicorp You may also be looking for:
* Madlyn Rhue, the actress who played Marla McGivers in the TOS episode "Space Seed"
- Voice actresses varied, such as when she is voiced by Marsha Moreau in the original special, as well as five Cinar-Produced specials. Whereas, in later specials, she is voiced by Tracey Lee Smythe. In the 1995 animated series The New Adventures of Madeline and in Madeline: Lost in Paris, she is voiced by Dragon Tales voice actress Andrea Libman, while in My Fair Madeline, fellow Dragon Tales voice actress Chantal Strand did her voice. On the other hand, in the live-action film, she is played by British actress Hatty Jones in her debut role.
- After the success of the books, Madeline played herself in a TV show about her life. After single-hand-idly launching the Reality TV genre, she moved on to movies. Following her success, Madeline's parents attempted to take her money, and invest it in 20 year CDs and an IRA, in an attempt to prevent the irresponsible child from falling into the trap of child stardom. Her parents had sent her to a prestigious boarding school, presumably to get rid of her but now Madeline thought they just wanted her money. In 1995, at the age of 13, Madeline petitioned the French Prime Minister for emancipation , and received it. Despite these early successes the transition from child star to adult actress was not as smooth a path for Madeline as it was for other starlets.
- Lorsque Jean-Luc Picard lança pour la première fois le programme holographique des aventures de Dixon Hill en 2364, Madeline quittait le bureau pour aller "retrouver son chéri". (TNG: "The Big Goodbye") La mère de Madeline avait une cousine qui vivait à San Antonio. (TNG: "Manhunt") Madeline était interprétée par Rhonda Aldrich.
- Cruella De Vil is a disturbed young girl who uses poisonous trumpet flowers to kill her father at a young age, leading her mother Madeline to use her expertly-trained dalmatians to keep her daughter prisoner in her attack. Despite her constraints, Cruella is still able to make sure that her proceeding two step-fathers die as well, for she finds enjoyment in it, but she grows incredibly bored being locked away all the time. When a man from the newspaper - Isaac - visits hoping to ask Madeline some questions, she kicks him out for being rude, and so Cruella beckons him, knowing that he's looking for a great story and offering her own for him to use... but only if he can set her free first. He is successful, and wants to find a private place to talk, but being cooked up for so many years has
- Alias No information Origin No information Occupation No information Powers/Skills No information Hobby No information Goals No information Type of Villain No information Madeline appeared as an important character in The Tale of Apartment 214, an episode of the children's horror-series Are You Afraid of the Dark?She was notable for being both the antagonist and protagonist of the story and was one of the few villains in the series who was not completely evil, though she did have her moments.Madeline was the ghost of an old woman who lived in the titular apartment 214, she befriended a young girl named Stacy - who moved into the neighboring apartment with her mother following a split with her father.Madeline originally manifested herself as a kind and gentle woman with a mater
- Madeline is one of the hostesses under the employ of Central City's Madame Christmas and, as such, moonlights as part of the aforementioned madame's covert information network. In Chapter 69, she is seen passing information about the ongoings at Fort Briggs to Roy Mustang under cover of dating him. It appears that she is otherwise very social, as she opts to go shopping with friends after receiving payment from him for her trouble.
- She is the friend of Acorn, and she was hiding under his armor. Can be seen within Chivalry Contest pre-talking, in the Theater. Acorn plays with her, while noone watches (in the background). It appears that she maybe leading an invasion of Daventry during the Knight Tournaments, with Acorn as her champion. This is hinted by Acorn's comments of taking over and turning Daventry into a squirrel ally, turning it into a squirrel nation, and in victory everything that the light touches in Daventry would be hers. Still even in Acorn's loss, Graham befriends both Acorn and Madeleine and does become one of her allies.