Longshot's history is exactly the same as that of Earth-616's Longshot up until the Marvel NEW! relaunch.
After the divorce between him and Dazzler, he wondered if his luck had run out. It had nothing to do with this, but from a more powerful probability field manipulation making them break up. It was Domino, she had fallen in love with Longshot after her and Colossus broke up. She had put up with Longshot dating Dazzler for way to long and wound up making a move on him. He was flattered, but rejected the offer because he cared deeply for Dazzler, it wasn't until Dazzler started dating Colossus, that he became her boyfriend. Combined the two were able to have immense luck and it might be because of this that he was offered a place on the Avengers, but according to them, they drafted him because he has a lot of potential and just needs to have the right moment strike him to become a great man as well.