| - The Junkyard is an underground facility where the X-nelians once dumped their waste material, managed and disposed of by their Generator Guard Drone II. The facility was abandoned after the X-nelian War.
- This was possibly a general chat BBS from Houston, Texas that was online during the late 1980s. This article is a stub. You can help by [ expanding it].
- The Junkyard was where an Anomaly opened that led to Medieval London. A Dracorex came though the anomaly, as well as a knight named Sir William de Mornay.
- Junkyard is a dog. He's friendlier than his owner. He's still a dog, though.
- Junkyard a stage in Hill Climb Racing. It is the 22nd stage to be unlocked. The price to unlock it is 1,400,000 coins. The stage is available since 1.15 update.
- Junkyard is a junkyard in Springfield.
- The gate to the junkyard is opened by adding the missing pieces to the broken car near the gate, then pulling the lever in the engine bay. Batteries and fuel will be discharged by 10% and consumed by 1 liter or the carburetor will be broken! respectively when the gate is opened, but otherwise parts are not damaged, and may be removed from the car as soon as the gate begins to move.
- A junkyard located in Midtown. It is a medium-sized arena featured in Twisted Metal: Black.
- The Junkyard is a location in the game. Imaginary friends created by teens are mostly here. There is also A game that is located here. A mini game called When Junk Attacks. Much of the stuff there is damaged, yet players will still have to do chores in this location.
- The junkyard is a new kind of lot assignment in The Sims 3: Ambitions. There are two possible junkyard assignments, simply 'Junkyard', or otherwise 'Junkyard with no visitors'. Sims skilling up in the Inventing skill can collect scrap for their inventions, either by digging through junk piles or by detonating objects. Sims can also salvage regularly spawning burnt and broken objects. SimBots can also eat scrap at the junkyard.
- The Junkyard is a location in Lollipop Chainsaw, the site of Juliet Starling's battle with Zed, the first of the Dark Purveyors. It is filled with discarded cars and other now-useless machinery, as well as, for some reason, a stage. Juliet must negotiate a long, narrow pathway, battling zombies and breaking a way through, before she is able to confront her enemy.
- When the Locust invaded Halvo Bay, they attacked from all sides. A patrol of COG soldiers noticed the mass of Kryll pouring from the Angry Bear Waste Disposal Yard and what followed was one of the strangest battles of the war; in order to save the city, the COG found themselves defending (of all places) a junkyard. This lone patrol had to hold the Locust at bay until an HOD satellite could be aligned to seal off the E-Holes, permanently.
- The Junkyard is one of the City Hotspot locations found in Pawnee and is a landmark within Chicago in Watch Dogs.
- Junkyard (no real name known) is a member of the Empire City Guard. Then she spotted the War Wagon circling the Rockefeller Center buildings. She waited until Junkyard did (his? her? its?) trademark dramatic leap from the hovering vehicle (with its usual damage to the concrete). According to Jadis Diabolik, Junkyard is a ghost that was empowered by contact with the Fred Force, so that it could possess and animate technology. As a ghost, she apparently has no civil rights.
- This was a plastic pinball game with a silver ball about the size of a marble. There was only one row of targets across the top that were held in place with an elastic. When you hit one, the target would detach from its spot and pop up from the force of the elastic. Excellent game! This was a pinball type of game that had pictures of junkyard items (old tire, tools, etc) on pieces of plastic that attached to one end by rubber band. You would shoot a marble from one end and used pinball like flippers to hit the banded junkyard items.
- The Junkyard is a barren world whose inhabitants are divided into warring tribes. Each tribe controls a sector of the Junkyard; the entire Junkyard falls under the jurisdiction of the Karma Temple. It is revealed in the second game that the Junkyard was, at some point or another, actually a virtual paradise which Sera created where she could get away from the painful experiments she faced in the real world. After she witnesses Heat O'Brien's death by Serph Sheffield's hand, the Junkyard turned from the paradise which it was into something much more reminiscent of a hell. Many of the AIs in the Junkyard are based on her real world perception of the scientists and test subjects around her.
- Occasionally an entire space station became abandoned and a junkyard in itself, such as the Cardassian space station Empok Nor. The Qualor II Surplus Depot Z15 was a Federation junkyard that contained the hulks of numerous retired starships, along with at least two space stations. Among the identified vessels that were located at the depot were the Vulcan transport T'Pau, located at Section 18-Alpha-12, and the holding vessel USS Tripoli, located along the outer rim. (TNG: "Unification I" , "Unification II" )
- The Junkyard is a location in Crash: Mind Over Mutant, accessed through the desert. It is a large area inhabited by Sludges, Doom Monkeys, and strange flying bug-like vacuums all hunting down Crash on his mission to stop Doctor Cortex. Here, the remains of Doctor N. Gin's weapons/munitions factory act as the base of operations behind N. Brio's schemes and at the end of the level there is room with a wall of fire, two buzz saws on the upper left and right hand corner, and a conveyer belt that's producing large TNT crates. This is where the boss battle between N. Brio and Crunch takes place. Just like the non-brainwashed creatures of the Ratcicle Kingdom and the Wasteland, there are also non-brainwashed Sludges who were being terrorized by the other local Sludges and it was up to Crash and A
- Junkyards were places used for the disposal of waste. 76 Totter's Lane, where the First Doctor first encountered companions Ian Chesterton and Barbara Wright, was a junkyard. (TV: "An Unearthly Child") The friends later reminisced about that day, the Doctor saying, "It all started out as a mild curiosity in the junkyard, and now it's turned out to be quite a great spirit of adventure, don't you think?" (TV: "Strangers in Space") The wardrobe that caused fear and panic throughout London was in a junkyard. (TV: Fear Itself) File:StubTab.png
- Junkyard is the public face of Junkion commerce. When other civilizations come to buy used and refurbished components, more likely than not they find themselves opposite his cheerful patter and easy smile. Unlike most Junkions, whose non sequitur-laced speech pattern is virtually unintelligible to outsiders, Junkyard limits himself to references whose meaning remains clear even to the uninitiated, and has sometimes (when stressed) even been known to speak in plain English! When he does quote, it tends to be from commercials and infomercials.