| - We aim to have a US-based medium-sized (50-100 players) PvP-oriented Light RP clan with a reputation on our server as: - An intelligent, practiced, solid force on the PvP battlefield. - Honest and honorable players who are willing to protect and defend each other. - Solid in PvE aspects of the game. - Welcoming to both experienced and new casual roleplayers. - Able to maintain a balance between a casual and hardcore feel. We just call it "active". :) - Able to maintain a clan city with any necessary crafting buildings Our members’ interests do not end with PvP and roleplaying. We enjoy all aspects of MMO gaming, from one end of the spectrum to the other. This includes PvP battle, PvE questing, roleplaying, crafting, exploring, and socializing. Therefore, our clan will strive to maintain outlets for our members to participate in all these aspects of Age of Conan (by holding regular events, encouraging the formation of clan groups, and so forth). The Red Talon Riders believe in the philosophy that MMO gaming is “massively multi-player” for a reason, and we wish to take advantage of the social aspect of the game. Our goal is to create a tight-knit group of players willing to balance their own needs with the needs of our community. We are currently recruiting players who are looking for a well rounded guild that enjoys RP, but is relaxed enough in our approach that our members are free to experiment with their RP style. Most importantly, we are here to have fun, build friendships and a community that will continue on for a long time.