Technomage Phineus Fitzwilliam Deltrocket-Techspanner III, is 113 years old and the bastard son of Phineus Fitzwilliam Deltrocket II, a Gnome gunner, and Sheila Techspanner.
Technomage Phineus Fitzwilliam Deltrocket-Techspanner III, is 113 years old and the bastard son of Phineus Fitzwilliam Deltrocket II, a Gnome gunner, and Sheila Techspanner.
Technomage Phineus Fitzwilliam Deltrocket-Techspanner III, is 113 years old and the bastard son of Phineus Fitzwilliam Deltrocket II, a Gnome gunner, and Sheila Techspanner.