| - Mr. Janvier Kamundala the founder and president of CCC writes: "On 16th April 2016, I presented solar cookers at the Symposium organized by 'Programme d'accompagnement des étudiants' (PAE), a big event which united more than 250 people, among them students, and leaders of North Kivu, a province located in the Eastern of Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC). Students of my home university 'Université Libre des Pays des Grands Lacs ULPGL-Goma' were amazing with the solar cookers, and then I gathered some friends and we initiated together, the first youth project on solar cookers: Solar Cookers for Kivu. Six months later, we created an NGO: Congo Clean Cookers. Our aim is to promote and provide clean energy for cooking to the poorest ones. We also included other products: fireless cookers, briquettes and digesters. Cooking is essential as said Emma Casson: 'The more people are self-sufficient in cooking fuel, the more personal and financial freedom they have.' Through workshops and trainings, we bring clean energy solutions to people."