It must be nice being a new recruit. You get to go on wild adventures at your leisure, exploring parts of the world that haven't been seen in centuries. Well it's not all fun and games on my side of the desk. With all you new recruits signing up each day, it's making m work-load almost unbearable. The least you could do is run an errand for me. You think you can handle that? I would hope you could handle this. There's a Scout on the ground by the name of Lucas Hardy. Oh, you know him? well tell that friend of yours that he has an overdue maintenance bill for his float. Give him this bill and don't come back unless it's with his payment.
Lucas' debt is five Gold Bars! The quest given by Lucas immediately after this quest gives 50 Gold Ores as a refund, but the Firewood will not be compensated. It is possible to get the necessary Gold Bars in the Secret Room, so it's not necessary to use the Blast Furnace.