| - With the Org attack messed up due to the interference of the fake Master Org, Mandilok released two powerful Duke Orgs - a tank-themed Org named Artilla and a helicopter-themed Org named Helicos. They first escorted Mandilok to a Colosseum to consume the human food. When the Rangers appeared, the two Duke Orgs came in to protect their master and defeated them with shear power. With the Rangers out, Mandilok and the two Duke Orgs escaped. They later returned to the city, where Mandilok orders them to prepare two large buildings for "lunch", but before they could, they were stop by the young boy named Kite. The two Duke Orgs attacked Kite, but the boy kicked Helico's leg and ran off, causing the two Duke Orgs to give chase. They eventually cornered Kite, and Artilla was about to use his Cannon Shot on him until the Red Ranger came in on his Wild Force Rider and took the shot. Later the Yellow, Blue, Pink and Black Rangers came in their Wild Force Riders and blasted the two Duke Orgs, but they were still outmatched and the Orgs defeated them again, then escaped. Artilla and Helicos returned again, but this time the Rangers successful managed to capture the two Duke Orgs. The Blue and Back Rangers takes on Artilla and the Yellow and Pink Rangers take on Helicos, but even seperate, they were still more then a match for the Rangers, and they defeated them again, even with the aid of the Lunar Wolf Ranger. After Mandilok went after Princess Shayla and Kite, Merrick went after him. The Rangers ultimately acquired the upper hand, with Cole tieing up Helicos with Artilla's treads, which had been blown off, causing him to fall over due to the weight, and Danny holding down Artilla for Max to cut off Artilla's turret, leaving him powerless. Cole then destroyed Helicos with his Falcon Summoner Archer Mode while the other Rangers destroyed Artilla with the Jungle Sword. Toxica enlarge the two Duke Orgs, and the Rangers tried to summon the Wildforce Zords, but they weren't responding. Because of this, the two Duke Orgs easily overpowered the Rangers before Kite cleared away the clouds, allowing the Rangers to summon their Wildzords and form the Isis Megazord. They used the Giraffe Spear to bring Helicos down to the ground and then deployed the Isis Stare on the two Duke Orgs, freezing them in place, and with the Final Strike attack, the two Duke Orgs are destroyed once and for all.