My latest article. A work of art if I do say so myself. VFH, Here I come! The.original.joe.shmoe blahImage:Selfportrait.jpg
* 20-hit combo
* adjective
* adverb
* ad
* aerodynamics
* age
* air conditioner
* air
* airplane
* alcohol
* alfalfa
* algorithm
* alpaca sandwich
* amplifier
* anchovies
* angel
* anger
* animal
* answer
* antibacterial
* antibody
* antidisestablishmentarianist
* anvil
* anything
* ape
* apple juice
* apple
* applesauce
* apples
* arcade
* archangel
* arc welder
* armpit hair
* arthritis
* article
* asparagus
* Aspergers
* attorney
* Audi
* autobiography
* automobile
* aviator
* ax murderer
* bab
Attributes | Values |
| - Uncyclopedia:Pee Review/A&W
| - My latest article. A work of art if I do say so myself. VFH, Here I come! The.original.joe.shmoe blahImage:Selfportrait.jpg
* 20-hit combo
* adjective
* adverb
* ad
* aerodynamics
* age
* air conditioner
* air
* airplane
* alcohol
* alfalfa
* algorithm
* alpaca sandwich
* amplifier
* anchovies
* angel
* anger
* animal
* answer
* antibacterial
* antibody
* antidisestablishmentarianist
* anvil
* anything
* ape
* apple juice
* apple
* applesauce
* apples
* arcade
* archangel
* arc welder
* armpit hair
* arthritis
* article
* asparagus
* Aspergers
* attorney
* Audi
* autobiography
* automobile
* aviator
* ax murderer
* bab
| |
| - It isn't good. Work on it more.
| - It wasen't that good. Try to improve it.
| |
| |
| - The concept was original, but you think the most third evil thing in the world is a little bit to hard?
| |
| |
| - The humor sometimes had funny moments, but you got to work on it more. Its mostly stupid.
| |
| |
| - It wasen't good, it isn't that bad and has potential, but right now, it needs work. Thanks
| |
| |
| - My latest article. A work of art if I do say so myself. VFH, Here I come! The.original.joe.shmoe blahImage:Selfportrait.jpg
* 20-hit combo
* adjective
* adverb
* ad
* aerodynamics
* age
* air conditioner
* air
* airplane
* alcohol
* alfalfa
* algorithm
* alpaca sandwich
* amplifier
* anchovies
* angel
* anger
* animal
* answer
* antibacterial
* antibody
* antidisestablishmentarianist
* anvil
* anything
* ape
* apple juice
* apple
* applesauce
* apples
* arcade
* archangel
* arc welder
* armpit hair
* arthritis
* article
* asparagus
* Aspergers
* attorney
* Audi
* autobiography
* automobile
* aviator
* ax murderer
* babboon butt
* baby
* bachelor
* balloon
* ballroom
* bamboo
* banana
* band
* bank robbery
* barn
* baseball bat
* bass guitar
* bathtub
* bat
* bazooka
* beach ball
* beagle
* beans
* bear
* belfry
* belt
* bestiality
* bevel
* bikini
* bimbo
* bingo
* bishop
* bistro
* blah
* blanket
* blasphemy
* blender
* blimp
* blow-up doll
* bluejay
* boardwalk
* boar
* boat
* bollocks
* bomb
* book
* bottle
* bowling ball
* brand
* bread knife
* brickbat
* brick wall
* bridge
* brisket
* broadsword
* broom
* buddy
* buffalo
* Buick
* bum
* bunny
* businessman
* button
* cabinet
* cable
* cadaver
* Cadillac
* cake
* cake
* calculator
* camera
* candlestick
* can opener
* cardboard box
* card game
* carriage
* cartilage
* cartoon
* cartridge
* castle
* caterer
* cat
* cauldron
* CD
* cellphone
* cellulite
* centrifuge
* cheeseburger with a large fries and a coke, plus a kids meal
* cheese
* chessboard
* cheval-de-frise
* Chevrolet
* chiffon
* chisel
* chorus
* chromosome
* Chuck Norris impersonator
* chump
* cigarette
* cinderblock
* claptrap
* classified document
* clavichord
* clavicle
* clever trick
* cliff
* clitoris
* clock
* cob
* cockgoblin
* cockroach
* cod
* codpeice
* codswallop
* comma
* communist
* computer
* conspiracy
* content
* contraband
* contradiction
* cookie cutter
* copyist
* copypasta
* corndog
* couch potato
* council of national reconstruction
* cowbell
* cow
* crab cake
* critter
* crusher
* crystal
* cubicle
* cucumber
* cuddly toy
* curry
* custard
* cutlass
* cutting board
* Daewoo
* daffodil
* daydream
* dead flounder
* death
* death plane
* deity of personal preference
* Democrat
* devaporiser
* deviant
* diamond
* dictator
* diesel engine
* diet coke
* diet mouthwash
* diet pill
* diode
* disaster
* discussion
* dishrag
* dishwasher
* DJ
* document
* dog house
* dog
* dollhouse
* dolly
* dominatrix
* domino
* dongle
* Doppelgänger
* dot
* drain cleaner
* driptray
* Dunmer
* dyslexia
* dystopia
* earlobe
* ectoplasm
* eel
* egg
* electric toothbrush
* electrified mocha chinchilla
* electron
* elephant
* elf
* encyclopedia
* engraving
* entropy
* equestrian
* escape pod
* espresso
* etch-a-sketch
* etching
* event
* Evil Illuminati Adolf Hitler Clone Society
* evil secret Canadian mind-control device
* excrement
* exhaust pipe
* exit sign
* extension cord
* facepalm
* faceplant
* factoid
* factory
* fantasy
* fat
* fealty
* feces
* feng shui
* fiasco
* fib
* fiddle
* fire hydrant
* fistula
* flagella
* flan
* flap
* flatulence
* flightdeck
* fluorescent light
* foible
* Ford Pinto
* forest
* fork
* fountain
* freedom fighter
* fritter
* frying pan
* funeral
* Furby
* furnace
* furry
* galleon
* Game Boy
* gamelan
* garbage bin
* gasoline
* gas tank
* Gatsby
* Geiger counter
* gelato
* General Tso's kitten
* glass orb
* glucose
* glue
* glycerin
* Goblin Glider
* goose egg
* gork
* governor
* graffiti
* Green Lantern ring
* grue
* guide
* guillotine
* guitar
* gun
* guru
* gymnasium
* gyroscope
* hadron
* hailstone
* hairball
* hallway
* handstand
* harpsichord
* helm
* heretic
* hero
* hideout
* high-powered laser rifle
* hitman
* hobgoblin
* holster
* Holy Martian Empire
* home theater system
* homology
* homotopy
* Honda
* horse
* hose
* hostel
* hot dog
* hotel
* houseplant
* hovel
* hub cap
* Hyakugojyuuichi!!
* hybrid engine
* Hyundai
* ice skate
* icicle
* idiot
* igloo
* igneous protrusion
* imitation fake vomit
* impetus
* infinity
* insanity
* iPod
* jeans
* jellybean
* jelly
* Juffo-Wup
* juice
* jungle
* kakistocracy
* kamikaze
* katzenjammer
* keyboard
* killer whale
* Kirby
* kitten chow mein
* kitten
* kitten piccata
* kitten pot pie<
* knickknack
* Kodak
* Kremling
* kumquat
* l33t h4x0r
* lasagna
* lava
* lawnmower
* league
* leaking roof
* leash
* lemming
* lemon
* lens
* lentil soup
* leukemia
* library
* liger
* lighting
* limited edition, gold plated, autographed rabbi
* lint
* linux
* lipmusic
* liquidation
* liquid goo
* lisp
* lithium
* llama
* lobby
* lobster
* lockpick
* lollipop
* loser
* love
* lowbrow
* lubricant
* lucky bastard
* luggage
* lumber
* lunch
* mad axe-murderer
* magma
* mammary gland
* mandate
* marshmallow
* Mazda
* melanoma
* memo
* mesothelioma
* Mexican wave
* microcosm
* microscope
* microwave
* MIDI controller
* milk
* milquetoast
* minecart
* minefield
* Minolta
* Mitsubishi
* mitten
* mongoose
* monkey
* monoclonal antibody
* monorail
* monster
* mop
* mountain
* mouse
* mouth
* muffinface
* muffin
* muff
* mug
* muskrat
* mycobacterium
* neck
* needle
* neurotoxin
* neverland
* newspaper
* nexus
* ninja
* Nintendo
* nitrogen
* nob
* noseblower
* nostalgia
* nostril
* noun
* nuclear reactor
* nuke
* number
* nystagmus
* ocean
* octohedron
* octopus
* oddball
* okra
* Oldsmobile
* ooze
* operating system
* operating theater
* option
* orc
* osmosis
* osteoporosis
* ostrich egg
* ovary
* oven
* ox
* oxygen
* Pac-Man
* padlock
* paedophile
* page
* pantleg
* paperclip
* paper
* pastry
* paycheck
* peach
* peacock
* peanut
* pea soup
* peat moss
* pedophile
* pencil
* penis
* pen
* period
* person
* pervert
* petroglyph
* philanthropist
* philosopher
* pie
* pile of flaming horse feces
* pill
* pillow
* piñata
* pine cone
* pizzle
* plague
* plasma cannon
* plastic
* plate
* PlayStation
* Pokémon
* politician
* polyethylene
* Pontiac
* poodle
* pool table
* pork chop
* possibility
* potato masher
* potato
* president-for-life
* prostate
* prostitute
* pumpkin
* Pyrex
* queen
* queer
* question mark
* quetzal
* quickloader
* quote
* rabbit
* raccoon
* racket
* raid
* railing
* rain meter
* rake
* ramen noodle
* rape>
* read-only memory
* redwood
* reindeer
* Republican
* respiratory system
* ribaldry
* ricer
* Rick James
* rickroll
* riddle
* riffraff
* rifle
* ripple
* riverbank
* road
* rocket
* rock
* rollerblade
* rope
* roundhouse kick
* round house
* rubber duck
* rucksack
* sacrifice
* salad fork
* sarcoma
* sarcophagus
* sceptre
* scroll
* sea bass
* search engine
* Sega
* shank
* shark
* sheep
* showdown
* skull
* snake
* snowflake
* Soliton radar
* Sony
* soundboard
* space
* Sparta
* speaker
* spermicide
* spoon
* spork
* squibble
* squid
* stampede
* stamp
* stapler
* station wagon
* statue
* steak dinner
* steak knife
* stick
* stool sample
* street sign
* stripper
* Subaru
* suicidal lemming
* suicide bomber
* Suzuki
* sweet and sour chicken
* Swiss cheese
* Taahgaarxian
* tadpole
* tank
* Tanner Thompson
* teabag
* telephone
* tempest
* temple
* ten-foot pole
* tennis racket
* terracotta
* terrorist
* Texas toast
* thong
* thumbtack
* tire
* tit
* titty
* toaster
* toboggan
* tofu
* tomato
* tong
* tooth
* toothpick
* Toyota
* tractor
* treehouse
* treetop
* truffle
* t-shirt
* tube
* Turing machine
* turkey sandwich
* tuxedo
* tyrant
* US Navy aircraft carrier
* Utility Muffin Research Kitchen
* vector field
* verb
* vertigo
* virus
* Volkswagen
* Volvo
* vomit
* vortex
* vulva
* waffle
* wall
* waterfall
* watermelon
* Weltschmerz
* whereabouts
* whip
* Wii
* xanthochroi
* Xbox
* xenomorph
* xylophone
* yellow submarine
* YouTube Poop
* zebra
* Zelda
* zipper
* zoot suit
* Zork
* zygote !! 02:50, 3 December 2008 (UTC) Coming up. --Nachlader 09:21, 5 December 2008 (UTC)