Adventure Time: Re-Awakened is a sequel to the original. The story takes place right after the events of the original setting 3 years later, with President Nightmare and his company gone, Mobius is finally free from the inslavery for 400 decades. However, things are not quite good as Nightmare survived in a new black armor with a more darker voice similar to Darth Vader and conquers another city called Mega-Townopolis (Populated by Robots and Androids). So is up to Finn and the Mushroom Squad, along with Pac-Man joining the group and three new members that will be introduced in later seasons must stop Nightmare's schemes once again, however this caused a 5 year war led by the Warlock (That's actually his real name) when Nightmare accepting the idea and partners with him.
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| - Adventure Time: Re-Awakened
| - Adventure Time: Re-Awakened is a sequel to the original. The story takes place right after the events of the original setting 3 years later, with President Nightmare and his company gone, Mobius is finally free from the inslavery for 400 decades. However, things are not quite good as Nightmare survived in a new black armor with a more darker voice similar to Darth Vader and conquers another city called Mega-Townopolis (Populated by Robots and Androids). So is up to Finn and the Mushroom Squad, along with Pac-Man joining the group and three new members that will be introduced in later seasons must stop Nightmare's schemes once again, however this caused a 5 year war led by the Warlock (That's actually his real name) when Nightmare accepting the idea and partners with him.
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| - Adventure Time: Re-Awakened is a sequel to the original. The story takes place right after the events of the original setting 3 years later, with President Nightmare and his company gone, Mobius is finally free from the inslavery for 400 decades. However, things are not quite good as Nightmare survived in a new black armor with a more darker voice similar to Darth Vader and conquers another city called Mega-Townopolis (Populated by Robots and Androids). So is up to Finn and the Mushroom Squad, along with Pac-Man joining the group and three new members that will be introduced in later seasons must stop Nightmare's schemes once again, however this caused a 5 year war led by the Warlock (That's actually his real name) when Nightmare accepting the idea and partners with him.