| - Meghan Markle is an actress who plays FBI Special Agent Amy Jessup on Fringe.
- Meghan Markle (born Rachel Meghan Markle) is an American actress and fashion model who plays Charlotte Boyd on Castle.
- Rachel Meghan Markle (born August 4, 1981) is an American fashion model, spokesmodel, and actress. She stars as Rachel Zane on the USA legal drama Suits. She is formerly the model who held case #24 on the US version of the television game show Deal or No Deal and also played FBI special agent Amy Jessup in FOX's sci-fi thriller Fringe.
- thumb|240px|rightMeghan Markle ist eine amerikanische Schauspielerin die in Fringe Amy Jessup spielt. Sie wurde am 4. August 1981 in Los Angeles geboren.
- Markle wurde 1981 in Los Angeles geboren. Ihre Mutter arbeitete in einem Reisebüro, ihr Vater, Thomas W. Markle, arbeitete unter anderem als Lichtregisseur für "Eine schrecklich nette Familie (Married with Children)". Meghan Markle wuchs so mehrere Jahre am Set auf. Nach Abschluss des Colleges mit dem Hauptfach Englisch studierte sie an der Northwestern University Theater undInternationale Beziehungen. Daraufhin arbeitete sie für einige Monate in der US-Botschaft in Buenos Aires in der sie bereits während ihres Studiums ein Praktikum hatte.
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| - Meghan Markle is an actress who plays FBI Special Agent Amy Jessup on Fringe.
- Markle wurde 1981 in Los Angeles geboren. Ihre Mutter arbeitete in einem Reisebüro, ihr Vater, Thomas W. Markle, arbeitete unter anderem als Lichtregisseur für "Eine schrecklich nette Familie (Married with Children)". Meghan Markle wuchs so mehrere Jahre am Set auf. Nach Abschluss des Colleges mit dem Hauptfach Englisch studierte sie an der Northwestern University Theater undInternationale Beziehungen. Daraufhin arbeitete sie für einige Monate in der US-Botschaft in Buenos Aires in der sie bereits während ihres Studiums ein Praktikum hatte. Während Markle ihre Heimat Los Angeles besuchte, wurde ein Schauspiel-Agent auf sie aufmerksam. 2002 hatte sie mit einer Folge in der ABC-Seifenoper "General Hospital" ihr Fernsehdebüt. Es folgten weitere kleine Auftritte in Fernsehserien sowie Nebenrollen in einigen Filmen. 2007 war Markle als Model in vier Folgen der Fernseh-Spielshow "Deal or No Deal" zu sehen. Daraufhin hatte Markle erste wiederkehrende Rollen in Serien wie "90210" als Wendy und in "Fringe – Grenzfälle des FBI(Fringe)" als Amy Jessup. Ab 2008 spielte sie in Pilotfolgen fünf verschiedener Fernsehserien mit, die jedoch alle nicht in Auftrag gegeben wurden. Darunter etwa der ABC-Pilot "Good Behavior", in dem auch ihr späterer Suits-Kollege Patrick J. Adams mitwirkte. Erst mit "Suits" wurde Markle für einen erfolgreichen Pilot gecastet. Seit 2011 wird die in Toronto gedrehte Anwaltsserie auf USA Network ausgestrahlt. Markle spielt in der Serie die hilfsbereite Anwaltsgehilfin Rachel Zane, die der Hauptperson Mike Ross, dargestellt durch Patrick J. Adams, bald näher kommt. Die Serie läuft mittlerweile auf Englisch in der sechsten Staffel. Markle heiratete im September 2011 den Talent-Manager Trevor Engelson Im August 2013 trennte sich das Paar. Am 8. November 2016 ließ Prinz Harry of Wales sein Pressesekretariat eine Verlautbarung herausgeben, in der Markle als seine Freundin (girlfriend) bezeichnet wurde und der Umgang der Presse mit der Beziehung kritisiert wurde.
- Meghan Markle (born Rachel Meghan Markle) is an American actress and fashion model who plays Charlotte Boyd on Castle.
- Born and raised in Los Angeles, California to an African-American mother and a Dutch and Irish descent father, who is a retired photography director. In high school, Meghan was not a pageant girl but was Homecoming Queen and was also the very first in her family to graduate college, she is an alumna of Northwestern University where she graduated with a double major in Theater and International Relations. After college, she worked for the U.S. Embassy in Buenos Aires in the Public Affairs Department and would eventually love to go back to school for her Master's in International Diplomacy. Markle's acting career began unexpectedly when she was discovered at a party after her friend gave a manager a copy of Meghan's film in college to view. To support herself between acting jobs, Meghan worked as a freelance calligrapher. One of her first TV roles was appearing as an extra on a 2002 episode of the soap opera General Hospital and from there, she went on the land guest starring roles on various shows including Without a Trace, Knight Rider, 90210, CSI: NY, and Castle. She has also landing supporting roles in the movies A Lot Like Love, opposite Ashton Kutcher and Amanda Peet and Horrible Bosses opposite Jennifer Aniston, Jason Bateman, and Jason Sudeikis. In 2006, Meghan made to the move to TV Game Show world, appearing as one of the Briefcase Models during Season two of NBC's Deal or No Deal. She first stood beside Briefcase #11 (regularly held by Katie Cleary) for two episodes before moving up to Briefcase #24. Meghan's stay in the Game Show world was a short one, she parted ways with Deal or No Deal mid-way through the second season to focus on her modeling and acting career as Briefcase #24 was permanently taken over by newcomer Kelly Brannigan. Markle was previously married to Trevor Engelson, they began dating in 2004 and married on September 10, 2011. They divorced May 2013. Today, Meghan continues on with her acting and modeling career. She currently appears as Rachel Zane on the USA legal drama Suits, a role she's been playing since July 2011. She is also a self-proclaimed foodie, which was incorporated into the Rachel Zane character. She is also the founder of The TIG, "a hub for the discerning palate--those with a hunger for food, travel, fashion & beauty". The project aims "to create a space to share all of these loves--to invite friends to share theirs as well, and to be the breeding ground for ideas & excitement--for an inspired lifestyle" and it's website features food, travel, fashion, beauty, and "influencers". Aside from her acting and charity work, Meghan enjoys cooking and is known to be a Scrabble fanatic.
- Rachel Meghan Markle (born August 4, 1981) is an American fashion model, spokesmodel, and actress. She stars as Rachel Zane on the USA legal drama Suits. She is formerly the model who held case #24 on the US version of the television game show Deal or No Deal and also played FBI special agent Amy Jessup in FOX's sci-fi thriller Fringe.
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