| - Voit aloittaa ansiopäiväkirjan linnan pohjoispuoleisesta talosta puhumalla Explorerille.
- A Lumbridge/Draynor Tasklist ingyenes és fizetős játékosok számára is elérhető feladatokat tartalmaz, melyeknek helyszíne Lumbridge illetve Draynor. A feladatok lényegében kezdő játékosok számára lettek készítve,hogy így jobban megismerjék a játékot. Ezek a feladatok 4 csoportból állnak: Beginner,Easy,Medium,Hard + van pár feladat, amelyik egy csoporta sem tartozik. Ez így összesen 133 feladatot jelent. Jobb oldalon láthatod a teljes lista elvégzéséhez szükséges képességeket. Az NPC menüpont alatt láthatod a feladatokban szereplő NPC-k listáját, ha esetleg nem találnál meg valakit.
- These tasks are slightly different from other tasks in RuneScape, as it is geared towards low to mid-level players, so it is divided into task sets, namely - Beginner Tasks, Easy Tasks, Medium Tasks and Hard Tasks (rather than Easy, Medium, Hard and Elite). There are rewards in gold coins and experience bonuses (total of 12,000 experience points). However, the most significant benefit (for free players) in completing these task sets is getting the Explorer's Ring. The ring is tiered from level 1 to 4 and its abilities increase with each level. After each task set is completed, the ring will be upgraded to the next tier. It is possible to finish other tasks and get the coin rewards, but the lower-level tasks must be completed before the higher-tiered rings and experience lamps will become a
- Lumbridge and Draynor Diary er en av de så langt 8 Achievement Diaryene. Lumbridge and Draynor Diary var den 3. Achievement Diaryen som kom og den eneste som er tilgjengelig for F2P-spillere. Denne Achievement Diaryener er delt opp i Beginner, Easy, Medium og Hard tasks. For å kunne få premien for Medium tasks, må man ha gjort både Beginner og Easy tasks. Så det ikke noe vits å begynne rett på de vanskligste.
| - Voit aloittaa ansiopäiväkirjan linnan pohjoispuoleisesta talosta puhumalla Explorerille.
- These tasks are slightly different from other tasks in RuneScape, as it is geared towards low to mid-level players, so it is divided into task sets, namely - Beginner Tasks, Easy Tasks, Medium Tasks and Hard Tasks (rather than Easy, Medium, Hard and Elite). There are rewards in gold coins and experience bonuses (total of 12,000 experience points). However, the most significant benefit (for free players) in completing these task sets is getting the Explorer's Ring. The ring is tiered from level 1 to 4 and its abilities increase with each level. After each task set is completed, the ring will be upgraded to the next tier. It is possible to finish other tasks and get the coin rewards, but the lower-level tasks must be completed before the higher-tiered rings and experience lamps will become available. For example, if a player were to complete the Medium Tasks first, Ned would not reward them with the explorer's ring 3 until they had completed the Beginner and Easy task sets. You can use the tables below as checklists to guide you. A walkthrough is also available. To complete the entire Lumbridge and Draynor Tasks (from Beginner to Hard), you will need the stats shown at the right. You also need to be able to kill a Giant rat and Zombie. Skill pures cannot complete 'Ease of Access', 'Blast and Hellfire', and 'Gods, Give Me Strength' due to the 59 Magic and 45 Prayer requirements, limiting them to completion of the Easy Tasks and explorer's ring 2. Note: The Assist System cannot be used for any of these tasks. Temporary boosts can. Items in the toolbelt are not listed.
- A Lumbridge/Draynor Tasklist ingyenes és fizetős játékosok számára is elérhető feladatokat tartalmaz, melyeknek helyszíne Lumbridge illetve Draynor. A feladatok lényegében kezdő játékosok számára lettek készítve,hogy így jobban megismerjék a játékot. Ezek a feladatok 4 csoportból állnak: Beginner,Easy,Medium,Hard + van pár feladat, amelyik egy csoporta sem tartozik. Ez így összesen 133 feladatot jelent. Jobb oldalon láthatod a teljes lista elvégzéséhez szükséges képességeket. Az NPC menüpont alatt láthatod a feladatokban szereplő NPC-k listáját, ha esetleg nem találnál meg valakit.
- Lumbridge and Draynor Diary er en av de så langt 8 Achievement Diaryene. Lumbridge and Draynor Diary var den 3. Achievement Diaryen som kom og den eneste som er tilgjengelig for F2P-spillere. Denne Achievement Diaryener er delt opp i Beginner, Easy, Medium og Hard tasks. For å kunne få premien for Medium tasks, må man ha gjort både Beginner og Easy tasks. Så det ikke noe vits å begynne rett på de vanskligste. Før du kan begynne å gjøre de forskjellige oppgavene må man snakke med Explorer Jack som er nord for Lumbridge castle, i et hus som er markert med den grønne Achievement Diary stjernen Bilde:Green_Icon.png på minimapet
- These tasks are slightly different from other tasks in RuneScape, as it is geared towards low to mid-level players, so it is divided into task sets, namely - Beginner Tasks, Easy Tasks, Medium Tasks and Hard Tasks (rather than Easy, Medium, Hard and Elite). There are rewards in gold coins and experience bonuses (total of 12,000 experience points). However, the most significant benefit (for free players) in completing these task sets is getting the Explorer's Ring. The ring is tiered from level 1 to 4 and its abilities increase with each level. After each task set is completed, the ring will be upgraded to the next tier. It is possible to finish other tasks and get the coin rewards, but the lower-level tasks must be completed before the higher-tiered rings and experience lamps will become available. For example, if a player were to complete the Medium Tasks first, Ned would not reward them with the explorer's ring 3 until they had completed the Beginner and Easy task sets. You can use the tables below as checklists to guide you. A walkthrough is also available. To complete the entire Lumbridge and Draynor Tasks (from Beginner to Hard), you will need the stats shown at the right. You also need to be able to kill a Giant rat and Zombie. Skill pures cannot complete 'Ease of Access', 'Blast and Hellfire', and 'Gods, Give Me Strength' due to the 59 Magic and 45 Prayer requirements, limiting them to completion of the Easy Tasks and explorer's ring 2. The Assist System cannot be used for any of these tasks. Temporary boosts can. Items on the tool belt are not listed.