Quark often enjoyed replicated millipede juice, sans the shells, at breakfast. (DS9: "Prophet Motive")
Millipede juice was a popular Ferengi beverage, made from millipedes, available at Quark's on Deep Space 9's Promenade. (ST reference: Star Trek Cookbook) Quark enjoyed millipede juice, usually without the shells. (DS9 episode: "Prophet Motive", DS9 novel: The Fall of Terok Nor)
Quark often enjoyed replicated millipede juice, sans the shells, at breakfast. (DS9: "Prophet Motive")
Millipede juice was a popular Ferengi beverage, made from millipedes, available at Quark's on Deep Space 9's Promenade. (ST reference: Star Trek Cookbook) Quark enjoyed millipede juice, usually without the shells. (DS9 episode: "Prophet Motive", DS9 novel: The Fall of Terok Nor)