| - Tokenboards are neck items for Clan and Omni-Tek characters. Neutrals cannot earn tokens. Tokenboards store the tokens you receive from completing Missions and some Rubi-Ka Quests. Most tokens are earned in missions. Missions reward you with an item, XP and/or money and sometimes a token. In order to receive a token for a mission, you must kill a certain amount of the mobs in the mission. Killing all of the mobs gives you a 100% chance of receiving a token. You have a lesser chance of receiving a token if you kill fewer mobs. You will know when you have a chance of receiving a token and what percentage of a chance you have because a message will appear along with your XP for a kill, telling you this. This message only appears after you have killed a threshold number of mobs. This number varies from mission to mission. Until you receive this message, you have no chance of receiving a token. The token that you receive is a single icon that appears in your inventory. When you right-click on the token, it will update your token board with however many tokens you will recieve for your level (see below). Remember, Security Cams, Turrets, Frightened Rollerrats and Garbage Salamanders can give you extra % of token chance. They are not normal mobs, but kind of "extras", so for each extra killed you can miss one regular mission mob. It can be handy sometimes. Image:246125.png If a tokenboard is not available for some reason (being Neutral, Shade or just bored of missions), Collar Casero de la Cripta is a decent option. Image:244719.pngExperimental Cyborg Token Board is another option for level 190+ and also adds 25 to treatment.